afib after flu shot?: After my mom (age... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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afib after flu shot?

GooseEggs profile image
32 Replies

After my mom (age 94) got a flu shot, her cardiologist said he wouldn’t have recommended that—it can cause more afib in those prone to it (but he didn’t want to expand or share more; we’re in the U.S. and doctors are pressured to tow the line). Does anyone have any info or experience with flu shots and afib? Thank you

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GooseEggs profile image
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32 Replies
mjames1 profile image

First, there is no strong evidence that getting the flu shot will cause afib. But even if it did, getting a bad case of the flu at age 94 could be a lot worse than getting an a fib episode. I think your mom did the right thing.

Not sure what you mean by doctors here are "pressured to tow the line". To me it sounded like your cardiologist was just giving his personal opinion and didn't expand on it because he had nothing more of substance to back it up with. I'm also from the US and find a divergence of opinions from doctors on a number of medical issues.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to mjames1

Given that doctors were actively persecuted by their Boards for refusing to toe the line on the covid narrative, your assurance of different medical opinions being routinely tolerated rings hollow. There are many hospitals who also refuse to treat people if they are not up to date with vaccinations. There is no tolerance in the US medical establishment for those who refuse to worship at the altar of ever increasing numbers of vaccines for everybody. Why ? Because this is the new Holy Grail of profit for the pharmeceutical industry who haven't had a blockbuster drug for a while . Even better vaccines can be forced on everyone in the name of preventative health whereas there is a limit to how many drugs healthy people with no symptoms of any illness can be persuaded to take. It has been known for years that flu vaccines work poorly if at all in the elderly and there are studies which show that if the healthy vaccinee effect is discounted they barely work at all for anybody. People would be far better optimising their vit D levels as this helps one resist all respiratory infections including covid.

Peacefulneedshelp profile image
Peacefulneedshelp in reply to Auriculaire

Standing ovation for your comment.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Peacefulneedshelp

Amen. I was staggered to learn about medical practice in the States over Covid.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to secondtry

Bit of cancel culture here too! All my subsequent comments on this thread have been removed by admin. Complaints you know. Other comments agreeing with what I said by Americans have also been removed.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Auriculaire

Stay positive, we have learned a valuable lesson 🙌.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Peacefulneedshelp

All my subsequent comments on this thread have been deleted by admin due to complaints. Censorship again. So have some by other Americans agreeing with what I said.

Desertflowerchild profile image
Desertflowerchild in reply to Auriculaire

I'm in the US and none of my doctors have ever forced or tried to force any vaccines on me. On the other hand, both my sister's oncologist and my cardiologist ordered blood tests for vitamin D. And regarding American doctors being persecuted for refusing to "toe the line" on the covid narrative, that is quite a twisted discription of the facts. Doctors who faced any reprimand or threat to their license where not offering "an alternate medical opinion," but a scientifically debunked treatment which constituted a danger to the public. Big difference. Doctors are supposed to follow the medical evidence, rather than offering snake oil.

joliet21 profile image
joliet21 in reply to Auriculaire

I agree with you and I was a pharmacist for 44 years in the U. S. Also agree on the Vitamin D level

Nursingirl profile image
Nursingirl in reply to mjames1

I would never anyone put a needle in my arm. Ninety four is a good age. I would not temper with someone at the age. There is no benefit. Harm is the result. I am a former nurse and I am I’m learning all the things I was taught on nursing school. Doctors do what they are told. They are not always right. Think for yourself! It’s a very insane world out there!

Cavalierrubie profile image

It does affect some of us on here after having flu vaccination, but more so the Covid vaccination. The Covid vaccination has actually given some folks AF that have never had AF and some it has triggered an AF attack. Some, of course, have no after effects at all and they are fortunate. It’s a case of weighing up the risks in each individual and a personal decision. Your mum is a big age so perhaps her cardiologist was taking that into consideration regarding AF., but flu can also be detrimental. The devil if you do and the devil if you don’t.

Wilkie1 profile image
Wilkie1 in reply to Cavalierrubie

Given that most of the population, and particularly those who are middle aged and elderly received the COVID jab it would have been surprising if some didn't experience Afib in the period after receiving it - just as others will have experienced the range of illnesses and ailments that ordinarily affect people in the normal course of their lives.

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Wilkie1

I think you will find that cardiologists acknowledge the fact that, for some, the Covid vaccination can affect their condition, as well as evidence from some of the members here. There is such a thing as long Covid vaccination syndrome. Some folks are advised not to take the vaccination owing to serious illness they may have. It may be for the minority, but it does exist. I am not anti-vac.

President2012 profile image

I am 83. I have had all Covid vaccinations and yearly flu jab with no ill effects. I had both a few weeks ago while in A Fib which worried me a bit but I converted to NSR a few hours later. A friend was in hospital for 12 days last year because of flu. I will continue taking the flu jab every year.

