when 2 cardiologist tells you one thi... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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when 2 cardiologist tells you one thing and another tells you a it completely different issue or is it??

Tommyann profile image
27 Replies

im very disappointed

It seems out of the 3 cardiologists I have seen

2 had told me I had enlarged left ventricle and one even drawed me a diagram to show me where about the heart this was lower left side.

I had a blood test done by Gp and BNP levels was raised she seemed alarmed and said there raised how do u feel I said usual very fatigued short of breath at times specially if I'm emotional. And my ankles slightly swollen puffy and of course been aware of the heart racing out of me at times permanent AF.

So I was sent to hospital appointment seen another cardiologist come across as demeaning to me seemed Irritated why I was sent to him that's what I felt any way.

So he says to me tell from start what happened so I thought he meant from start of being diagnosed as AF so I started to explain and he quickly snapped i know All that why were you sent to me. My mind went blank I was taken back by his manner. I said blood test showed BNP levels raised and why did you get that blood test for what were u complaining off. I said she Gp asked me how I felt I told her n she seen my ankles..he was tutting nothing wrong of your ankles today I said no there not as puffy today .I said I was told I had Afib and enlarged left ventricle.

He blurted no you have not you have an enlarged Artrial and you don't have heart failure either your levels can be raised by a fib. Well I said I wished I never had cardio version cause I felt better before I got it done since it failed feel worse ,he poo poo me on that too said it had nothing to do with how I feel now..and could be due to medication either awful man

So u went home and requested my medical records since being diagnosed with a fib Andi read which was reported by another cardiologist I have never met,I had indeed Artrial enlargement with RVR raised ventricle rate I think it stands for

So it left me with no confidence in the medical staff and I don't think I believe a word comes out there mouth unless I read it my self in future. Also in my notes it says I drink 10 units of alcohol a week 🤦‍♀️ I don’t I rarely ever have a glass of wine and I don’t drink at all now as my heart doesn’t like it🙄 so much wrong info verbally given and written.

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Tommyann profile image
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27 Replies
Bagrat profile image

Sorry to hear of your experience. GPs refer to specialists if they are concerned. Some Consultants are better at communicating meaningfully with patients.My husband had a raised BNP and I asked Consultant if we had to declare heart failure on holiday insurance. His reply "I wish GPs wouldn't do BNPs when patients have AF, it muddies the water ( the AF) so in essence what your consultant said.

Always difficult when notes don't reflect reality. I would arrange to see your GP and have a chat about it all as you just need one healthcare professional on your wave length to give you the confidence to decide the best options for you.

Tommyann profile image
Tommyann in reply to Bagrat

Thanks Bagrat

But then the question is when is AFib and BNP levels raised at what level do they need to be to state heart failure. If GP didn’t do the BNP levels some people could fall through the net. I was glad he said I didn’t have HF but I wouldn’t be down on GP checking and making sure either.

I said thank you I got up and walked to the door and said bye and he said bye nice to meet you 🤦‍♀️… so demeaning and then nice to meet you!!! No reply from me…

Bagrat profile image
Bagrat in reply to Tommyann

My understanding is, like a lot ofblood tests for things various ( prostate PSA blood test springs to mind), is that it has to be assessed in conjunction with other findings. Your PSA raised and it's not cancer so very non specific on its own

Desanthony profile image

Yes we have also noticed things do not appear on our medical records or they appear with wrong information - even the wrong dates - whi9ch is amazing when you think these are usually written on the day you go to the GP with problem. Go and have a chat with your GP and try and get these things changed. My wife has even had a consultant write the answer to a question he never even asked her! When she eventually went through the consultant's letter with her GP she asked him how that could have happened and why - don't know why she asked because there is no way of telling other than the fact that the consultant got her mixed up with someone else he saw that day.?

Tommyann profile image
Tommyann in reply to Desanthony

That is scary misinformation

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Desanthony

I have numerous reports giving false information. I recently had one from gynaecology. I managed to get that almost changed. She couldn't change the original but did add a note saying it was wrong. I've had cardiology diagnosing angina since my heart attack and GP insists on prescribing GTN spray which I've never ever used because I've never had a single sign of angina. My latest is a report from an ophthalmologist to his superior which is absolutely full of false information. I'm seeing the top man in October so i will make sure he changes it. When I was admitted to hospital last year and was prescribed some meds I asked "On what basis have you made that decision?" Again my records were wrong. I suspect junior doctors write up reports at the end of the day and forget who they are writing about. Even my GP has my list of allergies wrong and several missing.

Rosie0202 profile image
Rosie0202 in reply to Qualipop

I feel it for all those who have had conflicting medical information put on their record. It's just sloppiness but could be quite dangerous and lead to unnecessary tests being carried out. I was sent for a check up due to a continuing lung issue caused after a Covid episode. I asked for the printed scan results and it said I was referred for possible lung cancer due to my record of smoking. My GP records say I'm a non smoker (which is true and never have been) but somehow this was given I speculate, to get me seen sooner under the cancer umbrella. That was 2 years ago. 3 CT scans later which revealed nothing of significance. Who can we trust?

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Rosie0202

Plus all the anxiety the extra tests cause. I'd have been a wreck wondering whether I had cancer for two y ears. I just had a call back for a chest x ray and that was bad enough waiting 6 weeks. If my GP had told me why they were calling me back as they had asked him to do it would have helped. Mine was also a history of smoking but that was true. 50 years of smoking. Got the results yesterday- as I knew totally clear. My lung function test was so good it was off the scale. I have had wrong medication prescribed and also a necessary meds refused because of errors on my records which said the meds I badly needed were contraindicated with something I wasn't even taking. I've also now been waiting 18 months for a cataract operation because of misinformation about my spine. I can't lie on my back.

