I have just opened up my apixaban prescription and noticed that it is no longer Eliquis but Accord. Has anyone else had this swap and noticed any difference? I understand that Accord is a generic but I am aware that sometimes there are differences that upset people.
Any difference noticed between apixab... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Any difference noticed between apixaban by Eliquis and apixaban by Accord?
Just to let you know that Accord is my preferred make of tablet for most of the pills I take. My GP stipulates it on my prescriptions. I believe Eliquis is made in the States (high cost because of that I guess). Accord in the UK in the county where I live.
I’ve been using Accord for about 18 months now and again no problems.
Accord is also my generic company of choice. I tried the generic apixaban when it first appeared but didn’t get on with it so back to Eliquis. I can’t remember though if it was accord or some other generic brand. I take accord Flecainide no problem and previous drugs for breast cancer were all accord and no problem. I think the problem for me and quite a few other are the fillers used in other generics. Active ingredient is the same.
Apixaban (Eliquis) is now out of licence as the only manufacturer/supplier in the UK. I was on Flecainide by one company (Accord) for years, and then started getting different brands, and I noticed a big difference in breakthrough episodes. My pharmacy has been very co-operative in getting my F, keeping aside Accord for me, also specifying it when ordering it from the wholesalers, and so far that system is working. So you can imagine how I felt when the generic Apixaban came along. The pharmacy cannot stipulate Eliquis, as it costs a huge amount more. The pharmacist reckoned a private prescription for Eliquis would be £100 per month, at least. However, I am very happy to say that I have had no issues with the generic brands at all, so very happy not to have that stress!
Originally given Eliquis then various. Currently Teva, Have mixed and matched over the years and never noticed any difference. The API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) should be the same in all so there should be no difference from an efficacy point of view. Some people may have tolerance issues with the excipients (inactive ingredients), though these are specifically chosen to avoid any impact. For others, any issues may be psychosomatic.
My Eliquis was changed to the Accord version a while ago. No problems that I'm aware of.
thanks everyone. Very helpful. Two days in, I haven’t noticed any difference.
Mine has changed from Elquis to Glenmark recently. Can't say I've noticed any difference.
Yes, mine has too.
So far I am still on Eliquis - amazing because I keep thinking my surgery/health authority would have tried changing everyone to the cheapest alternatives. I am sure that at some time things will change here and hope any change will not have a great effect on me.
Hope things go well for you.
My Apixaban is hit and miss as to which brand these days. I think I’ve had three or four different ones. It depends on the pharmacy can obtain. As long as it does the job I don’t mind.
I've been having Apixaban made by Sandoz for some time but when I went on holiday to Scotland I forgot to take them with me and the emergency supply I was given in Boots were the genuine Equilis ones but I didn't notice any difference in my reaction to them either,
All the best.
I never get Eliquis these days but have had Accord and a variety of others. I’ve never had any problems but I would say that Accord medications always seem to be among the best tolerated.