hello all, hope you are all well, I’ve had to come off my blood thinner as I had an accident and have a hematoma in my stomach, I will be off for two weeks but am thinking of going for natural blood thinners and would like you’re opinion. Since being on Edoxoban I’ve been covered in bruises and now have hematoma and the slightest knock and I’m black and blue. I had a head injury from my accident and was told if it had been worse I could have had a bleed on the brain and it’s scared me. I know certain foods and supplements can also thin the blood just as good. What do you think?? .
natural blood thinner V medication - Atrial Fibrillati...
natural blood thinner V medication

Here's a webpage from a trustworthy doctor, Dr Michael Greger, who runs NutritionFacts.org and who researches and educates people how to foster health through nutrition. I've used his work for over a decade in caring for my heart and especially in losing 120 lbs over a decade since my heart attack. His book, How Not to Diet changed/saved my life.

Not recommended . It is difficult to quantify so called natural anticoagaulants . There is a well known case from a couple of years ago of a gentleman who made his own concoction and died from a massive gastric bleed.
When first diagnosed with AF a year or two ago I bought a large bottle of hawthorn capsules as I knew hawthorn to be a very old remedy for strengthening the heart. (After my hole in heart op in the 1960s I used to graze on the leaves and berries of hawthorn- never did me any harm!)
I never took the capsules as I read hawthorn acted as an anticoagulant and I had been prescribed Edoxaban. So I figured it wasn’t safe to take them both together. I chose Edoxaban over hawthorn because that’s where all the science and research is. But if I had to come off anticoagulants I’d most definitely take hawthorn, though I probably risk being burned as a witch for mentioning it!
Hope you soon feel better and your health improves.
Am I missing something?
Presumably you are off you AC's because they pose a risk under the circumstances. Using a natural alternative to achieve the same effect as your AC will presumably just expose you to the same risk stopping you AC is meant to avoid.
You should seek medical advice before proceeding.
Not to be messed with, I would certainly be speaking with my consultant and or GP . Good luck.
I think your statement that certain foods can thin the blood just as well is not backed up by science, moreover the compounds that are in medicines,the obvious one being digitalis,are purified and focussed in pharmaceutical form in a way they aren't in plant or animal form. I would stick to stuff from the pharmacy.
I believe there are just as effective natural substances. The problem is because they are not commercially exploited little research can be financed and hence dosage is difficult to decide on. All supplements incorrectly taken can cause problems.
Regrettably it is another decision for you only that is not black and white and cannot be delegated to a medic.
I was advised to take 'blood thinners' at age 60 on diagnosis but didn't. Now 70 my cardiologist is still not overly concerned and I clear my conscience by keeping active, keeping hydrated, eating clean from food largely from scratch, taking Krill oil and fresh organic garlic daily.
Depending on how my health holds up I may well start taking blood thinners at 75 yo.
Hope something there helps.
Hi, Electricblue, i have afib approx 30-35 years and my chads score zero, so wont be offered anticoagulants until im 65, so in the meantime i take nattokinase and cayenne pepper in the hope that they work , but not enough science to back up, i never thought id say that i wish i was on medication but i wish i was on anticoagulant for the protective quality , its something that needs careful analysis.
I realise everyone is different so no guarantee but my father (aged 83) just spent 10 days in hospital due to a bad chest infection & some bleeding on the ribs. They stopped warfarin on day 1 & gave him vitamin k to reverse the effects of warfarin. They restarted it when he was discharged 10 days later but took a further week to get him back to correct INR.
I'm so sorry - that all sounds pretty awful! Nattokinase might be worth a look?
Nattokinase or Lumbrokinase which is stronger than Natto. I had a Minimaze almost two years ago and so am not on anticoagulants due to occlusion of my LAA. But I take Lumbrokinase which dissolves the fibrin nests in the blood vessels and keeps my blood running smoothly. I can tell a big difference in my circulation. I will probably take this Indefinitely. I don’t find it to be anti coagulant but does make blood flow better.
l really feel for you with your dilemma. I cannot tolerate these new anticoagulants and as a last resort tried Warfarin. I never looked back, so l think you need to get some really good advice from a knowledgeable medic. to stop all this worry. Treating yourself here is not the way to go. You need to be monitored and looked after on this one.