Can someone please point me to the rule about posting links? I understand they’re not allowed for advertising but I can’t find anything about research links?
It’s probably staring me in the face and I just can’t see it! Thanks.
Can someone please point me to the rule about posting links? I understand they’re not allowed for advertising but I can’t find anything about research links?
It’s probably staring me in the face and I just can’t see it! Thanks.
You need to send your post with link to an admin for approval, I believe.
I haven’t done this but put a search term into my post, instead.
Hi FF.
I'm the same as Steve.
You should contact admin for approval to post a link. I did it once on a Friday and didn't hear back until the Monday or Tuesday. I'm not being funny but I just can't be bothered. If a link was very misleading or incorrect other members would soon correct it or report it to admin.
Now I just use keywords for forum members to Google. It takes you to the same article but of course there is no direct link.
Rgds Paul
PS. It's a shame as I found some very useful links and didn't bother posting them. I think forum members would have found the information very helpful.
It's because of these so called "RULES" that I just can't be bothered faffing around with Admin. I have my own information, for my survival, and it stays with me.
As an aged, mature adult, I love not being trusted.
Ben wrote:
It's because of these so called "RULES" that I just can't be bothered faffing around with Admin
I agree.
I think forum members miss out on helpful information because of these rules. I asked Tracy if I could post a link to my website for a blog post about AFib. I offered to donate 100% of any profit made to AFA if a forum member used it to buy something. It wasn't Tracy's fault but she said it would have to get approval from the 'medical team'. It took weeks for them to get back to me. The blog post is good and covers most of AFib and treatments etc. They said no because other members might see it as self-promotion. I fully understand that...I really do. If you want to read it DM me and I'll let you know where to find it. I could tell you now using keywords but I won't - in a way, it could be seen as self-promotion.
#Admin - I suggest that admin review this no-linking rule without prior consent - certainly to medical journals.
Rgds Paul
ForensicFairy It was posted by Admin sometime ago. If you can search for Forum Rules it may be there. As mentioned, best to contact admin for a copy of the rule and ask permission to post a link.
Sad thing is links from authorized studies/information require permission but AI can be posted at will.
Thanks all. I’m not debating the merits of the rule, I just can’t see it written anywhere. I’ve looked at the forum rules and can’t see anything which says you need to get permission to post research links.
The rule indicates that links which advertise need permission, not links to research or studies as part of a discussion. See image.
Perhaps it just needs more clarity from admin that they’re referring to ALL links regardless of context?
I appreciate both sides here. Social media often encourages posting of links and certainly AI adds a whole new dimension to this.
I value this website because it aims to support people with AFib ( and other health conditions) to share without getting into some of the disruptive dynamics that many social media platforms do.
My sense is that the platform could usefully have a feature to make this process simpler and slicker. That would ease the admin role. How that is done would require care.
Such a feature could be very helpful in many social media platforms, especially where influencers can post to thousands and millions with misinformation.
So, the current situation is a pragmatic decision, but worth exploring more.
The problem began a few years ago when a troublesome member started posting links which were missleading, extremely biased and generally not helpful to the group causing many complaints. Thankfully they eventually lost interest in their game and left but the rule remains..
Morning Bob.
You get Bad Actors on any forum. It's a shame other members have to lose out because of one persons actions.
Rgds Paul
I actually think it is a useful rule and can't see how anybody looses out if they follow it Paul. Nothing worth reading can't wait.
Well it's to do with the timing. I don't go back and read posts from previous days, so I will be missing all those replies that include relevant links but are delayed by Admin for several days. That's why Forum members are "giving up" sharing the relevant research they have found. Surely this is a big loss to our Forum.
I am not even allowed to quote the free phone number provided by the BHF to speak to a Cardiac Nurse because Admin said I was promoting an outside business. Doh!
Hi Bob.
Exactly. I replied to BobD before I read your post. I echoed your thoughts fully.
Rgds Paul
What? including the British Heart Foundation free cardiac nurse phone service? I even explained to Admin that I have to pay £0.35p per min on my PAYG SIM card for local calls, so cannot afford to use HU's local rate service. I actually need the BHF free service as some others on the Forum also must, but that cut no ice with Admin. No advertising outside "businesses" apparently. Go figure! It makes absolutely no sense to me.
Hi Bob.
I'm not so sure. Many regular members on the forum don't bother with the process of going through admin to get 'approval'. I'm in that camp because it's so much easier just to copy and paste a link rather than sending it to admin/waiting for approval/checking DMs/having to wait a few days and then posting the link. By this time the OP's post has moved down the board and most people won't see it.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Rgds Paul
Links can be dangerous. They can be to malware sites which download viruses or other software to your computer, be careful. I never clink on links from strangers, or from people I know unless I am sure they are safe. A popular scam is to hack into a facebook account and spam everyone in the address book with virus filled links.
You are right. I have always felt it safe to click on a link on this forum but I shouldn’t really and I won’t in future. If we know Admin has checked it then it would be safe to click.
Hi MisterD.
Get an antivirus for your computer. Many are free but I've used Panda Antivirus in the past and would highly recommend Panda. The paid version is only £13 a year and will protect your computer.
I don't bother anymore as I use Chrome now. Much better than Windows IMO and because Chrome is on the Cloud it has an extra layer of protection.
Rgds Paul
Thanks all. It seems that clarity is definitely needed. I’ll reach out to admin ask.
Good Morning
Thank you everyone for your comments, all with varied opinions about the rules regarding posting external links on the AF Association Forum.
As reiterated in previous posts, Admin/Moderators are here to monitor the Forum to ensure it is a safe place for all new (and not so new) members to participate. This includes the monitoring of posts; we have to ensure the links are relevant and on-topic and clarified for efficacy in advance. This is to avoid any spam or misleading links being shared (as has happened in the past).
The team ask you share your link with us in advance, so we can continue our monitoring whilst adhering to the HU rules too.
I appreciate it can be frustrating, and we apologise for the delay, if you have sent a request via the Chat messenger this will be dealt with as soon as we can. However, the Forum has over 32,000 members and so we process on a first come first served basis.
Unfortunately, we are never going to please everyone, so may i thank some of you for your understanding.