Af and Tachycardia...Joy!!: Hi all Just... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Af and Tachycardia...Joy!!

booboo73 profile image
21 Replies

Hi all

Just needed some advice, will give the lovely Bob a break whilst hes recovering!

Right. Im having my 2nd ablation on Friday, things have been really crap since my first one in Jan. Anyway i normally go into AF then Flutter rate 125bpm then need a cardioverdion ( on my 13th now) and then im ok.

So...went into AF Friday night which turned to Tachycardia reading on the Kardia of 126bpm and had been constantly at that since. Im concerned as never had a high tachy reading before, always af or unclassified( which is flutter)

I feel ok just stressed and worried as i always am. If i go to A&e its unlikely they will shock me at this rate.

Has anyone had tachy after Af for a couple of days? As i said im having my ablation Fri so i feel I should ride it out till then but not sure? I will ring clinic tomo and send ecg.

Thanks all xox

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booboo73 profile image
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21 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

If your heart rate is even and at a consistent 126 then I would guess it's more likely to be flutter, if uneven tachycardia, If you've been at that rate since Friday I would go to A&E. Honestly other people go there for such minor things, your high heart rate needs checking as days have passed. What medication are you on?


booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi Jean, Im just on Nebivolol 10mg and rivarovaban. Nothing else worksb I hate A&e and will avoid at all costs always end up nil by mouth for at least 20 hours. I just couldn't understand why it said tachycardia and not unclassified but your right it feels like flutter so probably is. So tired of all this now. Think I will send ECG to arrhythmia nurse tomo although I know they will say ride it out unless pain or fainting. Xox

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to booboo73

Yes, I know what you mean about A&E and understand your reluctance to go there. My A&E wouldn't send me away at your rate, when it's been going for that length of time though and I'd be put on a heart monitor. It's always such a difficult decision to make whether to go or not. After an ECG a GP once sent me to A&E straight from my local surgery when my rate was just 115. I didn't really understand that! As you're not feeling odd at that rate perhaps that's a good sign. My heart when it's racing always makes me feel ill.

Hope you wake tomorrow to a normal heart. If not I want to hear that you've gone to A&E. Good luck. x

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thanks guys...Well had really bad few mins, AF/flutter 160,BPM in and out.... Felt awful, said to Andy, ring ambulance then sinus at 55bmp. I am aching and chest feels tired and now just praying it buggers off til ablation. I'm hoping I do have some good luck with ablation this time, otherwise pace&ablate had been mentioned which doesn't seem such a bad option as the last few months have been awful. Anyway thanks again xox

JaneFinn profile image
JaneFinn in reply to booboo73

Hi booboo, just read your post and wanted to send huge sympathy (sounds horrid 😕) and love and prayers that your heart stays nice and steady now til Friday. And that your ablation is a total success this time. Please do let us know how you get on :) xxx

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to JaneFinn

Thank you Jane x

allserene profile image
allserene in reply to booboo73

Was just trying to figure out if you were UK, then I saw "til it buggers off" and I knew you were (or ozzy lol)... My one and only A&E visit is something I too will try to avoid ... Just coz the pulse wouldn't slow from 150 permanently, they admitted me and it was horrible in there...All the adjoining crazies shouting and screaming and carrying on all night... and then promises of they are going to give me an ekg and an ultra sound etc.. Then oh we didn't get round it so perhaps tomorrow. Just sat there on the bed with a broken telly and shower from Monday to Wednesday. On Wednesday morning I just went over the wall and canceled all my appointments and changed hospitals and doctors... If I get another 150 beats flutter, I will simply double my Betas from 25 to 50mg and wait 36 hours... Pretty sure my initial flutter had been going for at least week before I went A&E and I am anti-coaged, so I aren't going to wear the ticker out in 24/36 hours.. Yes, the much vaunted US hospitals have foyers like 5 star hotels and glossy brochures, but behind the scenes it can be bloody rough and chaotic... To be avoided if poss...

