I had an Ablation on Tuesday and I will be getting my second vaccine shot on the 13th. I am hearing the second shot does give most people a reaction. My question is will this effect my ablation?
Vaccine and Ablation : I had an... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Vaccine and Ablation

Not much help but don’t know. Apart from anything else, only a relative small few have had their second jab so far so there is little relevant information. There have been quite a few posts from people who have had their first and although some talk about side effects, there doesn’t seem to be much of an issue with their AF. I guess not much we can do but maybe stay calm, keep hydrated and maybe take paracetamol even if you don’t experience any reaction. It might be worth contacting (if you have one) an Arrhythmia Nurse to see if they have any advice....good luck hope the 13th isn’t a Friday, phew close, it’s a Saturday!!
Hi I have had my 2 nd vaccine and did have a headache and sore arm for around 12 hrs and I just took paracetamol. I was worried about going into af but luckily I didn’t just made sure to drink a lot of water.

The best intelligence is no it won't. The majority of people who have commented on having their jabs have had no direct problems with AF.
I don't know what type of vaccine you had - Pfizer or Astra-Zeneca. My cousin and Aunt have both had the two shots at 3 weeks apart - both Astra-Zeneca and no problems with either - though of course they don't have AF. I hope you don't have any problems. I had my first jab yesterday - Astra-Zeneca and so far no problems at all. I would imagine if you had no problems with the first the second dose shouldn't give any extra problems. Let us know how you get on.