Low heart rate while resting - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Low heart rate while resting

NewOne2023 profile image
68 Replies

Hey guys.

I'm kinda worried about my resting heart rate. If I'm sitting or laying it can go as low as 48bpm, even in sitting. My range is mostly between 48 and 56/57. As soon as I get up my heart rate also jumps quickly and sometimes I get a bit dizzy for few seconds like you would normally get when you get up suddenly. Don't have any other symptomps other than feeling a bit dizzy every second or third time I get up.

I know it could be PoTS (the jump in hr and dizziness), but the low heart rate is kinda bugging me. Also, I don't have any problems with higher intensity stuff like walking 10 floors of steps or some basketball activity.

I have PAF

Taking 1.25mg bisoprolol daily and 3×150mg propafenone daily

Never had issues with my blood pressure, even before AF, it's usually around 115-120 and 65-80 diastolic

2 months ago I was 265pounds, now I'm 240.

I'm active with some walking and basketball but I'm not an athlete level of fitness.

Unfortunately, I can't just contact my cardiologist or EP to ask about this. It's a waitting procedure if I want another meet up.

Any thoughts/experiences If I should be worried about low hr in resting? Or is it just because of bisoprolol even with that low dosage?

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NewOne2023 profile image
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68 Replies
Desanthony profile image

I came off Bisoprolol because of this - at one time my resting heart rate went down to around 40 and although in the hospital A&E they were not concerned about this it made me feel far worse than my AF. A few cardios did try and get me to go back on and I tried other rate control medication but all of them made me feel dreadful so now don't take any just anticoagulant. See if you can get a review of your medication but don't change it without consulting with your cardio or EP. It may be as simple as changing doses or when you take your medication on advice from your consultant helps.

My Dad also experienced this with his diabetes and would get dizzy on standing up quickly so we had to get him to not stand up too fast and eat smaller regular meals so his blood sugar didn't jump around so much - he was in his 80's and looking after my Mum so he probably didn't eat much and often. We tried to spend as much time as possible with them to try and help.

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to Desanthony

Yeah, I'll see if it stays this way for the next few days, I will go to my GP, but I know how it will go. She will forward me to a cardiologist and I will have to wait for a few weeks for the meeting. Personally I would like to try and stop taking bisoprolol for a few days and see if it gets better but I know I should not do that without consulting with cardiologist.

Vonnegut profile image
Vonnegut in reply to NewOne2023

The lowest dose of Bisoprolol brought my heart rate down to the low 40’s so if the dose you are taking is higher cut them in half if possible! Hope things improve before you can get your doc to see sense and realise how different we all are! Have a nice Xmas!

pottypete1 profile image


I have a heart rate of between 40 and 50 when resting and do not take Bisoprolol any longer. Used to take the same dose as you but my EP told me to stop because of this slow rate which with Bisoprolol was going even slower. With my slow rate without Bisoprolol they want me to have a pacemaker but because of allergies I have I am resisting this option and feel fine to be honest most of the time.

I think your rate, considering you are on Bisoprolol is not a lot to worry about, particularly over Christmas. I suggest you do contact your EP after the Christmas break and discuss your concerns.


Goldenre profile image
Goldenre in reply to pottypete1

I had low heart rate, 48 resting. Cardiologist took me off of metoprolol and started digoxin. No more bradycardia. I have PAF.

quanglewangle profile image
quanglewangle in reply to pottypete1

Hello - I am puzzled about the comment re pacemaker and allergies. I have both and see no problem.....

pottypete1 profile image
pottypete1 in reply to quanglewangle

Between 2013 and 2015 I had about 3 ablations. I became allergic to the cardioversion pads and the ecg stickers. I had Urticaria all over my body which came up for 2 days in one place and then again in another place and it went on for months after each ablation procedure. I had patch testing done by the Dermatolgy department and it was established that I am allergic to over 100 chemicals, metals and glues.

I have been tested for all the components of a pacemaker but as I also suffer from pressure Urticaria I don’t want to take any chances

If I were to agree to a pacemaker there is no way back as although the EP said he could take it out again I really want to avoid all that if I can.

For the time being I am fine with Bradicardia, it does not impact on my daily life very much albeit I get breathless if I walk up hills. I am nearly 77 and if I can hang on as long as possible I shall.


quanglewangle profile image
quanglewangle in reply to pottypete1

Hi Pete

I am allergic to most chemicals and foods so I can sympathise ..... no urticaria but my Essential Thrombocythemia medication gives me pruritis that various antihistamines are keeping under control

I started AF 11 years ago and in due course it became permanent. I have had no cardioversions or ablations but following brachycardia faints and blackouts got a pacemaker in 2016 and haven't looked back - now 80 and just keep taking the tablets. and enjoy waking up each day and looking forwrd to the next 20 years.

