2 years ago I had a Pace and Ablate procedure which has been a great success in transforming my life to almost normal. It took about six months for my body to adapt to being organised by my pacemaker and during one bad month I became convinced that the magnetism from the copious fridge magnets on my fridge in my very small kitchen could be one of the culprits and took them off. Now 18 months later and putting away the Christmas crockery I came across the box with them in and thought how ridiculous to think they could affect the PM and my heart and set about putting them back on my large fridge, and guess what I am feeling palpitations!! Back in the box they go. Such a shame because I love to look at them and the holiday memories they bring back! Am I unique or has anyone else had this experience?
Fridge magnets causing AF? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Fridge magnets causing AF?

We are all different so never say never. The only thing I avoid is using a Tig or Mig welder but since we have a gas AGA there are no kitchen risksfor me.
People with pacemakers are advised to avoid induction hobs but I'm struggling to see any connection to your situation.Einstein said there is much more to physics than he theorised, put the magnets away lol
Hi pd63The connection between induction hobs and magnets is that induction hobs work on a magnetic field to pass the energy from the hob to the pan. That is why they are not recommended when you have a pacemaker. However if you already have one you need to stay a reasonable distance away from it. My brother has a pacemaker and he had an induction hob but he now sometimes uses a portable induction hob.
Best Regards Flyer.
Magnets can interfere with pacemakers and other implanted cardiac devices. Read the Patient information booklet on the AFA website. I’ll post a link if I can later.
I’ve no idea of the “strength” of fridge magnets or if they work as a team if you have lots of them.
Quote from the booklet, can't post the link sorry.
"Is there any equipment that can
affect my pacemaker?
Electromagnetic interference will not damage your
pacemaker but may temporarily interfere with
its settings whilst you are in contact with it. Most
mechanical and electrical devices that you use
in your normal daily activities will not affect your
Household equipment such as ordinary radios, fridges, cookers, remote controls,
televisions, electric razors, computers and microwaves etc. will not affect your
pacemaker as long as they are in good working order.
If you buy an electrical appliance you may find that the instructions state ‘do
not use if you have a pacemaker’. This statement is normally put in to cover the
manufacturers and often is not necessarily applicable. It is best to check with your
pacemaker clinic for advice. Please note : DO NOT use an AliveCor Kardia Mobile
with a pacemaker, ICD, S-ICD, CRT or similar implantable device.
If you feel dizzy or experience palpitations whilst using an electrical appliance, you
should move away from the appliance and phone the physiologist, specialist nurse
or doctor at the pacemaker clinic for advice.
Magnets and Mobile phones
Do not carry magnets or place a magnet over your chest. Keeping phones and
phone cases with magnetic clasps in your shirt or jacket front pocket is advised
against. Avoid carrying stereo or hi-fi speakers as they contain strong magnets that
can interfere with your pacemaker.
Some studies have shown that some mobile phones can affect the pacemaker
if held within six inches of the device. It is therefore recommended that you do
not keep a mobile phone in a coat or shirt pocket over the pacemaker. Keep the
handset more than six inches away from the pacemaker; ideally hold the phone
over the ear on the opposite side to the device."
I’m sure my booklet also listed irons, vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers as equipment not to be used after implantation of a pacemaker.
WOW that is so useful to members here! I imagine down the road I too will need pace and ablation and had no idea about the issues with Kardiamobile let along magnets. But it makes sense of course.
When I was in a Pandora jewellery shop (uk) an assistant checked that a customer she was serving didn't have a pacemaker because necklace/bracelet she was looking to buy had magnetic clasp.
I am aware that any magnets can affect the workings of a Pacemaker and we are told to avoid them sow with that in mind yes, fridge magnets could cause 'problems' and if you have a lot together etc.etc.,
Whether it is the mind (via the Vagus Nerve to the heart) or the magnets themselves it makes no difference, in the box they stay!
