Ok , I started with occasional AF 15 years ago. I worked out what was causing it , usual stuff alcohol , stress, caffeine possibly salt. Mine lasted about 12/15 hours and returned to normal , started out fast heart beat , slowed after about 3/6 hours and then just out of rhythm for the rest until back to normal. Early days I had an episode maybe 2 in a week and then could go 3/4 months without one . Over time I have managed it , but in recent years episodes got more frequent, I do exercise a lot , gym work ( weights) and golf , on top of this sex which on occasions caused an episode! Last 6 months started to get worse until last 2 months every 2/3 days, then a couple of strange events where I thought heart may have stopped for a second or two , so worried I went to docs in AF , he took ECG and referred me to consultant. I have been on blood thinners for years, and last 2 years BP tablets, 5 years ago they put me on Statins , did not like them and came off. After doc visit wanted me to go on Statins again so I agreed, and after about 3 weeks came off them as above episodes happened . then I was sent a link to video by Barbara O Neil Australian woman , you can access via YouTube , Google etc. She explained a lot about heart and normal cell function, etc and clearly was very anti statins , but to get to point, she recommended Celtic Salt and Cayenne Pepper , so I bought some off amazon . now I eat four sorts of berries in morning along with 4 sorts of nuts, but now I have a tea spoon of cayenne pepper in a small glass of water, and a sprinkling of Celtic salt on my finger end , put onto my tongue, let it melt ( not too pleasant, first time felt a little sick, but now no problem, then drink the water with cayenne pepper , then my fruit . So this was 21st March 2024, and now 23rd April 2024 , apart from one minor episode had none , not one felt much better all round , also now come off my BP tablets just to see if my BP remains very good which has been , it may have risen slightly but still within 130/60 , my heart rate is in 50s . So I strongly recommend you look at video and try this out may not suit everyone , but it is certainly working for me. Final point I will be 70 in June good luck everyone !
A natural cure for AF!: Ok , I started... - Atrial Fibrillati...
A natural cure for AF!

Just looked at Barbara O'Neal on YouTube. Fascinating, will watch more of her presentations. May even buy her book of natural remedies.
How interesting. How does Celtic salt differ from 'normal' salt? I have felt much better in myself and fewer brief episodes since taking daily nutritional yeast flakes. Already take mag taurate.
I am sceptical but stranger things have happened. I'll be interested to hear how it has gone in 12 months time. I've not had an episode in 4 months and 12 days but paroxysmal AF comes and goes.
PS I'm not a medical professional but systolic BP of 130 is borderline Stage 1 high blood pressure these days.
"Isolated systolic hypertension happens when the diastolic blood pressure is less than 80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and the systolic blood pressure is 130 mm Hg or higher. Isolated systolic hypertension is the most common form of high blood pressure in people older than age 65."
At very least you should be monitoring your BP regularly and aiming for it to be noticeably better than 130/60. Especially given AF diagnosis means you are at higher risk of stroke, even with taking AC - and elevated BP adds to that risk.
Barbra O’Neil is a quack , nothing more nothing less .
And I say this as someone who believes in trying food, exercise and lifestyle above medicine first but I believe she is dangerous.
Here are some thoughts from someone who can't help but be sceptical of alternative therapies.
The only thing that ought to have made a difference would be the salt, and it wouldn't matter where it came from as it's the NaCl that would affect your body, quickly and directly, in ways that might (just might...) be helping the AF (for now). Salt would raise your BP at least a little - and that might be good for you in the short term.
The pepper, is another possibility but any kind of pepper would also have worked I would guess.
Sorry beg to differ on types of salt and pepper , view video as suggested
Yes - sorry, I will and should have done. My apologies. It’s a busy morning.
I wrote what I did in the light of having read up on an earlier suggestion someone posted elsewhere to use Himalayan salt and another spice, and various other natural remedies I’ve tried or read about over the years.
I shall watch the video as I should have.
PS When she discusses cholesterol and the liver she shows a lot of dismissal (or ignorance …) of modern science and understanding of both it and statins.
Her belief and references to the supernatural are also deeply unscientific.
I shall watch more later but with that beginning, this has disappointed me.
