mitral valve repair in 2000, persistent AF i 2010.
For past 5 years increasing joint pain . Diagnosed with multiple forms of Rheumatoid arthritis , Psoriatic, ankylosing, facet joint disease etc , now CPPD. Second different hospital contradicted the “rheumatoid” disgnosis and said I had Osteo arthritis. I had bad side effect from Humira injections( constant uti s, Encerecept caused chest pain ( probably bad acid reflux). I refused Methotrexate . Apart from steroid caudal injections and a short course of Prednisilone I have had no rheumatoid drugs at all for 2 years. Apart from heart disease and persistent AF ( which is controlled by Apixabam, Dogoxin and Losartan ) I have painful boney lumps on feet. These cause terrible walking and this affects my back and pelvis.
Now I am told I will be put on Leflunomide. I am very worried , of course I have looked it up , the side effects seem to be cardiac . I have to prioritise heart over bones. Also, it sounds petty but , alcohol is banned.
I have been told on a telephone apointment 2 days ago that there is NOother drug I can take . The next face to face appointment with the nurse practitioner is purely to be instructed on taking this drug. If, I do not accept this I must cancel the up coming , end of September apointment. In her visit summary my consultant wrote that my symptoms were of osteo arthritis.
I can not be the only person with several “ co- morbidities”. I hate that word . Advice please.