Feeling like in a turmoil: Evening... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Feeling like in a turmoil

NewOne2023 profile image
14 Replies

Evening people.

Last few days I've been feeling like sh*t. I'm not sure what is the exact reason and that's what frustrates me even more, since I can't address the culprit so to say.

I haven't experienced (as far as I know) an afib episode since the 5th of December. I'm trying to stay on track with a good diet, losing weight even further, no alcohol or junk drinks and food. And I'm taking my meds regularly (bisprolol and propafenone). Waiting for an ablation date soon and also polysomnography (apnea) test soon.

But I have a mix of bad symptoms throughout the day. From getting dizzy and sometimes fatigued, to feeling anxious, nervous and light headache. It comes in waves. My bp is always around 110-115/65-70 so pretty good and I don't have any problems with long walks, some running or some basketball. But still, last few days I'm all over the place with different mental and physical symptomps. Today I almost feel like I'm in afib, uncomfortable feeling in my chest, dizzy and tired. But my pulse is always normal 50-60bpms. It frustrates me since everything looks good in my progress but obviously something is not right. There is no communication line for me with cardiologist or EP I could write to and ask for advice. I would need to ask for referal and wait for minimum 20 days for a meeting.

Hopefully it's all just in my head, I don't know, think I just needed to vent and tell someone how I feel...

Is it possible that meds are making me feel like this?

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NewOne2023 profile image
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14 Replies
mav7 profile image

Is it possible that meds are making me feel like this? Possible

Excellent BP and HR. Do you have a device like a Kardia or Apple Watch to detect afib ? From reading your past posts, anxiety may be an issue. Not uncommon, do some reading on the subject.

And as you state it would be good to talk with someone to vent. Perhaps a GP or Nurse, even a telecon ? And the 20 day wait for a cardiologist or EP would be worthwhile though it seems you are receiving care with an ablation date and apnea test.

Best to You !

Iamfuzzyduck profile image

Hi NewOne, I think you and I were diagnosed around the same time, I don't know about the meds, I don't take any right now - but I do know that I get very faint at times. I haven't had a full blown afib attack since November but I do have many premature beats that make me tired. I eat right, I have tested caffeine and alcohol and it doesn't seem to make much of a difference if I abstain or not although I have reduced both. If I exercise sometimes I have to reduce the intensity because I feel weird. I would also like to say that when I had afib regular heart rate readings read 70 bpm, but the ekgs read 180 bpm. The flutters were too weak to read on my fit bit...

Do you have an Apple Watch or Kardia to run an EKG with? It may give you more information as to what is going on...

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to Iamfuzzyduck

Well I'm contemplating buying Kardia or Wellue because Kardia is more harder to buy in Europe and Wellue is a bit cheaper with basically same reviews. But on the other hand, I'm a bit hesitant to buy mobile ecg because it would be going down the rabbit hole. I already have Amazfit gts 3 smartwatch and I do check a lot of times my heart values, eapecially night recordings since I suspect I got some form of apnea. Not sure if it would make me just more anxious with constant checking.

Iamfuzzyduck profile image
Iamfuzzyduck in reply to NewOne2023

I understand! I was obsessively checking my premature contractions and sending them off to be read, but then I saw an EP who said it isn't anything to be worried about but I need an ablation....I have now more or less stopped checking!

Bagrat profile image

Hi, I have days as you describe, when a variety of physical symptoms seem to happen. They come and go and change throughout the day. Pulse about 60. Yes they are a worry but as you get used to living with this condition, you find what is 'normal for you', and this reduces your concerns

secondtry profile image

While waiting for your sleep test I would try Breathright nasal strips at night to improve nasal breathing.

When I recall my early days (2013) when first diagnosed and medicated with huge anxiety from all the tests and 'what next' feelings my situation and physical and mental capabilities were all over the place. I wonder now where all that chaos came from, what was the principal culprit??

I would moderate all exercise, I now just walk briskly every day (to train a steady heartbeat, breathing only through the nose) and play walking (some running involved 😂) basketball. If you have had a flu/C-jab, I understand there have been variety of adverse reactions for some, which unhelpfully have been under-reported.

Hope something there helps.

wilsond profile image

I have had lots of days like these top,not sure why though!The BHF nurses are excellent and can be reached by phone to chat to.

Dudtbin profile image

i was going to suggest ringing BHF. I was like that and i went to an urgent care clinic where a nurse sat and talked to me for a long time patiently going through things. Ive been fine since! Something clicked and sorted itself in m head and the anxiety symptoms went.

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to Dudtbin

Unfortunately, it's not available for me since I'm in Croatia.

WildIris profile image

It could well be the beta blockers, especially since you're losing weight and improving your habits. Beta blockers interfere with the whole adrenaline system, and that changes when you get more fit. You also clearly have some anxiety, which puts tiny land mines in the adrenergic system. When I started feeling alternately faint and overanxious as I slowly lost weight, I cut back on the beta blockers, and kept a close eye on my BP and heart rate and did deep breathing and/or exercised when I felt anxious. As I felt better, my anxiety also got better (My doctor approved).

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to WildIris

Yeah, I've been reading more and more online about people complaining about anxiety and dizziness as side-effects from bisprolol. Even though I take the lowest dose 1,25mg. But it's been more then 3 months now of regular use and I need to get to the bottom of this and change something. I can't go through the day like this. And it (chest anxiety) starts to creep up on me every afternoon interfering with my work.

I need to resolve this, try to see with my cardiologist about alternatives or even maybe try and stop bisprolol for a while to see the result. My bp is always good and I really don't know if I'm gaining anything from 1,25mg dose in regards to possible side effects.

Singwell profile image

Your BP is already good so it's possible the Beta Blockers aren't right for you and may be causing the dizziness. You may do better on anti arrhythmic but this is obviously something to discuss with your EP or cardiologist. Others here have mentioned feeling anxious on Bisoprolol, which surprises me because it supresses adrenaline. I've been on Bisoprolol and it didn't have that effect on me, although I hated the way it slowed me down. The other symptoms you're describing do sound like anxiety. Perhaps ask your GP for a referral to someone you can talk with about this?

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to Singwell

In addition to bisprolol I already take anti arrhythmic (propafenone), 2 times a day. I'm only 3 months into my diagnose and all these meds (although possibly needed) are probably messing me up. I also take anxyolitic from time to time. I try to take it maybe once every 2-3 days because I don't need an additional problem getting hooked on diazepams so I only take it when my anxiety is too much interfering with my daily tasks. Yeah, the option would be to ask my GP for a referal for a cardiologist and wait probably few weeks for a free date. But what in the meantime?

There is an option to pull some strings and get at least advice from someone inside the local hospital but I don't want to use that card if it's not a big emergency. I never know when will I need it in the future if you know what I mean.

NewOne2023 profile image

So a short update if anyone is interested. I managed to have a short meet up with a cardiologist (different from my first) and we talked about my current symptoms and overall status. The main takeaway is that she advised me to try stopping bisoprolol and see if side effects subside. She told me since it's only 1,25mg dosage and my blood presure is always good (around 115/70), I shouldn't have whitdrawl problems.

Other than that, she advised me to continue with propafenone (anti arrhythmic) daily and not to be worried about ablation since it is the best step in my treatment for PAF. Also she told me that 5mg of anxyolitic once a day is not a big problem and that I shouldn't be worried about getting hooked, especially since it's a small dosage for my size (235 pounds). I usually take it once every 2-3 days when anxiety is interfering too much with my daily tasks.

Will se how the cutting on bisprolol works.

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