Experience on Propranolol & omeprazole - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Experience on Propranolol & omeprazole

AWhittaker profile image
7 Replies

So iv been experiencing very slight discomfort in my chest recently from getting PVCs a Kardia EKG shown up. Also my stomach/belly area occasionally gets discomfort.

I started with palpitations about 2 months ago and all blood tests, chest X-ray and loads of ECGs done by hospital have all came back clear and fine.

The doctor at the hospital pre-scribed propranolol to me to take to take "when required" this was beause I felt anxious about my heart rate going up and some days over 100bpm. I still find this happens when I'm moving around doing daily activities but my heart rate has lowered "at rest" since taking propranolol.

I went back to see my GP as I still felt overwhelmed probly as i kept going off googleing stuff online about PVCs, palpitations, propranolol (my own fault) which then in return has made my anxiety worst.

My GP also put me on omeprazole 10mg so iv always suffered from heart burn and its got worst as I've got older. This has completely gone since taking omeprazole however I now feel cramps, bloating and sometimes discomfort around my stomach/belly area.

I brought a Kardia EKG machine which most of the time shows normal sinus rhythm but recently a few times has come up with PVCs. I have literally changed everything in my life style to try and help from not drinking alcohol, stopping caffeine, to exercising (swimming) to eating more veggies, fruit, low fat food products, wholegrains and no take out foods but I'm still worried I may have a heart condition (not being diagnosed professionally) still still waiting on a 24hour ECG machine from my GP and been referred to the cardiologist, however my GP doesn't feel my referral is urgent but some days I feel so bad I start to worry this is something more sinister so I am trying to get my anxiety under control as I know that is a factor in some cases for PVCs I'm experiencing.

I was never told to completely stop propranolol this was only by people not by the doctor/GP, I only took it "when required" but then started to feel more anxious beause of my fright and flight responces & PVCs, I then upped my dose (advised) by my GP so I started taking 10mg x 3 per day then gradually up to 10mg x 4 per day which I started with bad headaches and also light headedness.

The questions I have for people are:

How long do people get withdrawal wystem for coming off propranolol?

Has anybody had or has PVCs, how do they handle them?

Have people changed the dose of propranolol to help with certain things, heart palpitations, anxiety, chest pain?

Does acid reflux/heart burn really affect your heart palpitations, are they linked?

Thanks for taking the time to read my story

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7 Replies
Ppiman profile image

I would say that your anxiety is making the symptoms much worse. Googling for this issue is, truly, not at all helpful. Many of us here would surely say your story is their story, too. I get lots of them every day and have had them since my 30s. It's also true to say that everyone, even youngsters, get some each day but remain blissfully unaware of them.

Ignorance really is bliss in the case of palpitations and ectopic beats because awareness of them magnifies them and any symptoms and, too often, once hooked, always caught. They are only rarely a sign of anything important and, if they were, your ECG will have given your doctor the clues he or she needs for further tests.

Nowadays mine are more frequent and I get AF occasionally, also, much more this year than ever. The chest discomfort you describe can be from the palpitations, your stomach issue or from anxiety itself which causes muscle tension in the rib area and the diaphragm. This also causes slightly altered shallower breathing that then creates a vicious circle as it also creates muscle tension and various other issues. A beta blocker like propanolol will slow the heart down a little which can be helpful, but can cause some mild and strange chest "aches", I find. This of course also can easily adds to the anxiety.

I, too, take a stomach tablet like yours. They are very effective as you have found but they are best not taken long term unless you truly need to because of risks from the acid - that's in my view. If you do so, you will (like me) likely find that you will not be able to stop taking them as doing so brings on even worse "rebound" acid reflux. Whilst they are safe for most people, it's not fully certain that they are safe in the long term. I would stick with simple alkali antacids such as Rennies if your doctor approves.


AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply to Ppiman

Thank you Ppiman.

Your absolutely right, I am my own enemy when it comes to searching for things.

Did you find the the noticing of PVCs came when you started propranolol? I could like you say always had them but just never noticed.

I am also in my 30's and have never experienced anything like palpitations or anxiety or PVCs (from my awareness) its very scary isn't it.

I'm still waiting on the ECG from the GP doctors I just noticed the PVCs on a Kardia EKG finger thing but they don't come up alot. I noticed they come on more when I'm eating or when I'm anxious which then makes me start to think about them. Did you find anything that triggers them?

I feel the propranolol doesn't work to numb them and I don't want to up my dose as I feel I have found what works for me.

Iv heard this about omeprazole it's not a long term solution, How did you get on with changing omeprazole to something like Rennies? I might have a chat with my GP, as chrome's runs in my family I imagine things would have been picked up on blood tests if I have issues with my digestive system.

