I have just started with my afib journey (trek?).
My GP told me that my best blood-thinner choices were Coumadin, Xarelto, and Eliquis.
I did my research, and, right or wrong, I chose Eliquis, even knowing its expense. (I have no insurance, thus I paid a lot of money to buy my first bottle of pills.)
I have since discovered that there also is Pradaxa (dabigatran), which seems similar to Eliquis, but is far less expensive. It also seems to be more flexible in terms of dosage. It has been around since 2010, I understand.
Are there any opinions about Pradaxa? It doesn't seem to be used in the U.K. Or is it? I say this because of all the appearances of the word "apixaban."
Yes, I know, I could ask my doc. But he's not available for a few days. I'm still waiting to hear from the cardiology clinic to which I have been referred.