I found out that I had a fib two years ago in a regular routine physical- resting heart rate was 110 -I was given several beta blockers and Eliquis -also given a shock and my heart did not go back Rhythm. I found out I could not take the Beta blockers and then given cardizem 180mg with Eliquis- and that has work to control my heart rate but the weird deal is that I don’t realize that I am in a fib all the time I don’t feel it at all. I play golf six days a week and I work out each day -my cardiologist says if I will stay on my meds and Eliquis I should be able to Control my body from having a stroke because of my irregular heartbeat.
I have gone to look at doing a cardiac conversion but the doctor says that I am really not a candidate because if he was to convert I wouldn’t even know it but if it didn’t work there was a possibility that I would feel my a fib And I would still have to stay on Eliquis the rest of my life which is not a problem right now. Thanks anyone else have similar story- I’m will be 64 this month.