hi has anyone any experience of waiting times for holter monitor results I had a 48hr holter monitor and echocardiogram 5 weeks ago this was recommended by the arrythmia clinic at my local hospital I have not seen anyone from the clinic before or after these tests and no results given yet was just wondering if this was the normal waiting times and if something worrying was spotted would I have been notified by now many thanks
holter monitor : hi has anyone any... - Atrial Fibrillati...
holter monitor

Call them and ask. 5 weeks is quite a long time to wait though it wouldn't surprise me if they are not ready the way things are going in places you can ring and ask how much longer you may have to wait.
I’ll have to see if I can find the number I’ve had one letter informing me of the tests but no contact numbers etc I’ve phoned gp surgery and they said no results and to just wait thanks for your teply
Call the hospital and explain to them that you are still waiting and they should be able to put you through to the relevant clinic or better still go and talk to them in person if you can.
Thanks for replying I will call and see if I can get put through
I always used to phone after I had heard nothing within 2 weeks. Nowadays I have let this go to 3 but sometimes things can take a month but a polite enquiry asking for results or how long you may have to wait is good and often gets a result.
Thank you I tried phoning the cardiology department this morning to see if I could maybe speak to someone but it just kept wringing left a message so hopefully someone will get back to me I won’t hold my breath though lol
No. I wouldn't hold my breath either! I would continue to ring as messages often get "lost". Also sometimes no one mans the clinic phone every day or all day so try and ring at different times on different days to try and catch someone there! I have been told by one consultant's secretary that if one of the other secretary's have been away or ill and the others are trying to keep up with her work as much as possible they just do not have the time to check all the machines and all the messages so quite often the messages are deleted. If you have ever stood in the secretary's office and heard the phone ringing all the time I can quite understand that as they are so very busy. I actually got quite friendly with one of the secretaries in the eye clinic at my local hospital and went to her whenever I needed something and she would leave a written message on the desk or send an e mail to the relevant persons and this worked well for me. Unfortunately, this seems to be the reality for these poor overworked people
That’s crazy I’ll make sure to keep ringing a couple of times a week
It seems wise. At some time you are bound to be lucky. I had an outstanding appointment to be arranged at the hearing clinic which was cancelled during first lockdown and tried ringing the two hospitals where the clinics are held for about 2 months - eventually they phoned me but I never got ananswer whenever I phoned them and not able to leave a message either!
Try calling the results line at the GP. If they are not back ask them to chase up.
If it was a private clinic you arranged yourself give them a call or try the consultants secretary for more info.
I am waiting Holter Monitor results from 3 weeks ago so will also have to chase up too.
Good luck.
Thanks for replying I’ve phoned gp and was told no results yet and to wait I’ve no contact number for the clinic so I’ll see if I can get through to the hospital I had the tests done at and see if I can maybe get put through hope you get your results soon also
No news from my experience is good news, although currently depending on the area you live in Holter test results or the assessment reports are taking 6-12 weeks to get back to your GP , sometimes more if no significant incidents were spotted.If you don't hear back from them in 6 weeks , contact the Department and ask if your test has been assessed yet , and request an approximate time you should wait before ringing again , they give you an answer but often it also means that they bump you up the list and they arrive earlier.
You could contact your GP at six weeks too , they may have a preliminary report which hasn't been put online, or if you query the delay you could also ask for them to chase things up.
If you remember the name of the department you can ring hospital reception and ask to be put through from there.
5 weeks is unusually long. I would phone them. I got mine in just under two weeks.
Thanks for replying I tried to call this morning but no answer left a message so I’ll give it another go in a couple of days if I’ve not heard back
Have you looked at your test results online? I can see mine on a programme called patient access that my GP Uses and on the NHS app. If your GP ordered it , he's the one who should chase it up. IT may be that the GP got the results and just didn't let you know.
The ECHO and 24-hr/48 -hr heart monitor need careful examination and reporting. These can't simply be put up in their raw form.
In 14 months I had 3 monitorings done to see how med and then change med are performing. Your specialist is looking for CONTROL of H/Rate and BP.
cheri JOY
I'm in NZ but results go to your medical centre where you can ask for a copy. Unless your specialist asked for it. Then copies to specialist who reports on it to your Dr.
I was told by ECHO company that regardless if I pay privately for the test it still goes to Dr clinic. I thought that was odd but that is the ruling.
24-hr heart monitor is sent to your Specialist who ordered it and they write and report on it to your Dr.
So there are the results to the Specialist - to your clinic - for you to pick up.
Blood Tests go straight to your clinic as Dr orders these.
