I know folk have posted in the past about aura but .. I cannot find any links despite using search facillity. Would be interested to read anyones experiences
Aura (without headache or migraine) a... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Aura (without headache or migraine) after ablation

hello Gowers, I've just opened your post and to the right of the page there are 5 posts on the subject with an options to see more. Maybe they don't appear on your pc but they are also mentioned on the Recovering from an Ablation factsheet. Hopefully they will soon pass and you will be able to reap the reap the full benefit of having the ablation.....good luck

Thank you FlapJack - as soon as i posted the query the topic appeared! Also, before I had chance to take a look I somehow (?) lost the link to the various af sites you listed I think it was yesterday - I know many of us will find them helpful. Thanks for the reply
Definitely auras after ablation. I had auras and migraines for five days and auras alone. It's common after an ablation.
If you are using a phone or tablet computer scroll to the end of the page for "Pinned Posts"and "related posts".
On PC /Desktop you will find them on the right hand side of the page.
Search my posts. I have made quite a few mentions of aura.
Hi Goweres I had an ablation in November and experienced auras with migraines almost everyday for 2 weeks. Janùary this year i had a Watchman implanted and had the same only this time auras in both eyes and severe headaches as soon as i woke from the anàesthetic. It is easing now 3 weeks later. Apparently its from the septum puncture and when that heals should be fine. Its common . Its a shame patients aren't informed before they have the procedure as that concern would be alleviated. Try not to worry .
Hi, I had my ablation 2 weeks ago today. The migraines and aura started 2 days later on the Monday and got progressively worse. It always started with aura which then became so severe I couldn't really see normally and then the headache started. I could sometimes stop the headache becoming severe if I took the paracetamol in time. The severity and duration started to reduce from Monday this week, but I'm still getting some visual disturbances today. I've realised that overdoing things can make it bad again as this happened on Thursday.
Interestingly, I came across an old post from 2 years ago which explains this. The technical name is scintillating scotoma and it is a result of the hole in the septum, which allows some deoxygenated blood to pass through to the left side of the heart and circulate around the body. This increases the level of carbon dioxide in the blood which is what causes the auras. It should decrease as the hole closes.
It's been the worst part of the recovery so far, but thanks to the recovery factsheet I knew it would happen so I haven't been worried.
Thank you for the information & reply Ecki - it can be quite worrying when it 1st happens but, you're right one gets used to it
I had these 48-hours after my Ablation for 3-days on the trot. Only one migraine a day which last 20-mins with no headache.
I had my ablation on November 5. I had my first migraine with aura the evening after leaving the hospital. They lasted about 2 weeks or so and lessened in intensity as time pasted. They would come in a cycle. The second migraine was the day after the first, then the third 2 days later and etc.