Good Luck

Buzby62 profile image

It was not a problem for me, mine was less than that until my ablation 17 days ago. I was and still am on 2x1.25mg bisoprolol.

Resting HR
NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to Buzby62

Well in general it's not a problem for me also except the symptom of dizziness when I go from sitting to standing. Usually it happens every second time. For comparison, all the years before my afib diagnose and regular meds, I would experience that like once in 20-30 times of getting suddenly up. But now its quite frequent so that's what got me worried about low bpms.

DiyChas profile image
DiyChas in reply to NewOne2023

If it was me, I would be concerned.I would record it a few times a day.

I would also make an appointment with my GP now.

I can now leave msgs with my cardiologist also.

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to DiyChas

Well consider yourself lucky. It doesn't work that way here (in my country). For me to get to my cardiologist, I need to ask my GP for the medical reference for cardiology and then I need to wait for a free date which usually takes around few weeks. So no one to talk to directly except maybe going to ER but I'm not in a position (no blackouts or falls due to dizziness) to go there.

DiyChas profile image
DiyChas in reply to NewOne2023

I've been there.It's only recently my cardiologist has allowed me to leave msgs.

I am guessing the GP has to decide each time, in your case, to ensure cardiologists are not overloaded. Regardless, you should get to your GP quickly...and firmly request referral to cardiologist.

Better to be safe rather than sorry.

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image
JOY2THEWORLD49 in reply to NewOne2023


Stick up for yourself. Dizziness is not OK for you.

I made a scene about H/R Day - I could/would not drive feeling like that.

So your Dr/Cardiologist need to reassess your meds. Weight loss a big contributor in reducing your meds. Mine was not the bisoprolol (controlling BP) but too much Diltiazem. I proved it.

Its how you feel. Falling is a huge risk.

cheri JOY 74. (NZ)

Confused01 profile image
Confused01 in reply to NewOne2023

Where are you? In England it’s up to 60 weeks to get to see any consultant after seeing a gp, and that’s only if p agrees to refer, which they are blocking a lot currently. A dangerous mix for some I’m sure.

Teresa156 profile image
Teresa156 in reply to NewOne2023

Hi NewOne2023,

Where are you based? I don’t think you are UK as you used the term ER? But are you not already under a cardiologist for the Afib?

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to Teresa156

I'm in Croatia. Yes, I had a meeting with cardiologist 2 months ago and with an EP a week ago. But I don't get to have a form of contact with them. To ask something, I should go to my GP who then reffers me to them and I have to wait usually for a few weeks to ge to them again. Kinda stupid, I should at least have an email connection with their nurses or somebody.

Anyway, yesterday and today I didnt have much dizziness and my resting hr went below 50 only when I went to sleep. And yesterday I lowered my propafenone dosage from 3 to 2 a day, as that was my first instruction. Will see if it makes any difference. If I get into afib I will go back to three tabs a day. So far I'm episode free more than 20 days.

in reply to NewOne2023

NewOne, tell me a secret... Why is your English better than mine, despite I have been translating from English during over 40 years (technical stuff mostly) and have been actively reading this forum for over 10 years...? Have you been studying abroad? Have you been working somewhere abroad?

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to

Lol I really don't think I'm that good at English. Anyway, I would say the cartoons helped when I was a kid. While majority of kids in my part of the country watched Italian cartoon's (due to Italy being really close to the part of Croatia where I live and historic reasons), I watched Cartoon Network. And the rest is history haha.

in reply to NewOne2023

Congratulations! But you must be naturally faired for languages, it seems to me to be impossible to learn the language only from cartoons... I spent a year in 1976. in Pula and on the islands of Brioni, as a soldier. Istria has some first class wines. Promised to myself to go to Pula again, in the Summer, as a civilian, but sadly never did...

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to

Well that makes two of us. I live in Pula and also went in the military here back in 2002. :) But the city could need a better guidance and fresh new people in charge with some proactive intentions. But as you know, our complete region is poised with coruption, bad nationalism and will never learn on their mistakes sadly.

in reply to NewOne2023

Well, then you must know old buildings, which were "soldier barracks", back, in 1976. I was located in Karlo Rojc, which is now changed to be offices or similar. Below Karlo Rojc, there was Ivan Goran Kovačić, where the cantina was. Many, many sweet memories from good old days. As for the corruption, the same in Serbia and all the former republics. Nothing to be done, at least not for now... You will see better days, I presumably not, I am too old...