She might be simplifying her words to suit her audience, in which case it is worrying, but also rings of a lack of knowledge and a rather dogmatic mindset which is far more worrying. She seems to lack a solid understanding of modern science regarding atherogenesis and the effects of statins.
No problem, Himalayan salt just as good has also 80+ minerals , end of day it is finding what works for you as an individual , I reported in my post what was working well for me so far, and thus maybe it could work for others with similar AF situation , thanks
You as all are entitled to your opinion , I only report what is working for me , we are all different , my post is for those who may just benefit from the information , or not as the case maybe . So far the medical profession and science have not made much difference to my problem, which is all I really care about and thus trying a different approach has so far , so good luck with you adventures !
Of course, I understand and fully agree. I only wanted to suggest a plausible piece of science lies behind the use of sodium chloride (in any form) as it increases BP which has a direct and measurable effect on the heart; but no science lies behind the other ingredients so that could be all kinds of reasons why or if it work, perhaps even yet to be found science.
It's just that I feel that so much pseudo-science is filling the internet these days and is presented very authoritatively.
Not sure every medical problem can be resolved by science
Oh but I think it can. Not more, but eventually. Science is only a method, after all. In fact, it’s the only method that works to further the kind of knowledge that took us out of the Dark Ages of mysticism and into the Enlightenment. Social media sometimes feels to me as if it’s been designed to send us back to those benighted times.
3T MRI and Spectral CT are the products of science and are transforming diagnoses. Pulse-field catheter ablation is making fit much safer and more effective AF treatment. New drug treatments can now keep HF at bay for so much longer; and a stent can be fitted in twenty minutes to stop a heart from dying.
But, yes - the human imagination can work wonders, too. So we shouldn’t stop trying that.
But that Youtuber told too much that was not right. I can’t help wondering why she did. Really - just why?
I have used cayenne pepper capsules to help stop my heavy nose bleeds. They work well but I once took them on an empty stomach and ended up stomach cramps, boiling hot, feeling so faint I had to lie on the floor etc. took a few minutes to work out what was happening then I realised it was the pepper/empty stomach combo. 🤣. Glass of milk sorted it out!!
I would always encourage open-mindedness about alternative treatments and having a healthy suspicion about the way the results of studies are presented in order to push certain mainstream medications at patients who almost certainly don't need them.
But I urge anyone reading this thread to read the Wikipedia entry for Barbara O'Neill. All you need to know is right there.
Just read it - definitely concerning.
Anyone who tells the truth about Cholesterol and Statins, as she does, is liable to a concerted campaign of discredit, so the way she has been attacked and smeared needs to be treated with caution and I would encourage anyone to watch her videos and make their own mind up.
Personally, whilst I think much of what she says on the above subject makes absolute sense, she has some very outlandish and probably dangerous opinions in other areas, and I find her constant references to her religion frankly disturbing.
what a load of nonsense. Statins are one of the most researched and studied drugs in history and so is the impact of LDL on cardiac events. Of all possible areas to blind yourself to, if you blind yourself to statin research you mayaswell make every medical decision with a ouija board because every other therapy in modern medicine has less data, less research and more efficacy uncertainty.
The anti statin influencer culture is about vast amounts of money: promoting dubious supplements for kickbacks and getting followers who buy that stuff often private labelled by the influencer themselves for way way more money than the cents per dose a statin scrip would cost them. The “doctors” in involved are rife with chiropractors, medical people operating in a field they never got training for (cardiology) and quacks who have found out if you tell people what they want to hear they get rewarded with commissions. Ridiculous.
as everyone you are entitled to your opinion , I for one will not take statins , I am sure they may help some but didn't suit me , after two trials
There have been hundreds of studies, yes. And the results of said studies have been grossly and consistently misrepresented. Much of the latest research has concluded that Statins are of no benefit whatsoever to those with no history of ischaemic events yet they are routinely scattered like Smarties amongst an ever-increasing demographic, despite the horrendous side-effects they cause in many people.
In terms of the separate but obviously linked subject of the demonisation of Cholesterol, a substance vital to our health which is produced by that marvellous organ the liver, recent studies have shown that those with higher levels tend to live longer.
