thank you all so much for your replies - 70 so far! I wish I had the time to respond to you all individually so please accept my thanks for taking the time to reply. It would seem that there are many of us who are wary, and an equal number who have no qualms about having the vaccine. As for me, I’m still undecided!
Covid vaccine booster update! - Atrial Fibrillati...
Covid vaccine booster update!

I’m amazed that people took it in the first place, and to think now that people are still stupid enough to have the vaccination is beyond belief knowing full well the vacs have been linked to causing many deaths and health issues. I asked my electrophysiologist a few years ago for advice regarding the vaccine and he told me he cannot directly tell me not to have it but he said he hasn’t had it and he certainly won’t be having it.
My rule with any procedure, vaccines or pills....if undecided stay away.
I asked my consultant (electrophysiologist) the other day (re the combined covid/flu) and he said go ahead.
I’ve booked my Covid and flu jab for a couple of weeks time. Last year, I had no side effects from the Covid jab but had a few hours of AF after the flu jab. But…I did go for a run after it, so will be having a quiet day after this year’s. I had some relatives who caught flu last year and they were quite ill for over a week, so I was glad I had had it.
ANY (any!) medication, vaccine or illness has risks. BUT it has been well proven that you are LESS likely to die from a vaccine than from the corresponding illness!
Look at the science.
Flat out untrue.
I assume that Will1954 is replying to Prince123456.
ie. it is confirming that what I wrote is correct.
interesting….. thanks!
I’ve had all the vaccines and I haven’t had covid. My wife hasn’t had any vaccinations but has had covid 3 times …..twice quite badly.
She believes if she has it that it is better than having vaccinations - someone on YouTube says so.
……and I think she likes to be looked after by me…