could anyone tell me which holiday insurance company they use please. Thinking of not bothering if I can’t get a decent quote
insurance: could anyone tell me which... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I use the same company as for my house and car insurance, currently with LV.
I think most companies will give you a quote and the cost will depend on your answers to questions associated with the medical condition(s) you declare. Here is a screenshot of mine.
Best wishes
Hi, since my MI (5+ years ago) and subsequent Afib diagnosis (treated with medication), I have been using Saga. They’ve covered me for single trips to Europe and Asia.
For many years, we had an annual family policy with LV but they still wont cover me; it’s not clear why.
I should probably shop around more but I do like comprehensive cover from a reputable brand.
travel insurance4medical, part of World First group, they insured me when Saga redacted my cruise insurance with 3 days notice - and they were £30 cheaper! They offer 3 levels of insurance so you can see at a glance what you are paying for and choose.
When you say you may not bother - be very careful about travelling to some countries without and if travelling in Europe - ensure you carry your GHIC with you so at least you would be covered for essential emergency care as if you were a resident of the country - won’t cover you as if you were in Uk and you will still have to pay for meds.
IMHO medical travel insurance for outside UK is essential, I met too many people in Spain who holidaying without travel insurance were caught out.
Hello, I use my building society, much cheaper than other quotes, plus car breakdown and phone insurance included, also no charges for using card abroad and worldwide cover. There is a monthly fee, but still much cheaper than quoted from insurance suppliers. Worth a look at your bank/building society offering.
I had this with the Nationwide, when I told them about my heart conditions they point blank said we won't cover you for that. ......
I'm with nationwide, I had no problem with cover, I have no other heart issues just paroxysmal A F.This was last December, I know they have recently changed travel insurance supplier, was this recently they refused you cover?
So I have just had a look at Nationwide insurance and they will now cover me and my partner for an extra £257 which is less than what I paid for my yearly European cover, but I would have to factor in the yearly fee for changing my account back. But there are other advantages too which will probably justify the cost, namely worldwide travel and European breakdown cover (they cover campervans which we will be getting in December).
So thanks for letting me know, I will probably change back in November.
My packaged account with Lloyds Bank provides inclusive annual travel insurance; and account fees cost roughly the same as an annual travel insurance policy. Getting an upgrade to cover AF was straightforward and inexpensive though if you’re on anticoagulants it might not necessarily be so (I answered ‘no’).
I didn't have any issue with answering yes to anticoagulants, I'd be keen to learn of your thoughts on how it's dearer saying you're on them.
I don’t know the answer to your question. It may not be more expensive and could even be cheaper. However the question must be there to help the underwriters assess the risk, so it will depend on whether they think folk on anticoagulants present a greater or lesser risk of making a claim. Eg suffering from PAF and on anticoagulants (1) may be less likely to have a stroke whilst travelling and thus lower premium; (2) may be more likely to haemorrhage if in accidents or needing emergency surgery and thus higher premium. Or suffering from PAF and not on anticoagulants may be thought to have lower ChadsVasc score and therefore likely to be at lower risk of stroke. In any event, you need to give an accurate answer to the medical questionnaire.
We still travel all over the world, 4 or 5 times a year, and I'd never dream of leaving the UK without travel insurance. I have had annual cover with Staysure ever since Afib began about 10 years ago, very happy with them. Just last year we had a very expensive trip booked, a few days before my husband was ill with a kidney stone, had to cancel, and did not lose the many £Ks. Apart from that, I would never relax for a minute and enjoy a holiday worrying about going into Afib just at the wrong moment (like getting home). The key is to declare everything medical - some conditions and things you've seen a doctor for in the last X number of years are accepted without additional charge, some attract extra premium. Be very careful if you go down the route of "free" travel cover included with credit cards, bank accounts, some holidays companies etc - you must still declare your medical conditions to their insurers, and that may require additional payment, or is excluded altogether. Good luck!
Also currently using Staysure. But have used others in the past. I always think it better to call them once you've worked out who to use as web forms are often not brilliant.
Agree totally. For all my other insurances, I never renew without shopping around, so a couple of times in the last few years, I've done the same with trying the other specialist medical travel companies. I did do that online, so I think you're right that talking to them probably produces better results - their online quotes were way higher than my Staysure renewal. I don't autorenew with them either, always talk direct, I think they have discretion for loyalty, discounts, and they check their panel of insurers for better deals, etc. I'm very happy with their cover/premium at this point, I was dreading adding a new condition for my husband recently, it was 69p for the 7 months remaining!
Try the Civil service insurance
I just got annual cover with staysure . Declared ever £270 . Full cover
I use Staysure who cover my Afib and a few other issues. I had to make a small delay claim last year and that was handled very well. They'll load your premium though.
I have used Insureandgo for many years. The medical questions are straightforward and the additional premium to cover them seem reasonable. Have claimed for medical items, not related to AF, and found the procedure ok.
Bupa in Australia I’ve had no problems. Did it online though they rang before one trip and asked a few questions. One time o wasn’t on drugs and told them I’d had a cardioversion another time I said I was on drugs including Apixiban and no probs it’s just disclosing what your about. I think I had to pay about $60 extra above the normal premium. I think the underwriter is Allianz
It's called something travelinsurance4medical and covered me even though I'm on a waiting list!
Good morning babs1234
Thank you for your post on Atrial Fibrillation support forum, we understand your concern with getting the right insurance.
Please see the link below with regards to insurance and travel.
If you require any other information please contact us on 01789 867502.
Kind regards
I don’t tend to travel far now but please don’t go abroad without insurance. I remember a few decades ago going on holiday with my friend who had type 1 diabetes. She got food poisoning and had to be hospitalised, they flew her mum out too. She went into a coma and had first class care, flown home a week after me. Her insurance was more than mine at the time but my goodness it would have been extremely expensive without cover. Take care and there’s plenty of advice on here. 🦊x