I haven't read enough to form an opinion on the alarming increases in cases of dementia, including early-onset, being reported, but given that our brains are made up largely of cholesterol and a large portion of the population are deliberately suppressing their liver's natural output, I am bound to be curious!
Depends on what you read and which commentators you put your faith in I suppose. There are much more articulate and intelligent people than me on both sides of the debate. However the idea that everyone on the 'anti-Statin' side is flogging alternative treatments is, to use your word, ridiculous.
you are just recycling the same empty arguments against statins from the alternative medicine influencers in a sort of poor copy paste method: cholesterol is vital for life, studies are not conclusive, blah blah yet, in fact, the whole area of study and meta analysis is more settled than even climate change research.
If you want to be anti science as a reflexive attitude thats fine but then say that, dont try to use the tools of logic and reasoning but immediately lock them aeay when presented with a huge well conducted, microscopically analysed, double blind trial.
apart from anything else, even if you do not understand science and repeat the claims of charlatans, a person believing this state of affairs requires believing either a giant hidden conspiracy to pretend something works when it does not OR that the entire field of cardiology is full of people too stupid not to see whatever theory you personally have attached yourself to and they have instead for mysterious reasons gone up a dead end. I cannot even decide which is more unlikely (stupid cardiologists or massive conspiracy) and there is no third option OTHER than: yes, you got carried away with the words of a slippery fringe personality and lack the tools to see through their self serving deceptions.
I am sorry , maybe I have misunderstood this forum, I did not realise it was meant to attack other peoples ideas or even other people in general who may have different ways of thinking that does not fit into your own. I in my naivety thought it was a forum of people who are suffering or coping with a certain problem , and that we might help each other with possible different approaches , what works for one is not guaranteed to work for another , but something maybe worth trying if it could help and then they can be the judge, it seems you have set yourself up as judge, jury and exercutioner to all who may disagree with your thoughts. Others I could name have similar attitudes, namely Hitler and now Putin , seems you are in good company !!!
Oh what a wonderful life it would be if we could 'cure' our AFib by having berries for breakfast and using high mineral salt and cayenne pepper! Sorry to say though I am dubious. I already have berries for breakfast, I have done for years, and also have been using Himalayan salt for several years, but not cayenne pepper which I'm guessing is high in antioxidants, similar to turmeric which I do use.
I'm happy for you that this regime is working out so far. We all look forward to hearing an update in maybe six months?

Happy to give update in 6 months, I only report what's working for me , we all different and , Himalayan salt very good also , good luck with your regime !
Thank you. I'm a bit of a health nut before the advent of AFib, and since then have tried and made numerous lifestyle changes and taken various supplements. Sadly none of them have prevented my AFib from progressing.
I hope you have better luck!
Been taking celtic salt for around 1 year, recently added cayenne pepper , and have noticed fewer bouts of af since starting , that is until this morning when it started , ive been monitoring for any reactions, its looking promising , maybe i need to up cayenne dose, i did miss a day or two this past week maybe this is why af arose this morning , more time will tell , overall have been feeling much better sine taking both salt and pepper, barbara oneill is very easy to listen too, with much knowledge, in the natural realm.
My questions would be A/ Are you doing exactly the same amount of physical activity as you did before your aFib began to get worse or after you started using this alternative supplement ?
As , quite often we give credit to one particular thing like a supplement that we try but it's actually other changes that also reduce our stress by slowing down a little if we are too active, or doing more exercise if we are too inactive plus other healthy diet and lifestyle changes that actually make the difference.
B/ Did you have your electrolytes tested before you began using this "cure"?
because if you have made many lifestyle changes over the years the reason the salt could be helping may be just simply because you'd actually become to low sodium and that had , had an effect.
I have a condition which has caused my aFib to develop over time that requires me to drink more water and eat 1-2 tsp more salt each day than would be recommended to most people.
Depending on people's medical history and medication needs the " salt and pepper method" would be a curse for the majority rather than a cure.
One month is certainly not a long time to really know if something , especially a natural cure , is going to work for you long term , 3 months is a better indicator as most negative effects of natural cures which aren't just caused by short term change or intolerance take 6-10 weeks to show their ugly side.
