I was wondering if having the Flu shot or Pneumonia shot causes AFib episodes like COVID did.
Flu and Pneumonia vaccinations - Atrial Fibrillati...
Flu and Pneumonia vaccinations

It’s possible, but having flu or pneumonia would be much more likely to.

If you think it will then it probably will. I've never had any kind of reaction to any vaccinations other than slightly sore arm.
Thanks Bob I had an episode a day later with both my COVID jabs. So I was wondering if it happens with all vaccinations
I haven't heard of the covid jab causing AF at all, but I have no reaction to the flu jab. I seem to recall the pneumonia vaccine causing more of a reaction the following day, but only a sore arm and the like.
Side effects are so individual to people, I guess and depend upon such a wide range of factors.
I had A Fib episodes after COVID boosters but fine with the other jabs
Correlation isn't necessarily causation..... but it can be. If it keeps occurring when you have shots it increases the likelihood that there's a connection.I've had 6 covid shots and annual flu shots without any problems but we're all different.
I had both an no af.
Of 7 flu jabs (at least) only.one gave me afib. Of four COVID one gave me afib too. !!!!
Covid definitely gave me AF but the flue vaccines never have!
Thank you everyone that helps me to make a decision.
I had an AF episode after the flu but not the Covid jab. My cardiologist explained it as a reaction to the necessary inflammation caused by the vaccine. But as others have said, probably better than a couple of weeks of flu, which by the accounts of my unvaccinated relatives, was very unpleasant this season.
I agree with your cardiologist’s information about the inflammatory response. The Covid virus provoked my AF but the vaccine didn’t. The flu vaccine might have provoked ectopics and possibly BUT my ectopics has been pretty bad for some time before then so it may well have been the same outcome, flu vaccine or not. But the virus itself will probably put someone at more risk of AF than the vaccine. The do nothing option won’t make anyone immune from Covid, so there’s risks whichever way you look at it. No such thing as a free lunch, etc.
Neither flu, pneumonia or shingles jab had any effect on me - not even higher HR after them.
My 3 Covid jabs I had set of heart samba but nothing with flu and pneumonia.
I had no problems with the flu or pneumonia jabs, or shingles jabs and only had a sore arm with the Covid ones. I have every jab going, I prefer to be protected against nasty diseases.
Both of these put me in AF and I seldom get episodes. So I avoided the 'flu one this year (we have them in April here in S Africa) and am not mixing with crowds. We have the pneumococcal every 5 years, so that is not due for another 3, so I will see then!!!!!!!!
Covid vaccine gave me Afib but flu vaccines have been completely fine.
I was fine with flu snd pneumonis, but terrible with covid vacs and covid itself
The covid jabs gave me episodes of afib. I was fine with the flu jabs.
I had 3 bouts of arrhythmia after my last c o vid shot, one lasting 3 weeks, the others lasting around a week, 6 months apart. My cardiologist was certain the jab caused it as the first started the very next morning. He said it's the spike proteins related to co vid that are causing rhythm problems for some people. those are not present in the vaccinations you refer to.
Thank you
Don't take that as gospel; it's just what i was told but I do know they are very different vaccines. AF's such a strange thing, I guess pretty much anything could trigger it- or not. The last flu jab I Had just brought me up in a rash everywhere.
Had the MMR vaccine in March (at age 68) and that caused High HR but only for 24 hours
I’ve had seven Covid jabs and no reaction other than sore arm.
I get a flu shot every year and always have just a sore arm - it has never aggravated my afib.
I have had the flu jab annually without problems, I also had the pneumonia jab about six months ago. I have had 3 covid vaccines without any effect on afib, however after the 3rd Covid vaccine I was very ill projectile vomiting and feeling tired but no afib. I have n’t had any more Covid vaccines.
I have a flu vaccination every year and I've had every covid vaccination and booster that I'm entitled too and as I'm not entitled to the current one, I paid for it. Never had any issues other than being a bit tired and a bit of a sore arm sometimes.
The flu jab set off my afib. Not having anymore COVID vaccinations
You are so right we are all so different and we all get triggered by different things. I guess I will have to really think about it.
Hi, I'v e avoided having covid and flu jabs together, which is what they usually offer. thats just me being cautious.