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to allserene

Hi x yep very mixed experiences with A&e and I have also left on one occasion, they put me in a room and left me for 2 days just monitoring me, I couldn't stand it so I walked out in my nightie slippers in the snow to the taxi. I'm quite forceful these days, I go in armed with my notes and convince them that only the shock will work but then its waiting for an anesthetist nil by mouth good and water for 24hrs ...arghh! Xx

allserene profile image
allserene in reply to booboo73

Sounds like my experience but I didn't have my slippers..... just my lugubrious lace-less Target lounge shoes... I call em my 'brothel creepers' If I ever get conned into going to A&E again, I will take a full survival/escape kit with ear plugs ....

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to allserene

Haha brothel creepers!! Yes earphones are a must ... I've already downloaded some films to watch xox

allserene profile image
allserene in reply to booboo73

Good thinking ! All part of the survival kit..... Wonder if I can sneak my cat in... lol...

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to booboo73

Kardia has been 'upgraded' and now gives reading of 'tachycardia' as well, but doesn't do flutter (yet). My personal choice would be to ride it out because I also hate A&E but once begin to feel faint off I go. Best wishes for Friday 💜

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Buffafly

Thank you and im the same, I leave it as long as humanly possible before going. I'm in sinus now but its doing its best to break through but the valsalva is working so far...bloody hate all this!! Xxx

Jalia profile image

I woukd be inclined to wait it out but you know how YOU feel about going to AE. I've been tachy up to 135 for almost 3 weeks then flipped into AF which sorted things out as out as was given immediate dccv

It won't hurt to phone your clinic though.

Good luck for Friday !

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Jalia

Thanks x I've emailed the clinic first thing and send ecgs. Even though I'm in sinus I need a plan if it starts again...or should I say when it starts again!! The ambulance won't take me to Leeds where I have the ablation so I don't want to be trapped in another a&e on Friday. Xox

Marina_D profile image

Hi Booboo,

It's such a horrible feeling for you. Hope it has now settled and you are in the 'calm after the storm' zone.

I too have afib and aflutter, so frustrating. I always find the aflutter worse as it leaves me very light-headed (in waves) and slightly breathless, plus I can't think straight. This happened to me yesterday. I worked through it slowly, stopping and starting what I was having to complete then took myself to bed late afternoon to listen to music. Gradually the aflutter calmed. Then back in NSR by the early evening. Wiped out to say the least. Up for work now.

I am actually booked in for a pace and ablate, they will be done a few weeks apart. Meds don't really work, I can only just tolerate low doses. Ablation is too hit and miss for my liking after looking at all the stats.

Hope today is a better day.

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Marina_D

Hi you sound very similar to my escapades with the evil AF. Would you please keep in touch re the ablate and pace, I think it seems the next plan I have been told if this ablation is unsuccessful... I've heard so many different opinions so would love to follow your journey xxx

Marina_D profile image
Marina_D in reply to booboo73

Of course Booboo, I'll keep you posted.

It is indeed an 'evil' condition. You never know when it's going to pounce and with what ferocity.

I am hoping that all will be calm when the pace and subsequent ablate is done.

Hope you are feeling better today. x

CDreamer profile image

Yes - nearly always after AF/AFL and I have never been cardioverted. If you can function and I could until HR exceeded 140, I carried on but Friday is 4 days away so if you are at all concerned I would see if you can get hold of your EP or their secretary or an arrythmia nurse for advice. I found if I rang my GP they would always refer to the dreaded A&E - which like you I HATE.

Funnily enough I was just reviewing my Kardia results going back to 2013 and from 2013 until 2017 I very rarely got an ECG which was other than “unclassified” or AF - it rather shocked me as I have been mostly “normal” now since last September and since Pacemaker inserted. Just shows what we can live with and becomes our ‘norm’ which for many would certainly not be.

I do hope that your ablation works, best wishes CD.

PS - Flutter shows on the Kardia as a regular, fast pattern - looks like the teeth of a saw. I’ve not had that since PM and before the change in algorithm but I have had Tachycardia show as diagnosis.

booboo73 profile image

Isn't a normal reading on the Kardia lovely, I make a silly noise when it flashes up green, my other half despairs of me!! I've noticed you have had a Pacemaker, I hope its a bit improvement for you xoxo

bigking profile image

I developed tach(flutter) after my first ablation. Doctor immediately scheduled the second ablation to eliminate the flutter. Been six months now and no problems at all.

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