Thanks again for you comments really helps to know I'm not the only person experiencing these PVCs and issues with acid reflux.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to AWhittaker

Chron’s is something everyone with IBS and gastric issues thinks about but it would have shown in a blood test.

I’m now on a more modern beta blocker called bisoprolol and, yes, I would think it’s highly likely that slowing the heart a little could make these ectopic beats more prominent. I can’t recall it happening but I can see it could. There is no real cure for them and since they are essentially “normal” and lead to nothing dangerous, it wouldn’t be a good idea to use a mallet to crack a nut. If they become very prominent, as mine have, well, you will see a cardiologist, but still all they will do is reassure you.

I was in my late twenties when I first noticed mine. One cardiologist I saw said that he had thousands more each day than I was having them and didn’t expect them to stop him living to a ripe old age.

For acid reflux, I started with Rennies and similar but was put on omeprazole much later. I think a safer route is to try the alkalis every time. There’s a drug called cimetidine, which is less effective than omeprazole but from a different family of drugs and likely safer.

Health anxiety is one of the toughest nuts to crack. I live with it. Many do, I expect, but either don’t recognise it or are not willing to admit to it. Reassurance from tests and your GP, trusting in their judgment, and relaxation techniques all help. Drugs don’t help and, it’s my view, but I would avoid the SSRI drugs like citalopram as these are generally poor for anxiety and, well, can make things worse.

Time is a genuine healer here as you can look back on similar peaks of worry in the past and tell yourself, “Well, I didn’t die / go mad / collapse … etc.”.


AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply to Ppiman

Yeah your right. Well I'd like to think it would have shown up.

Khh iv heard of bisoprolol, few of my friends are on them. I'm just wondering why it was propranolol that was suggested and not another beta blockers.

I'm starting to see when I get the PVCs slowly but there will be times where there just random.

Ohh and that came from an cardiologist as well, crazy! I keep getting told that the cardiologist they've seen will look at PVCs but then they will just tell them it's a normal thing so that does reassure me in some ways hoping that's me.

Ohh thanks I might mention the

cimetidine to the GP and see what they say.

How do you get diagnosed with health anxiety or is it just something they can pick up from your episodes, body language with your doctor, I'm always up beat smiley most of the time but there has been occasions where I've broke down in front of them beause I didn't understand the feeling I get when they happen.

Yeah I want to try and not go on any anti depressants if I can possibly help it. I really don't want to be on these propranolol but iv heard they help IF you do have a heart condition or any sort.

But your absolutely right. I look back and find some days are better and worst than others but I know I'm getting there it just feels some bad days it feels they push you back doesn't it.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to Ppiman

You say that you know a few people who take bisoprolol? Goodness, I knew only one when I was given it.

Different doctors prefer different tablets. That’s the usual cause of one person being given one type of beta blocker and another a different one. Propranolol was the first one to be discovered and is well known and trusted. It’s less selective in action compared with bisoprolol but acts much the same, slowing the heart, stopping it reacting so much to adrenaline / emotion / stress and so on.

Your doctor would unlikely normally want to give out a beta blocker since ectopic beats are “benign” but in patients who press for treatment, or who are very anxious types, propranolol is likely the safest choice. It’s sometimes prescribed for anxiety, in fact. Some performers take one before going on stage to calm their heart rate a little and help their nerves.

A diagnosis of health anxiety is not likely to be made - just noticed. It’s an unfortunate state to be in since your health is likely to be completely fine but you feelings tell you otherwise. Doctors see many people like this.


Qualipop profile image

Yes yes and yes. I get palpitations; have done for years- totally harmless. I just got used to them. Anxiety makes them far far worse and can actually set them off. You really need to get the amnxiety u nder control. I know - I have it too. Once you get an idea of a health problem it stays in your mind and becomes massive even when there is no problem. Have you tried a talking therapy like CBT ? I find that if my GP explains what's happening then I'm fine, even when he says it's anxiety causing it. Have you tried simple gaviscon instead of omeprazole? Omrprazole makes me feel gurgly and gives that vague feeling of going to be sick but it never happens. I hate it.

Oh and stop googling. Only ever look at BHF or NHS websites. There's a lot of rubbish out there.

AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply to Qualipop

I agree with you, anxiety is definitely a factor for sure.Its hard beause I have tried the CBT stuff but some stuff I find helps and other stuff is relevant I find for me anyways. I'm still waiting on speaking with a therapist through my doctors but that's been while iv been waiting on the list. I think that helps me as well when I speak with the doctor, I see my blood tests and I know they've tested but I just alway doubt it when I have them bad days or feel slight chest ache.

I have tried anything else for my heart burn as I'm a little sceptical to trying something with this propranolol. I gey that feeling where I want to be sick but never am, I put them down to the propranolol and not the omeprazole.

Thanks for your response.

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