I was told that I could no longer use those little tiny magnets you put on the end of a necklace when cant do them up properly. I thought they are so weenie and wanted to wear a necklace I like how could it possibly affect my pacemaker. I wore it all dsy and evening and I did get flutters so wont try it sgsin.
It's clear that we are all different, not only in our physiology but also in our approach to perceived challenges. I had a P and A procedure a couple of years back with a Medtronic pacemaker. As a farmer I ride a quadbike daily, I use a variety of chainsaws in my woodland (we use wood for heating and cooking), I have an engine driven sawmill, and in the workshop I am regularly using both a MIG and TIG welder. All of my chainsaws have resister spark plugs and when welding I take care where I put the earth clamp to keep the return path short and also wrap the supply and return leads. Never knowingly felt a thing. Crack on.
I'm a Pacing NHS Physiologist.. Magnets are used to adjust Pacemakers.. You need to place them very close to the device, it then just goes into a temporary mode so reading can be taken.An ICD is the same but, Magnets can be used to inhibit shocks in an emergency by a qualified HC professional. However they are substantial ones.
Very devices now all tend to work with Bluetooth.
Fridge magnets we have never had a problem with.
Just don't start using Welding equipment as a New Hobby!
You can do an Internet search to find a list of things you need to avoid. Also as long as you keep about 20 cm away from the Device you will be fine.
Any issues chat with your Pacing Clinic team, they live in the world of Pacing or can find an answer for you.
Please can you explain why it is not recommended to use Kardia mobile with a pacemaker.
I still use mine occasionally but I’m not pacemaker dependant and my pacemaker was only activated 0.4% of the time - last download.
Thank you
Tbh.. Never been asked if OK to use. I expect not enough clinical research has been done so companies tend to say No.The other issue is it might not pick up the Bipolar Pacing spike, or even over count it thus appears to be AF, it will report it incorrectly.
That happened a lot when Smart watches first came out, quite a few thought their Pacemaker wasn't working as it was showing only 50% of the set rate, many frantic phone calls, it just couldn't see the spikes.
If you have Home Monitoring, and your worried do a Download, Phone your Pacing team they can read it and give you the heads up, as to what's going on.
I'm not back in work until next week, but I'm going to check it out for my own curiosity. I have AF with an AntiAF Pacemaker in situ.
I have now a Fitbit Sense 2, which can detect AF, which I hope is now controlled as I had an Ablation 3 weeks ago.
Thank you SO much.I'm not worried just interested.
I'm in permanent AF, but now on bisoprolol as was having spikes of 200+ which I was totally unaware of.
My next download is Jan 3rd, will be interesting.
What is an AntiAF pacemaker as opposed to a pace and ablate pacemaker?
Anti AF pacemaker has the ability to detect AF. This is programmed on once patient has 6 weeks of AntiCog on board. Not all Pacemakers have this capability, these have a few extra knobs and whistles within it.Not sure what you class post Ablate Pacemakers?
For info...
Pacemakers are also know as Devices These are ICD' that shock, or CRTP's that are Bi Ventricular Devices. Also you can get CRTD which do both.
Btw, I'm doing a reporting Pacemaker clinic atm. Via Home Monitoring.
Honestly? This smacks of a conspiracy theory. I tend to think, your own apprehension is the cause of you afib, not the magnets. But believe whatever you want, just don't try and convince others that this is real.
I would rotate them, a few at a time!
Thank you all for your replies both😃 humerous and serious and I will take notice and try not to get stuck to the fridge!! Happy AF free 2025 to everyone,
I'm sure there are stranger things in life! I'm not a bit surprised that the magnets might affect you.
If there is any metal thats magnetic in a pacemaker [which i dont know] why wouldnt a magnet be attracted to it , isnt that what magnets do.
Sorry, I did not see you were talking about a pace maker. Simply thought you said you thought your magnets were causing afib. I need to read more carefully.