Hi all
Not posted for a while, lost account for a while and been busy, both work and play.
Glad to post that all has settled well since my ablation 17th February, albeit was whinging a bit first few weeks, no doubt some will recall haha.
24/7 heart monitor fitted back in August showed no AF activity, but some evidence of ventricular ectopics which may be causing some ongoing symptoms, been advised, next step is that a patient activated recorder be fitted to record my heart rhythm during any further symptoms, yet to be done.
Next appointment is early November, but EP from my last visit in August was more than happy with my symptoms and that I am pretty much meds free.
Apart from a bit of an iffy week late July, I have been fine, and when I do get a a light episode, 1 x 1.25mg bisoprolol seems to sort me our pretty much straight away.
I did not want to post at one stage, as claiming your AF is under control, seems to be a trigger for it to misbehave.
From where I was and where I am at this stage, I am so glad I opted for the Ablation, even if I do in the future require "a touch up" as my EP puts it, more than happy to go that route.
Not sure how long it will last, but really almost back to where I was pre AF (bar two years older, bummer)
Thanks everyone for all the fantastic advise and support back in the dark days of not knowing what to do etc.