Has any one with A/F out there had to pay more for holiday insurance.
Holiday insurance: Has any one with A... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Holiday insurance

If you put (holiday insurance) in the search box top right there should be some info on there
Hello Lofty. Last July my Husband and I went to Italy by coach. I had been diagnosed with AF the month before so I phoned the Insurance company to tell them. They wanted to know what medication I was on ( I was on Bisoprilol and Rivaroxiban) they put my insurance up by £90. I've had a pacemaker fitted since then so i'm expecting to have to pay even more next time.

Thanks for that.
The amounts, what they will include, what they will exclude, when they reject cover will vary from insurance company to insurance company. In addition a single insurance company may take quite different approaches and pricing for two different people depending on how they perceive and calculate the risk. Even for an individual person two people within a single insurance company can make different assessments and prices.
We have a premium credit card and recieve free travel insurance cover BUT it doesnt cover preexisting illness, so for our last holiday, we contacted the provider and all we paid was an extra $75 AUD, about 40 British pounds. Didnt think that was too bad. But I have only had one episode of AF so dont know if they took that into consideration.
On the whole yes, but factors which seems to load the premium:-
Age - each decade sees an automatic rise so plus 80 is really loaded
If you take anticoagulants 'which require INR testing' (the NOACS don't count).
If you have had - an unscheduled visit to hospital within the last 12 months
If you are awaiting tests
If your condition is untreated
Co-morbidities - I have Myasthenia gravis as well as AF
Even with that, the medical loading on my basic policy was only £27 for 2 weeks in Spain in May earlier this year - but I don't take cancellation cover, which seems to make a much bigger difference so all in all, many factors to consider which is why it will vary such a lot for everyone.
Thanks every one for the replies on the holiday insurance subject.
It can be expensive! I paid just shy of £260 for a five day trip to NY and was glad I was 100% honest as I finished up in hospital the day I was due to go with afib and aflutter which the doctor was unable to treat with medication. As CDreamer says, the factors which load premiums are many, for me it was loaded by (1) recent TIA (2) warfarin (3) recent trips to ED for cardioversion (4) awaiting an appointment with EP. The claim process is very involved and requires your GP to complete an indepth questionnaire. So shop around but , I guess you also need the confidence that you are fully covered in case you need medical treatment abroad.
Check out allcleartravel.co.uk my sister has AF and other issues, I recommended them to her after shed been quoted £2500 for her current trip to Florida for her family of 4 adults. All clear travel quoted £600 with excellent cover.
Hi Lofty, Yes I have just paid £210 with "NOW"for 3 week world cover. My current provider Tesco wouldn't cover me although I already have annual cover for Europe that's cost me £165 with Them. funny though Tesco covered me 2 years ago for a trip South America.
I have a travel insurance on my bank card, it went up by £70.
I took out insurance last week, I tried the ones on here but they either rejected me or the price was too much. one wanted an excess of £500 and their quote wasn't cheap. to cut a long story short, i went on one of the compare sites to get quotes. Saga came out at the top. I went on their website and bought it direct and got half the price again. This was more then half the cheapest quote with that high excess. this excess is £70 and everything declared.
Shop around ladies and gents as in all case's, consider getting an annual worldwide policy
if you have no intention of going to the caribean or the USA it will be much cheaper.
also consider Europe only if that suits your need
but do get coverage, there are some real horror stories out there
I've used LV for the past couple of years, not an endorsement.
We're with SAGA and for 2 people, me with AF, my wife with nothing especially, we pay £300 per annum for worldwide annual cover excluding "the Americas". There's a limit on the amount of travel allowed overall and per trip, but both are big. Not recommending them, just that I know from experience that they pay out, as I'm sure others do.
I'm 66, wife is 59.9.
Has anyone found a travel insurer who will talk to you rather than the 'computer says no' variety?
I once tried an insurance broker who was surprised and said that they didn't do travel insurance. That was after being quoted £2K for a month in the USA as I have a small aortic aneurysm . I went to insureandgo and excluded that from the cover.
Yes, travelinsurance4medical.co....
I have used them for last 3 years and find them excellent - I have 2 further conditions to declare apart from AF - but I can't get annual cover, only single trip but they are very reasonable.
I just tell my Insurer to exclude AF to keep my premium down.
Why would I want cover for AF anyway !! It's well controlled and very unlikely to cause me extra problems just because I'm away from home.
Sorry to say this but for the sake of a few tens or may be a hundred or so pounds that's very unwise. If you get any form of cardiac problem or circulatory problem or anything related such as breathing then you won't be covered because they will claim it's AF related or AF initiated. That could even apply to a heart attack though you might win that one if it is solely due to narrowed arteries. However you probably would have to bear the cost of proving that including consultant fees. If you go to the USA or similar then you could rack up a bill of £50,000 in a matter of a few days.
PeterWH.....Read up on 'Proximate Cause'
Rant warning. I'm 63, husband is 68. I have had aortic valve surgery for a congenital condition 4 years ago + AF. Husband is healthy. Our renewal quote from Aviva was £343 for multi-trip, all countries or £140 for a single trip to Costa Rica. Last year we paid £263 for multi-trip. My pre existing conditions are covered.
On comparing with Saga, I was at first refused a multi-trip policy due to pre-existing conditions but invited to take out a single trip policy at £301 - more than twice the cost of Aviva. Another window then popped up offering a multi trip policy at £447. What a rip-off by a company than specialises in holidays for older people.