Hi all, I’ve been quiet on the group for a while now as after my horrible introduction to rapid AF 18 months ago prompting a couple of stays in CCU things have settled on meds.
The cardiologist has discharged me back to the Gp , apart from ectopics & odd thumps/ bumps I am well on adizem & flecanide . 57 & female scoring 1 on chad vasc … so no anticoagulants til I’m 64.
My question is should I be asking for another echo or something? The one I had initially (18 months ago)was okish .. showed left atrial enlargement, mildly leaky valves & a hyperdynamic left ventricle! Cardiologist wasn’t particularly concerned .. other tests were ok too apparently .
Do I just leave things as they are “don’t poke the bear”… or push for a cardiologist check up like an echo ? Gp does annual bloods but that’s it really.
Any advice appreciated, please don’t worry me with scary stories as finally got on top of my anxiety about it all.
I am well , don’t smoke , drink alcohol & I’ve lost 2.5 stone since that all happened.
Thank you in advance. 😊