Does anyone else take Apixaban and Bisoporol together at the same time. I take 5 mg bisoporol and 5 mg Apixaban in the morning and 5 mg Apixaban and 2.5mg bisoporol at 9 pm at night then before bed take 2.5 mg ramipril and my statin. Have read don't take bisoporol and Apixaban together as it increases the serum of apixaban . Just wondered as got bruises on inner calf.
Bisoporol and Apixaban.: Does anyone... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Bisoporol and Apixaban.

I take mine together and I not noticed any issues
oh.. that’s interesting. Where did you read or gather about not taking them together? I take both bisoprolol and apixaban together. Haven’t noticed anything but am interested to know if it is indeed best to separate?
I take mine together twice a day, have done for years and not had any problems.
Have taken both together for years with no problems. 7am znd 7pm.
Yes I take mine together.
I take 5mg Apixiban morning and evening. Take 1.25mg bisoprolol before going to bed as same time as statin.
No averse reaction even when I used to take my bisoprolol with Apixiban together in morning.
Have found that Apixiban gives me skin blotches at times. Usually on face but nothing serious.
hi. I take mine together , I don’t think I have problems but I’ve always taken them together, so I would not know if I was having problems. Interesting question.
Yes I take them together and have less bruising than I did when on warfarin. The main side affects for me has been some itchy skin and some tiredness. . For that reason I take half my dosage of bisoporol in the morning and half at night!
Hi, I've always taken mine together for 3 years now with problems.

The medications you have mentioned in your post are both very popular medications used in the treatment of AF. Advice on taking them will be listed on the box, if you are still unsure the Pharmacist will be able to help next time you collect your prescription. You may benefit from downloading the 'Apixaban' information sheet from the AF Association website:
UK & International:
Plus the booklet: AF Drug Information booklet:
UK & International:
Kind regards
I take all my tablets together and seems fine. Perhaps you should see your EP or gp if bruises on calf
I am wondering whether you night have misunderstood what you read as these are the two most commonly prescribed drugs for AF.
People respond differently to anticoagulants such as apixaban with some bleeding more easily and others not noticing they are taking it.
I’ve taken them together for the last four years. No problems. I am someone who has always bruised easily but have noticed no difference at all.
I take them together, haven't been told not to.
Yes I take the bisoprolol 1.25 and apixiban 5mg together mainly for convenience otherwise I'd forget. Haven't really any symptoms but if I stand up for a long time I get a burning sensation in my thighs, don't know if it's connected to prescription or just old age.
I hadn’t heard that. I take Bisoprolol 7.5 mg last thing at night and my last Apixaban at about 9.25 pm. Saying that I also take Disopyramide 3/day and have read they can react with Bisoprolol so what do you do! Cardio has never said anything but try not to take the 2 at the same time nevertheless.
I think I have tough skin and never bruise although did have a massive nosebleed a year ago which is rare for me
I take both together in the am so far no problem although I only take 2.5 of bisoprolol in the morning none in the evening so I am interested in other people's comments
Never have read that you shouldn't take bisoprolol at the same time as apixaban. I take 5mg of each at 7 am and then 5mg of apixaban on its own at 7 pm. I have not had any effects other than if I cut myself it can take a while for the bleeding to stop.
I take both together and have not noticed any particular problems. Please can you let me know the source of this information?
hi Myflowers, I take bisoprolol 11.25 mg daily and also apixaban and haven’t seen any problems. 👍
That's a fairly high dose of bisoprolol. Do you have problems with fatigue?
Hello just seen your post, I am on 10mg bisoprolol and thought that was the maximum dose, I have split to 5mg morning and evening as felt so bad with side effects but my HR is still in high 90s so can I ask why your dose is so high? Did this dose get your rate under control?
Hi Parya, Iv been on 10mg for years but on a visit to cardiologist at beginning of this year he noticed nearly all my Afib episodes happened in the early hours, he recommended me try an extra 1.25 mg before bed to see if settles the episodes. As it happens I don’t think it has actually. But he also told me I could try 5 in a morning and 6.25 on an evening. I tried this for a couple of months and noticed no change in episode frequency unfortunately.!! He did tell me that the actual maximum dose is usually regarded at 15mg for people who can tolerate it.
Thanks for replying sorry your dose didn't sort things out as you hoped, my af is persistent, and quite honestly I don't think I can tolerate a higher dose than 10mg!I didn't know it could be higher that's interesting.
Good luck hope things settle down a bit for you it's all a bit of a journey isn't it?
Sorry I didn’t reply earlier Parya,Iv been working. Yes I agree? 10 is bad enough sometimes.! My afib is visiting me more often than in previous years. But mainly it’s in the early hours thankfully so I can still get some sleep, for now anyway.? It’s a nuisance of a condition is our AFIB because some of us never know where we’re going with it.?
Ditto. I take everything at the same time. I have had no problems in two years.
Hello, I take my Bisoporol first thing before breakfast, then take Apixaban after I have eaten, take next dose in the evening, so far no problems. Best wishes
Hi, I take 10mg bisoprolol and 5mg Apixaban morning and night, never had a problem. Never had a blood test in years either. Changed last year from Edoxaban due to it being too expensive apparently