Since having my 4 procedures just over 3 weeks ago, I still have visual disturbances (even typing this is very difficult as everything looks glary) and dizziness. I was in the cath lab over 6 hours as apparently it was very complex. I'm now in sinus rhythm most of the time with the odd blip a few times a day. Still suffering with extreme tiredness too. I just want to know if this is normal ? Could it be because I was under the aesthetic for so long or something has happened? Any advice please?
Post Ablation, SVT, atrial flutter & ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Post Ablation, SVT, atrial flutter & cardioversion

these visual disturbances are really ‘disturbing’ aren’t they? I didn’t have an ablation but had a Watchman put in nearly 3 weeks ago and posted here about the visual things which started after 10 days. The excellent @BobD drew my attention to the evidence that anything involving transeptal puncture can have this side effect and then my cardiologist came up with this: ‘‘It sounds typical of “migraine with aura”. It’s a transient phenomenon that sometimes occurs after an invasive procedure that involves a transseptal puncture into the left atrium. It is due to slight mixing of right atrial and left atrial blood through the needle hole, with a chemical produced by the liver crossing into the left atrium and then being circulated around the arterial system. This chemical is normally filtered by the lungs, so doesn’t reach the left side of the heart – unless there is a septal puncture.’ I hope that is reassuring as to why you are having this and I I hope it calms down very soon!
I had my 4th ablation on the 13th December. I had one zigzaggy aura and a double vision blurry aura which lasted about 5 minutes. I seem to have permanent fine snowy vision. Will this go away?
My consultant asked me to have an eye test - which I did and it was found to be no change since my last one in July. The optician did however say that she has known many people to have visual disturbance after anaesthesia and for it to last up to 6 weeks.
Hi, I had a mitral valve repair on Nov 5th and like you was under general anaesthetic for several hours. Yes I too still have visual disturbances several times a day. Unlike you I haven't gone into sinus rhythm at all and have stayed in persistent AF.The disturbances are becoming less dramatic and less frequent. I was told that as the hole in the septum between my left and right atria heals they should go, but they have been an irregular feature of my AF for the 8 years I've had it.
Tiredness is a constant feature of my AF and the reason I don't take beta blockers as I'd fall asleep typing this.......
During my procedures it was found that I have 2 holes in my septal wall. One small that didn't close from my first ablation in 2017 and one large, which apparently is a birth defect. I'm being referred to a cardiologist to repair these. They used the small hole to enter the left side of my heart again this time, to save making a new one. I hope I don't have to wait for the repairs before my vision improves, its very debilitating. I hope yours resolves very soon.
Hi! I'm brand new here, but had come across a study you might find interesting. It talks about fatigue as being a major side-effect of RF ablation and indicates that it is much more common and prolonged than most electrophysiologists suspect.