I have taken warfarin for 24 years, my consultant has changed me to Apixaban which I have not started yet.
Has anyone had any problems swapping over or have any tips for me.
I am an 85 year old female.
Any tips would be appreciated.
I have taken warfarin for 24 years, my consultant has changed me to Apixaban which I have not started yet.
Has anyone had any problems swapping over or have any tips for me.
I am an 85 year old female.
Any tips would be appreciated.
Hiya Hatten28,
Similar to my story, I'm 80. I was first put on Warfarin in January 2010 when my AF was diagnosed. ( my other meds were, Bisoprolol, Statins, Ramipril ... and later Felodopine ). When I retired and moved down to Cornwall my new ( youngish ) GP tried to get me off Warfarin onto one of these NOAC's - her drug of choice was Edoxaban. I kept refusing. I self test my own INR with my own device and am quite competant, as my INR Clinic will confirm.
One time in November 2023 I developed another medical condition and this gave my GP to chance to have her wicked, wicked way with me. She told me that the best thing to treat this was another medication ( name I can't remember ) but this requires me to come off Warfarin and go to ............... wait for it ............... Edoxaban. Now that was a surprise .... wannit ?
I did her bidding but by April 2024 I was experiencing the most, vile, horrid, and sleep disturbing nightmares you could ever imagine. My sleep loss was beyond anyones understanding. I then wrote an fairly aggressive, short tempered letter to my GP, fully explaining my experiences and that I planned to return to Warfarin and self testing. No if's, but's or maybes !! I also made it abundantly clear I was not prepared to use Apixaban, or the other two newbie drugs (names I've forgotten).
Sometimes ya just got to make a stand and put these people in their place. Whatever you choose, I hope it all works out well for you, Clearly, I do not plan to come off Warfarin anytime soon. If it ain't broke, don't fix it !!