I had my ablation for atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia (AVNRT) which is a common form of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) on December 18. I also have AF which has been successfully ablated for 5 years now. Unfortunately, they were not able to induce the SVT during the procedure to know where to ablate the arrhythmia. I guess this happens in 10% of cases and I was one of the unlucky ones. This form of SVT is not lethal, just as pesky as other arrhythmias, and untreated can lead to heart failure. So I am back to square one and having to take medication that is very effective, but for me has some undesirable side effects. Any chance of a future ablation for this issue would be a moot point by my insurance company's perspective now, unless this condition becomes much more severe.
Update: Ablation for AVNRT SVT unsucc... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Update: Ablation for AVNRT SVT unsuccessful

I'm surprised because I spoke to three highly ranked EP's in the United States, and each of them said they would do an empirical SVT ablation if warranted., Empirical means based on clinical evidence and in your that would be your EKG's. In other words inducing SVT is not at all necessary. I would speak to another EP at a highly ranked high volume cardiac hospital..
I am in the US. I don't disagree, but insurance companies unfortunately set the standard on what is allowed before the ablation can be performed for certain conditions. I had my procedure at St, Johns Hospital in Springfield, Il with a very highly recommended EP and surgical staff. If you look at my profile, I have been through a lot. I was hoping for a more positive response to my post, not to be spoken down to in my time of need. I wish you well nonetheless.
That's such a shame.Maybe you could get the opportunity to have another one in the future, is it possible to ask the EP to send a letter to the insurance company suggesting that it's worth doing it one more time as they are usually successful.
As you say , back on the medication but at least it does the job.
My Specialists aren't happy to do an ablation because of my other health conditions , they are t sure if they'd actually make my arrhythmias and tachycardia worse, but I manage with the meds and Self Care.
Sometimes wish I wasn't a rarity though😆😆😆
You must feel the same , take care , Bee