OzJames profile image

How often does your mum get AF. My AF initially was once every 5 years for over 30 years and I’ve never been troubled by vaccines until 2022 went into AF a couple of days after Covid vaccine. I figured as I was 64 and getting older was the reason but could be coincidence …. but yr mum is 94 so maybe he’s right. If she hasn’t reacted then hopefully she’s ok

Angie06 profile image

Hi, my mum is 96yrs and has her flu and covid shot each year with absolutely no problem apart from a slightly sore arm. Of course everyone is different but as she's had a life changing stroke in the past, aged 80yrs , she definitely doesn't want to feel worse with flu/covid.

OzJames profile image
OzJames in reply to Angie06

That’s interesting as I feel my Covid booster gave me AF after 5 years of sinus. Does your mum have AF as well?

Angie06 profile image
Angie06 in reply to OzJames

Hi James, yes she does, also HF.

OzJames profile image
OzJames in reply to Angie06

Ok she has some issues but going ok given her age, I hope that the stroke has stopped her from enjoying life too much. I guess it was caused by AF. Give her my best wishes!

Tamgirl profile image

I am 71 and due to have the combined Flu/Covid jab. My electrophysiologist has said go ahead.

mallet-head profile image

Hi GooseEggs,

I think it’s all about “relative risk” . If AFIB is already been treated ( oral anti-coagulants) then hopefully the risk of stroke is minimised. Without the protection of the flu jab, IF she contracted flu this winter, the consequences COULD be very serious at age 94!

There is no “right answer “ here, it’s down to which presents the greatest risks

I have been treated for AFIB now for over 10 years, and always have my annual flu jab without any adverse reactions.

Hope this helps,


Cozzer profile image

I believe the mechanism is an over reaction within the body to the Vax, the COVID jab sent me straight into afib within hours, and it was explained to me that it was the body's over reaction, much in the same way some people get it when run down with colds etc, so was told never to have another one by both my cardiologist and my ep, it along with other triggers is different for each person, unfortunately that's the minefield we live in

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Cozzer

I absolutely agree.

DKBX profile image

Have had persistent Afib for 12 years and every vaccination one can think of every single year! No correlation whatsoever with Afib onset and jabs for me.

Of course, if one reacted negatively to vaccines in the past, that’s a different story.

Having flu or Covid would be far worse for me!

Terriersgalore profile image

I am convinced the COVID jabs caused my AF. Never had anything prior to the jabs. I listened to everyone and had 5 all told, but drew the line there. I have been on Calcium Channel blockers and an anticoagulant ever since my diagnosis. I won’t be having any more COVID jabs

Jajarunner profile image

I got af once after flu jab but not the other seven times!! At 94 flu is a killer so I'd always go for the jab, IMHO

Sixtyslidogirl profile image

I had AF for a few hours after the flu jab last year. But my sister in law was in bed for a week last year with flu. I have booked myself in for both Covid and flu jab this year. Afib in itself doesn’t kill you, but flu can definitely kill a 94 yo.

I am in the US and everything you stated is true. I have been in the holistic health field for many years and we can't speak of what to use to "help" in the way of anything that isn't a Pharmaceutic drug. We used to be able to tell our own experiences but that is also now been silenced. Especially on social media. Or even on forums like this one. Follow the money for sure. What is being done to the children is far worse. Too many jabs before the blood brain barrier has had a chance to become solid to ward against damage to the brain. Look at the amount of children in the US that have Austim or on the spectrum as they say. Yet they refuse to really look at it and the courts are hidden away so the public doesn't know about all the damage. I could go on but that is enough to say once again I applaud your comment

I don't know what MSM means.

To me, regarding ivermectin, the bottom line would be: "There was no significant difference in all-cause mortality rate between IVM and controls."

Frankly, I was very interested in ivermectin in the early days, noted its potential, followed the research as it became available, and then decided maybe starting to smoke nicotine cigarettes might be a better strategy (a little tongue in cheek there but the smoking paradox is interesting).

In any case, doctors were generally sanctioned, not for treating individual patients with ivermectin or otherwise, but for spreading false information on social media. If someone wants to be treated with ivermectin, I'm quite certain they would still be able to find a doctor to prescribe it in the US.

You are correct, many people were required to have a COVID vaccine based on their employment or for international travel in the midst of the pandemic. In my opinion, those were the proper procedures from a public health standpoint and saved lives. You are also correct that the COVID vaccine is experimental - we can't know long term effects without the long term - but we did know short term effects of COVID infections for many individuals was mortality.

TracyAdmin profile image
TracyAdminPartner in reply to Desertflowerchild

Please ensure any links to external articles etc are approved by Admin team prior to posting next time.

Peacefulneedshelp profile image
Peacefulneedshelp in reply to Desertflowerchild

Doctors where prescribing it but Pharmacies were told not to fill the prescriptions.

Shopgal67 profile image

I’ve had several covid and flu shots and it’s never triggered afib .

I’ve had COVID 3 times never triggered afib

I’ve had other colds / chest infection triggered afib !

Go figure! I’ve given up trying to work this beast out .

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