It is important, and I did it this, that you ask your specialist for a copy and they will post it to you as well.
A scan for cancer review took the surgeon 3 days to refer for a CT Scan. Then he rung me within 10 days to give results but I could read result on our ManageMyHealth and I found these for both under Lab Results.
Still wanting more clarification my surgeon has referred me to our main hospital in Auckland for a Radio Active Iodine Scan. Received last Thursday I am waiting fr my appointment.
Then surgeon wants a face to face.
So check with your clinic and Dr first, then Specialist. My surgeon was away for a week in the 10 day wait.
cheri JOY 75 (NZ)
It's good that you are interested and PROACTIVE with testing results.
Although I know nothing about Holter results, I do know that when I visit my Cardiologist he does the echo and other tests with equipment in his rooms and discusses the findings with me before I leave. He can look up any blood tests on his computer when you are with him. He follows this consultation up with an emailed report to your GP (I have just checked the date of my last Cardio visit 6 months ago (I have a copy of his report) and it was emailed to my GP the same day as my visit. There was nothing urgent or untoward in his findings.
Yes, are you going private.? An ECHO costs $350!
The specialist is interpreting the results then puts it into a report and sends to Dr or another specialist like EP.
The report of monitor takes a while as time is needed to go through the blips in the recording.
Because I had to go to hospital where the monitor was put on, then the hours turned on and returning the. monitor. It took 3 weeks to report on from the hospital to specialist.
cheri JOY
Same here in France. I get the monitor fitted one day by his secretary and go back the next. She removes it and I wait maybe 40 mins in the waiting room . Then I see my cardiologist who discusses the results - all normal for the two I gave had -and I leave with a folder and a print out . No fuss no worrying for weeks. A copy is sent to my GP .
i had a holter a few weeks ago and have heard nothing. Usually if you ring the hospital switchboard they’ll put you through to the department or the consultants secretary. I did that and discovered shed missed putting me down for an appointment!
I had to wait 12 weeks. It seemed unending. Apparently they had a backlog (Worthing, England).
I have had 3 holters in last 6 months, plus an echocardiogram. I had my results on all occasions in 2 weeks… this was North East Derbyshire.. seems like I was lucky. As others have suggested, with this level of a wait I think you are justified in chasing regularly until you get a response. Let’s hope it’s soon. 👍
It’s 3 years since I’ve seen a Cardiologist ! Seems like —just live with it !!
Contact the cardiology department where you had the tests done. The main switchboard can always put you through. I was just sent a letter after each test then eventually saw an EP some time further down the line. Appointments in general seem difficult at the moment. Not just for cardiology. A close friend has been waiting for an appointment with neurology for several weeks now and his appointment is urgent 🙄 Best of luck 👍🏻
I was told at the hospital that the waiting time for 24 hr holter results is now 4 months!! It gets worse...I know of someone who waited 6 months before they got their echocardiogram results - that's the state of the NHS these days.
I was surprised when my husband got his eco cardiogram the same day. I think because his heart function was so low they had to address it straight away .
Hello Deltrot53,
The fact is that for all the hassle that Holters cause the patient, they are no big deal for clinicians. Just routine, unless by some extraordinary quirk they do spot the 'Loch Ness monster'.
In my experience of having half a dozen or so in the past 15 years, ranging from 48 hours to a week, even a senior private consultant will barely give the results a nano second of consideration.
The likelihood is as you surmise that, in the inimitable manner of the NHS, if nothing shows then nothing goes out. However, I concur that you can't count on a negative to prove a negative. So, best check.
However, the standard language for describing even perfectly unremarkable Holter results can be a bit disquieting to the uninitiated - 'left bundle branch block', QRS etc.. So, you will need a white coat to interpret for you in all probability.
Re gaining access to my transthoracic echocardiogram Report from 6 weeks ago, I am confused about where the delays occur.
From my understanding the cardiologist, cardiac physiologist, or sonographer who performs the measurements writes his/her Report within the hour, or not much later. Electronic media mean the Report could be sent to my GP the same day, and it would then be available to my GP in my NHS record online(?).
So in my case, there's Admin at the hospital and Admin at my GP Surgery to consider.
So far I have sent 2 eConsults (2 weeks between) to my Surgery asking about the Report and it's availability to me via the NHS App, but haven't even had acknowledgement of either inquiry.
So I'm now asking myself "how long is a piece of string?"🤔
my husbands about to have his holster for 2nd time on the 15th April . We only found out his results by asking the cardiac nurse a couple of weeks later . They want him to wear one again after his failed cardio version to see if he s dipping in and out of sinus rhythm .