And , as both salt of any variety, or cayenne pepper can have an impact on your blood pressure , which is a separate although linked circulation issue from your aFib you probably shouldn't come off that medication so quickly but would be better waiting to do that after a further few months when you can be more confident that in the long term this "cure" won't end up having a negative effect instead.
Large quantities of Cayenne Pepper has actually been linked to causing SVT, Coronary Vasospasm and aFib in members of the fitness and younger community because it can cause cardiotoxicity and have a big impact on the sensitivity of the nervous system if used in high daily doses long term. These links have been shown in research of Emergency Room data as well as via lab testing.
I'm saying this from learning the methods of trialling and testing both medications and natural supplements over decades with my various health conditions.
Lastly, I would say it's really great and proactive to search for ways to better your life and improve your health in natural ways as well as medical ones, but be careful of your sources.
Use better recommended doctors and websites , often sites by respected specialists or charities rather than persuasive influencers on YouTube.
Check whether the research they discuss in videos is true of being quoted correctly by looking up their sources and other opinions.
Check the credentials of the people in the videos aren't just trying to grab your attention with poorly researched ideas to sell their books or products.
There are some great general health and exercise advocates out there whom understand that with long term illnesses, medical care and complimentary therapies need to work hand in hand and never quote that certain food or supplement changes will be a forever cure even if they may benefit some.
Barbara ONiell , for example , is not one of the complimentary and natural health Practitioners that you can put your confidence in . Getting a countrywide ban brought about by recommending dangerous and useless alternatives instead of proper medical treatment for cancer patients and infants with chronic digestive disorders proves this Naturopath is unethical and not to be relied upon.
These are not just allegations made by Big Medicine to silence an Alternative Voice , records of the inquiries (rather than Wikipedia) also include testimony from patients and their carers.
Try looking them up , and take care , Bee
My lifestyle has remained the same as before , I explained what dosage I am using in my post , I did however forget to add that I also take vitamin D and woodthorne berry capsules. As for the time scale , I agree it is short term at present however if you read my post I was previously experiencing an episode every 3/4 days and now after a month none , so I take this as some success but long term we will see , the post was to maybe help others if they wanted an alternative as I was getting worse so I tried this course of action , others can make up their own minds
interesting … we have been using Celtic “grey” salt for years in cooking.. recommended by Dr Axe (not a doctor but a naturopath).. however never tried it like u suggested.. will have to read up… hope it continues to work for you..
Like anything that sounds too good to be true or a little bit out there, take it with a grain of salt, pardon the pun! Barbara was banned from practicing in Australia in 2019. sciencebasedmedicine.org/au...
Again I state that I am not judging whoever but stating what is working for me
I’m into natural remedies and believe most work. It was all we had before science took hold and today many drugs mimic and enhance their plant based cousins. We need a holistic approach adopting science and naturopathy. I just thought it prudent to raise the issue of what’s happened to Barbara. Do your research, work out what’s best for you as we’re all different and what helps me might harm you. In Australia we’re all steering clear of wild mushrooms after two separate incidents involving 4 deaths!
Is she the same WHACKO that said they have a bed you lay in and over time it will heal you, whatever the ailment is, She was from Australia also? I think the Martians have landed!
Not here to defend anyone, just stating what has worked for my AF so far , should anyone get help from this then great, each person is entitled to make their own mind
Forgetting the effects or not of the substances you recommended, for your sake I hope you are still taking an anticoagulant as your risk of stroke is 4x normal regardless of whether you are still in Afib. etheral
UPDATE. 31/05/2024
So far I have had 1 a month and I pushed myself a little as I felt I might be ok but obviously , you do need to keep everything under some control , too much exercise and sex can bring an episode on , so far I think what I am doing has been successful albeit not a cure but it has reduced significantly the episodes of AF , Good luck to everyone
Hi , i have been listening to barbara oneill for years long before she became famous so to speak, was wondering about you taking a full teaspoon of cayenne pepper, is that all in one go , it sounds very strong and hot, i take it in capsule form so dont taste it at all, does full spoonful not burn you,,do you still feel that is still working, i hope so, stay open minded.