I’ve been prescribed verapamil , has anybody tried these before
hello change of meds again - Atrial Fibrillati...
hello change of meds again

Yes I was changed over to these last year, mainly because I had become intolerant to the alternatives. So far I have tolerated them.
I have had some side effects, constipation and headaches, both of which are common. The headaches have now stopped and I have controlled the constipation with diet.
Hi Prosecco
I’ve been on Verapamil since July last year, after I started experiencing undesirable side-effects from Bisoprolol. I had tried Diltiazem in the past but hadn’t got on with that at all, so was in some trepidation at trying another calcium channel blocker but it’s been fine. As Mrsvemb has said, constipation and headaches have been the main two side-effects. The headaches subsided after a couple of weeks and prunes have sorted the constipation side, so no problem there!
The only thing I would say is that, for me, Verapamil doesn’t control my heart rate as much as Bisoprolol did but then, having read an article recently questioning whether it isn’t preferable to use ccb’s over beta blockers, maybe that’s not such a bad thing, who knows! I’m in persistent AF and uncontrolled, my heart rate shoots up into the 180s. With Verapamil, my daytime resting rate now is in the high 80s and nighttime average is mid- 70. Previously, on beta blockers, both were a good 10bpm lower.
Good luck with it. For me, I’m glad to have made the switch.
Hope that helps, TC
Thankyou , I’m just so worried , I have paramoyxl af , had 2 ablations , and just a bit left which wasn’t ablated , so controlled by flecinide and bisoprolol good for 13 yrs , but now awful side effects , since trying one diltiazem on Wednesday morning, my heart pounded and lots of etopics , still getting those now ? I’m on flec and bisop until doctors have sorted my veperamil out , just hope it works for me as I was fine on flec and bisop just made me feel realy ill after all these yrs , I worry at even feeling the odd palpitation
I do know how you feel. When I was paroxysmal I was on pins all the time, waiting for the next episode. Ironically, since going persistent, life has become easier, as I no longer have the “ will it, won’t it” stress going on. As I said before, Diltiazem really didn’t suit me at all, so I was really quite concerned about trying Verapamil but have been pleasantly surprised that I have got on so well with it. I hope it works out for you, too
I have been on Verapamil since December. The dosage has been changed twice so far because it worked well at first then was less effective. At the moment it has become less effective again and my GP is waiting to hear from cardiology about changing the dosage again.
I eat a lot of vegetables, and have noticed that having spaghetti Bolognese or something similar which doesn't include vegetables means slight constipation.
And I did start to get headaches. Because headaches can be caused by dehydration I have a drink of water regularly throughout the day and the headaches stopped.
Other than that I have had no problems. I hope it is successful for you.
Thankyou I have heard all good things about this , so hopefully it works for me , just want to feel normal again🤪and be able to get on without heart blips blops and feeling so awful , nurse said 3 times aday But don’t know what strength yet
I have just looked at your profile. It seems like you have started to feel worse since you had covid. I had covid last summer. Like you I was very ill with it but didn't seek medical help and haven't felt 100% since, pretty much as you describe.
I have recently been wondering if covid has something to do with it. I have mentioned this to my GP and he told cardiology but they haven't commented.
I am waiting for a cardiologist appointment and I will mention it then. There may be no connection at all, but it's a coincidence that I have gone downhill since.
Can't help because I couldn't get on with either bisoprolol or verapamil or others. Hope you can tolerate them and they do you some good. All the best.
Everyone is different of course, but I couldn't handle Verapamil.
It helped my arrythmia, but it lowered my heart rate so low that I almost fell asleep at my desk (it was before retirement) -- which almost cost me my job. My brain was muddled, I couldn't think clearly and felt like a zombie.
I’ve been on verapamil for over a year now. It has stopped my tachycardia (180+ ) so life is much better. Still get minimal irregularities. No particular side effects these days. I couldn’t tolerate bisopropol even at lowest dose at all. All the best to you. Mary.