Tommyann profile image
Tommyann in reply to Qualipop

Sorry to hear that ,That just shouldn’t happen what’s written in the notes needs to be 100% correct .. I really have very little confidence left. They have in my notes iam allergic to busoprolol . And I am prescribed bisoprolol and taking no problems

Tommyann profile image
Tommyann in reply to Qualipop

🤦‍♀️ I don’t know 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Tommyann profile image
Tommyann in reply to Rosie0202


mav7 profile image

Tommyann (disclaimer - certainly not a doctor but have persistent afib and have done research)

Atrial enlargement and elevated BNP levels can be common with afib. Do you see the same cardiologist at least annually ? If possible, would be best.

My GP always asks the date of my next cardiologist appt and reviews the records. Am sure he would refer immediately if needed. Personal opinion only, I do feel the GP "may" have overreacted in referring you to a cardiologist if your only symptoms were elevated BNP and swollen ankles. BNP levels are elevated by afib. This providing you were scheduled to see a cardiologist in the near future.

I had the same issue with erroneous info in visit notes pertaining to the length of time in NSR after cardioversion.

Do consider trying to see the same cardiologist on a semiannual or annual basis. Monitor your symptoms and go to A&E if necessary.

Tommyann profile image
Tommyann in reply to mav7

From last December I have seen 4 different cardiologists 2 of these were in A@E after cardio version went haywire and returned to permeant AF seen another a week after coming out of A@E and then the last one was Dr demeaning .. I was breathless very fatigued and ankles puffy but that seemly goes hand in hand with AFib also 🤷‍♀️

mav7 profile image
mav7 in reply to Tommyann

Sry to hear of your misfortune.

We have shared the same experience with failed cardioversions and having to go to A&E. In my case, Sotalol did not control my AFib.

May I ask are you on beta blockers or antiarthymic drugs ?

Tommyann profile image
Tommyann in reply to mav7

Hi Mav7

I’m on beta blockers x 5mg x2 a day Now,that’s the limit.

secondtry profile image

I keep a symptoms diary, try and obtain a copy of all tests. Quite firm with all medics, have a list of Q's and write down the answers whilst in the consulting room. Second opinions are useful.

All that said you can still be unlucky with consultants, important to find one you can communicate with and trust.

Tommyann profile image
Tommyann in reply to secondtry

Very good idea secondtry I have thought of that but never followed it through. Oh I think I will remember to ask this and that. And remember what has been said.

Doesn’t always turn out that way 😏

I am so sorry this happened to you. Some consultants have an awful bedside manner but they know what they are talking about just can’t explain it to the patient! I really hope none of the consultants I work with in Cardiology are like that. I have never spoken to anyone who had the impression.

Ppiman profile image

The AF won't kill you, as they say, so don't worry about that since your doctors aren't seeming to; but... I would absolutely press your GP further regarding those ankles swelling and becoming puffy (if they truly do since it's very easy indeed to become convinced they do when they don't).

As for heart failure, then I would take that specialist's word for it, even if he was dismissive or rude. Sooner a rude doctor than no doctor. ;-)

Better luck next time. As for those two doctors and their two opinions, then I would say that is not unusual with heart complaints. It seems it is nigh on impossible to diagnose with confidence a whole range of health issues and as for guessing where they will lead and when, well - much of medicine is still art not science.


Cavalierrubie profile image

It’s really upsetting when a doctor is rude and he was very rude. We have a GP at our surgery who is very difficult to talk too, but he is a brilliant doctor so just put it down to experience and carry on. It doesn’t matter what, as long as you are looked after properly and speak up for yourself in future. Everything these days is a battle. Wishing you well.

Tommyann profile image
Tommyann in reply to Cavalierrubie

Thank you Cavalierrubie yes everything seems like a battle!

Jajarunner profile image

I'd complain about him to the hospital. No need for that attitude even if he was exasperated he felt you'd been wrongly referred. You can do this via pals (patient liaison service, very helpful). I also complained about my treatment whilst an inpatient and it made a huge difference. I had one like that at my local hospital. I phoned the secretary of the one I did have faith in and asked if he would accept me as a patient . He agreed, bye bye Pig Ignorant Doctor. This was all through NHS.

Good luck, like you haven't got enough to deal with without him too!

Tommyann profile image
Tommyann in reply to Jajarunner

I seen a GP yesterday in my practice as I’ve went down with which I thought was a chest infection but seemly it’s a flu I told the GP and she was very apologetic and agreed was no need for that manner, she also said the GP that sent me is very good and would not of sent me unless she thought It needed to be checked I agreed.

That is exactly why I don't trust dr. You know there is an old joke. What do you call a person that graduated last in medical school? Doctor.

Tommyann profile image
Tommyann in reply to Peacefulneedshelp

Hmmm … haven’t heard that before but have heard Drs differ patients die! …

Tomred profile image

If i had been you i would have reminded that man that he was in a job because of people like me, and asked him did he not know how to be nice, he is only human like you and i.

Tommyann profile image
Tommyann in reply to Tomred

Yeas correct Tomred,I wished I had off went off on a rant at least we would of been even then lol .. God only knows what would of been written in my medical record then 😂 mentally unstable 🤪

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