newly diagnosed with paroxysmal AFib. On sotalol 80 twice a day. Working ok. But I am feeling v anxious with mild depression due to diagnosis. Wondering if anyone on antidepressants along with sotalol? Just feel I need something to help with the anxiety and low mood.
antidepressant with sotalol - Atrial Fibrillati...
antidepressant with sotalol

Hi Amalficox.
Ask your doctor about sertraline. I suggest a small dose due to the fact higher doses can affect your AFib. About 50mg a day should hit the spot but your doctor is the best person to discuss this with.
Rgds Paul
Hiya again Amalficox.
I can see you have just this very minute joined the forum ~ Welcome!!!
So you're a newbie and anxious after just being diagnosed with AFib, are you? You'll still be a newbie by the end of today but you won't feel quite so anxious ~ forum members will see to that. I have some work to do, so will dipping in and out of the thread.
So tell me what are you anxious about? Let's get this one sorted out a little shall we😉
Rgds Paul ">
Thanks for reply. Just anxious in general about having something not right about heart but have spoken to GP and she assured me I don’t have heart failure, all my test results scans etc etc were good my bp is good. On sotalol and apixaban just therapeutic doses as I’m only Paroxysmal a fib. Twice in past year. Meds making me feel tired and slightly nauseous. On them for past 2 months. Feeling low in general as good friend just diagnosed with terminal cancer don’t know whether that’s the reason for low mood. Wondered about sertraline with sotalol. When I googled it ( I know!) it says can be dangerous. But I know I shouldn’t be googling. Onwards and upwards as they say.
Hi and Welcome. It’s perfectly normal to feel low, anxious and bewildered on being newly diagnosed. Sounds as though your GP is up to speed - hope they are monitoring your bloods? Normal to have Full Blood Test every 6-12 months.
I have had Paroxysmall AF for about 20 years now, I have felt pretty terrible at times, especially on the meds which for me was worse than the symptoms of AF! Anticoagulant is first line prophylactic treatment to lower your risk of stroke but rarely causes side effects, the Sotalol, being a beta blocker is the more likely culprit. You can talk to your specialist about changing meds to see if something else may suit you better.
May I suggest that you head over to the AFA website and read all you can, google can be helpful, you can also scare yourself! AFA offers good information from trusted sources
Any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Hi Amalficox
I'm pleased your GP has said you haven't got heart failure. If you have, it's not as bad as it sounds. It's the wrong thing to call it. It's 'click bait', which in tech terms means it 'grabs' your attention.
HF simply means your heart is not pumping blood as effectively as it should. Meds can help with this ~ It doesn't mean your heart has failed, and you're going to die.
Your test results all sound very positive✅
Wondered about sertraline with sotalol. When I googled it ( I know!) it says can be dangerous.
Bad move! Don't Google for medical advice ~ ask your doctor.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. This will affect your low mood. All you can do is be there to support him/her and go along to hospital appointments, etc.
Anything else we can help with?
Rgds Paul
Hi I am on Setraline and also Sotolol 80mg.twice a day as I have anxiety and it has really worked my very well controlled with the Sotolol I have had A.Fib.about 12 years was put on Sotolol about 6 years ago and really settled things but due to family issues I was put on Setraline 4 years ago and I have never looked back.Go see your doctor please and discuss how your feeling. Good Luck. Sandra..xx
Why not try meditation, mindfulness or slow breathing exercises rather than resort to drugs which might have nasty side effects.
I struggle with anxiety and depression and I am also on Sotalol. Unfortunately there are no antidepressants that are 'totally safe' with Sotalol, one of the biggest drawbacks of this drug is the tablets/medication you can't take with it. My GP has just prescribed mertaziapine which is safer with anticoagulants (also need to be careful with these) but still has some risk with increasing heart rate. I haven't started it yet but will give it a try. I think benefits need to weighed up against risk as with any drug
hello Amalfifax, I have taken sotalol for at least 24 years, I was prescribed Sertraline as an anti depressant but stopped taking it recently for other reasons.
Tonight I take my first dose of Apixaban after being told to come off of Warfarin,
Can’t say I was depressed but as you are a newbie to sotalol could be that you are fretting about your condition without realising it, give it time my friend .
I am 85 and don’t think about it much, was diagnosed in 2004 still have my feet on this planet.
Good luck to you,
I take Sotalol. There are a lot of drugs that react with it. If you go onto the N.I.C.E. website, you will find a list of drugs that interact with it. I keep the list on my phone along with the list of drugs interactions with the Edoxaban and Atorvastatin I also take, then when I’ve been given a new drug, or want an over the counter one, I can check it’s ok first. The Doctors don’t always check for drug interactions.It’s not easy to come to terms with having AFib, but get as much information as you can about it. They have some good information leaflets on the health unlocked website and the people on here are very helpful. Someone will always answer any question you ask. Try not to worry too much, I know it’s easier said than done. I find Hypnotherapy a lot better than taking antidepressents. Might be worth trying first. You can usually find one near you, if you search for it on the internet.
It seems you have already had warnings about this combination of drugs, but also reports of more benign experiences.
As you are a new member, for info purposes only, as it's always best to consult medical experts, I find the site useful for assessing potential interactions between drugs. Here's the results for the 2 drugs you mentioned ...
Good luck.