Ever since I have been on edoxoban 60mg I have found that I am really breathless. Prior to my ablation in July I was on 30mg and I seemed fine. The EP Nurses say that 30 is not enough to protect me from a stroke so need to be on 60. Could it be the ablation or the meds that is causing this? Or is it just part of life for me now? I am just exhausted for most parts of the day. Went to the theatre yesterday for the afternoon matinee and fell asleep for ten minutes in the first half. Couldn’t even stay out to visit a restaurant for dinner afterwards. Couldn’t wait to get home to my bed. I also have a constant dull ache in middle to right side of my left breast. If I ask the Gp they say it is muscular skeletal. I’m not doing anything to warrant muscular pain. Can I use ibuprofen gel on the breast for pain relief. Has anyone else experienced this?
Blood thinners, breathlessness and du... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Blood thinners, breathlessness and dull ache in left breast

There is something called costochondritis and when I had it I was convinced that I was having a heart attack and dialled 999. Paramedics came, it was two ladies. One put her hand on my chest and traced the area where the pain was. I was amazed at how she knew exactly where to press. Then she explained that she'd been off work with costochondritis a few weeks previously so knew all about it.
Costochondritis is inflammation where your ribs join the bone in the middle of your chest (breastbone). It can cause sharp chest pain, especially when moving .
Now take note, I'm no doctor and I would want to be told to my face by a medical practitioner that this was what I had. Chest pain needs to be taken seriously.
I'm afraid I cant put any links on here as it's against the AFib Association's rules but you can Google it and see if that fits with what you're experiencing
PS I would also ask to try another anticoagulant if the one you're taking now is causing you to feel tired. Though Edoxoban is a very popular one.
Do you think that your ablation has worked?
I think so yes. I seem to get a lot of ectopics but the fast heart rate seems to have disappeared. So far so good. Thank you for your response. I will look up.
I doubt if Edoxaban is the culprit, at least not directly. You really need to be checked out to eliminate other causes of tiredness eg anaemia.
Hi Nantoone, I am on Eliquis or Apixaban and I too have a dull ache in my left breast occasionally. I figured it was lying too long on my left side but now I wonder if it could be the doac. The ache will continue on through the day for a day or two generally and then it's gone. Tanks for bringing this up. It's a relief we are not alone with the same pain. Luckily it is not frequent. We have enough to be concerned about. All the best to you. Sarah from San Diego
The reduced doses of anticoagulants like Apixaban , Pradaxa were shown to work to reduce stroke in their clinical trials. They just did not reduce the risk as much as the full dose. I have not read the clinical trial for Edoxaban but I expect it would be similar. The only way you can be sure that Edoxaban is the culprit is by taking the risk of the reduced coverage and seeing if your exhaustion goes away and then comes back again when you restart the full dose. If Edoxaban is the culprit you could ask to try a different anticoagulant.
I’d speak to your doctor and wouldn’t assume it’s a side affect of any drug. As an example, I recently began to feel chest pressure in the centre of my chest at the top. I had for probably a year or more also experienced pin point pain at various points around the bottom left of my left breast. The pin point pain I had always assumed was just muscular. When I did an experience the chest pressure I noted my left bundle branch block was evident on ecg. Again I wrongly assumed it was the LBBB causing the pressure.
My cardiologist thought differently and said I might have been having microvascular or artery spasms which was causing the pin point pain, pressure and the ventricle to react to the lack of blood flow caused by the spasming, resulting in the LBBB.
He was correct. I was sent for an angiogram and had 70% stenosis during a spasm! No blockages and healthy arteries - except for them squeezing almost completely closed!
Have a chat to your doctor and see what they think.
I have an echo booked for the end of the month. Would this show on the echo ?
No, it won’t. The only testing which will confirm it is what is commonly called a ‘provocative’ angiogram. They will and should do other tests to rule out or discover other issues so these should also be done. But the only test which shows the arteries or microvascular system spasming is the provocative angiogram.