After having very short periods of AF over the years, a virus put me into it persistently 12 weeks ago and I'm looking for any ways to try to get back to normal rhythm. I'm taking Warfarin and Diltiazem but I've read that cayenne pepper and salt can help. Anyone tried either of; half a teaspoonful of cayenne pepper or quarter a teaspoonful of warm water? Or does anyone know of any other methods that might help? I hate being out of rhythm...but then, who doesn't?
Can I bring myself out of PAF? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Can I bring myself out of PAF?

cayenne pepper and salt sounds like a very unlikely method, if it really were that simple doctors etc. I'm sure would be recommending it, we all know salt will raise your blood pressure and are constantly told to limit the amount we intake
Hi there,I too have PAF ,then around 5 weeks ago I went into persistent AF still waiting for it to settle, with my HR being around 80 BPM my doctor was not concerned, am on bisoprolol and warfarin,never heard of the salt and pepper one,maybe you should see your GP
It's all stuff and nonsense Maggie. Sorry, I know that's blunt but I promise you cayenne pepper will do nothing for your AF and taking more salt than you need could even make it worse.
Ablations cure AF and, for the moment, it's the only remedy there is.
Thank you for your replies. Being new to this, I am still trawling through the internet looking for all the information I can find. My first thoughts were that a pepper or salt 'cure' doesn't seem right...particularly when it comes to salt....but there was just that tiny hope. Don't worry about being blunt, AnticoagulateNow. I like bunt!
I'd also question a couple of the responses above. GPs don't recommend any of these proposed alternative cures because they are only trained in the drugs they peddle and are probably encouraged not to step off that path. My GP didn't have a clue what hawthorn did and how it works yet there is enough proof that it has worked for people with AF. He advised that I talk to somebody who knew and understood it if I felt I would benefit from it. The issue is it's not definitely a remedy for everyone like something like bisoprolol which has been specifically designed and rigorously tested for what it does. These herbal remedies work for some people but not necessarily everybody. I believe being in a positive frame of mind is a major part of fighting AF and if being pro-active and looking for 'other' cures helps accomplish that it can only be good.
I would say ask to be referred to an EP to look at your options. A lot of people here have had cardioversions where the heart is shocked back into rhythm - works for some but not always. As someone mentioned, ablation can get rid of AF for varying periods of time, years in many cases so worth considering. I had one in Nov 2013 and no AF since then.
Good luck 🍀
Thanks, lallym. I am getting a little anxious because I first saw my GP 10 weeks ago when my heart rate and rhythm went haywire after a nasty flu virus. It took 3 ECGs before he confirmed I had AF and he said he had referred me for a scan. I am still waiting for a letter from the Hospital...and I'm wondering why it's taking so long to be seen by the Specialist. Is this typical...this wait for a scan (or whatever it is 'they' do)?
Having had 3 fast runs of a.fib last week on 3 different days, I was very relieved when it stopped. I feel for you going through constant a.fib. I think you should go back to your gp and see if you can hurry things up.... the squeaky wheel comes to mind😉
Best wishes🌻
I know some people find really cold food and drink can trigger AF. My old GP suggested swallowing crushed ice or plunge wrists into ice cold water. Have never needed to try this so can't recommend.
Thank you all for your replies and good wishes. I started taking a daily magnesium tablet (375mg) a couple of weeks ago (maybe I need more) as-well-as a multi-vitamin. I'd love a copy of that free book on A Fib, slipperyelm. Thanks!
Oooops! Thanks, PeterWh