I had the high dose flu shot yesterday, late last night I starting feeling funny. This morning I am in Afib, can the flu shot bring on An Afib incident?
Flu shot and Afib: I had the high dose... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Flu shot and Afib

Not sure, I would doubt it though. I've flu jabs for years and it's never brought on an episode for me.
Can't see why it would had mine yest
What's a high dose flu shot...as opposed to normal one ? I have the normal one ..i think..and it hasn't brought on AF.
I had my flu jab Friday and went into af 2am Saturday morning! I was wondering the same!
Two years ago I had the flu jab and had a bad localised reaction and that evening landed up in resus in fast AF Asked if the cause was the flu jab and was told it could have been Never had the flu jab last year and was fine
Yes it can but this should not be seen as a reason not to have the shot. Your heart will be slightly inflammed by the vaccine and that has created a rogue conduction path causing A F on a temporary basis. It will go soon but what it's telling you is that if you get real flu the heart will inflame far more and you'll be in for a bad time, as I was last winter when the vaccine didn't work for me.
Vaccines differ from year to year because they are aimed at mutating strains of the 'flu virus. Still way better than the real thing which could cause serious problems.
There is a trial in the Oxford area of the world’s first widespread human testing of a flu vaccine which researchers hope will protect more over 65-year-olds against influenza .
This is why my mother, who has had afib for over 25 yrs, won’t get another flu shot. She says it sends her into afib episodes that last too long, for a few days after she receives the shot. The doctor swears it’s not the flu shot, but he can’t convince her otherwise. He says it would be worse for her to get the flu at this point than to have a few days of afib anyway, if this is the case. So I, her daughter, always hold my breath through every flu season and pray she doesn’t pick up a bug! She’s 91 yrs old! Her immune system is very good, so she has been lucky these past few years. I get the flu shot however, because I can’t afford to get sick and I don’t want to give her the flu. We do take extra precautions with her during flu season. I.e., no big crowds, no emergency rooms, washing hands and sanitizing grocery carts etc.
I had high dose flu Shot on a Friday and following Monday morning I went into afib
I had my very first flu jab on Tuesday, acting having an unsuccessful Ablation 12-months ago. I’m expecting to have a top up in January. By Thursday I was experiencing AFrib, requiring Flecainide. I cannot think of anything I did or ate differently and therefore assume it to be the Flu jab.
I have not had a lasting Afib episode since Jan. ( now Nov.) I got the flu shot Friday at noon. I am Afib with my heart running 140bpm at midnight. I need to check if my episodes last Jan. coincided with my flu shot last year.
Up till today I’ve had the flu shot each year without it triggering an AF episode, but I’m in AF now having had the jab just over two hours ago. Could be a coincidence though.