Thank you for the replies to my post asking about the Royal Papworth - So with the reassurance all would be well, I was admitted to the day ward last Friday. The care and treatment was very good in general.
But as seems to be my luck, all didn't go to plan again and what should have taken 2.5hrs ended up taking 6 hrs in the cath lab. Apparently I needed 4 procedures instead of the 2 they were expecting. The consultant said it was very complex. Also it was found that I have two holes in my heart. One small one that hasn't healed from my previous ablation 7 years ago at Barts in London and one large, that they think has been there since birth and may be at the root of all my heart issues. I'm now being referred to another cardiologist to deal with these and have been told I cannot have my lung operation (also a complication of my previous ablation, a paralysed lung/phrenic nerve injury), which was scheduled for New Years Eve at Papworth, as it would be too dangerous to have before the holes are sorted out.
Feeling very despondent that one thing always seems to lead to another and dreading it all. I've had several issues since Friday, including blurred/double vision, a bleeding throat, dizziness, strange visions when trying to sleep and generally feeling like rubbish. I'm praying I won't need open heart surgery for the large hole repair and also that I don't need further work for anything electrical. On a positive note - this is the first time in years that I can't feel my heart dancing in my chest and it feels so good!