Been to have an echo this afternoon, I was there all of 15mins, the person doing the test didn't seem overly concerned and said that whatever I have had as disappeared, I told him that I didn't feel as if anything had disappeared. I also mentioned that I had been experiencing a bit of chest pain and he said chest pain could relate to a lot of things and left it at that. Came home feeling a bit lost and felt as if it was a waste of time going. I have PAF would this probably have not shown on echo. I think he was more happy to chat about me living on the isle of wight when I had my last echo many years ago than any concerns I had.
Echo and confused: Been to have an echo... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Echo and confused

Hi colkat
An echo operator is not a doctor, and they are simply doing some measurements, taking some pictures and looking at the structure of the heart from the outside. Certainly when I had both of mine they would not tell me anything, and said the doctor will have the images in a few hours.
Your doctor/EP will be able to intrepret the results for you.
Be well
I would endorse what Beancounter has just said . The operator is a technician and not supposed to discuss the results with you even if able to.
You will know the results in due course so dont feel disheartened.

I agree. The operator is checking measurements. valve operation . blood flow through the heart and all the mechanical functions NOT anything to do with the electrics which is what AF is. You apparently have a mechanically normal heart which is good news and often the case with people who have AF so don't be confused be happy.
It certainly sounds like the technician didn't notice anything of concern to them
Same here - I kept asking questions too as I was newly diagnosed and worried. All I could get by way of reply was that they didn't see anything terribly interesting.
Keep calm - your physician will be able to give you the full picture.
Thank you all for your replies, I am so pleased i have found you all its reassuring to know that theres always someone at the other end !!
Mine took about 30mins, but I am quite stocky thought he was going to bust a rib lol. He did ask what problem I was having and go on to explain his role and he was looking a the blood flow, valves ,heart walls etc . The report is sent to your cardiologist and acted on accordingly. They technician did not discuss his findings with me and I did not ask.
It's possible he talked about the Isle of Wight to distract you and avoid answering questions which are not really his to answer.
@colkat the echo being good means your heart is mechanically normal and all your valves function normally. Your only problem is electricaal That is great news. If you were a house., this would be like the plumbing and the walls, floors insulation chimney roof and other structures are perfect but you had to redo the elctrical wiring. That is not such a bad report.
This means you have a strong healthy heart. That is great, as some peole do not--and they are really in a mess. The checkup was just eliminating any other possible problems. that's what doctors are supposed to do.