Bikica1234 profile image
Bikica1234 in reply to NewOne2023


what is your dose of propafen and what else are you taking for heart therapy. I am on bisoprolol 2.5mg for palpitations and it is not helping.

Chinkoflight profile image

Hi, firstly I don't think that HR is so low, mine is typically 40 at rest, I have diagnosed SR Bradycardia with Ectopics. Afib was detected in May this year, following ongoing checks after a stroke. The cardiologist phoned me to discuss these results and went through the pros and cons of medication. He prescribed anticoagulant Edoxaban, then thought out loud (!) about prescribing bisoprolol at low dose and/or PiP. He considered my BP too which was okay but high when I had my stroke but had improved considerably over the 12 months since following weight loss (not dieting) and a strict exercise regime (running) . My BP now is typically 105/60. After discussing (one way I hadn't a clue) he decided not to prescribe for the Afib at all because of the risks of my low HR. Hope this helps. I do get occasional dizzy spells but I put this down mostly to hydration levels. If you can improve exercise levels and fitness and lose weight slowly this is probably the most beneficial thing you can do. I am now overweight having been obese, I am losing weight at around one pound (0.5kg) a month. I run now 4-5 times a week slowly. I started (UK) using the NHS app Couch to 5k. This starts trying to run for a minute with walking rest breaks in between. On my first session I could manage 45 seconds! But having told people what I intended to do I had to stick with it. I was truly amazed that it started to work for me. You progress over 9 weeks, exercising 3 days a week with strict recovery days. At the end you can run for 30 minutes continuously! You're not expected to run 5k by the way as a novice runner at my age of 71! 18 months on I can run 5k in under 36 minutes and still improving. I Parkrun on Saturdays. I know running is not for everyone but as a person who hates running all my life, because I couldn't run, I love it now! Hope this essay helps.

Confused01 profile image
Confused01 in reply to Chinkoflight

A low resting rate is classified often as normal for very fit adults apparently.

Chinkoflight profile image
Chinkoflight in reply to Confused01

Hi Confused01 I agree, that is the current view.

I was checked about 7 years ago but at 64 and cycling regularly it was 'parked' as normal for a fit person. Afib wasn't specifically looked for or found. It's possible that screening now, apart from the current parlous state of the NHS, would be more thorough and will have progressed more. But that is the nature of progress.But my main message was that even now Bradycardia is possibly the least worrying thing to have other than if it's low what might be beneficial meds for countering tachycardia and Afib in my case can't be prescribed.

Sorre1 profile image

I started with paroxysmal AFib around 7 years ago, firstly with short spells of a few hours a couple of times a year. Then I went to our local Walk-in centre with palpitation lasting quite a while.. they did an ECG and I ended up in A&E with a heart rate of 170.

As a result I was prescribed Bisoprolol but was worried as the Cardiologist I had seen the year before said I couldn’t have beta blockers as my resting heart rate was around 50.

Ended up with a loop recorder and eventually was taken off Bisoprolol when it showed the rate dropped to below 40 at night.

I was fitted with a Pacemaker at the start of the first lock down so the lower rates were protected while I took Bisoprolol and Flecainide.

BenHall1 profile image


I'm surprised at your comments on Bisoprolol given you have such a low dose. If I were a betting man ( and I'm not nor am I a Dr. ) and I were playing the blame game I'd say a more possible cause is your Propafenone

Side Effects of Propafenone in some people can be - as below.

Chest pain.

fast, irregular, or slow heartbeat.

lightheadedness, dizziness, or fainting.

shortness of breath.

swelling of the feet or lower legs.

weight gain.

Do suggest you research Propafenone on either NICE or NHS website.

Poor old Bisoprolol, it can be such a tricky number it always seems to get blamed for something or other.

LaceyLady profile image
LaceyLady in reply to BenHall1

Bisoprolol did it to me

opal11uk profile image

When the happened to me my cardiologist recommended a pacemaker which has changed my life for the better, this was because my heart rate was going too low and the risk of passing out etc etc , so I personally feel this should be evaluated by a medic.

Exfat profile image

i’ve found that it’s the medication which affects me and brings my pulse rate down. I will waiting a review myself, but I find that exercising a little bit more vigourously than usual. Helps raise it as well and when feeling exhausted getting up and moving, does a world of good

LaceyLady profile image

I have the same thing. Was on flecainide & Bisoprolol, hospital put me on really high dose Bisoprolol and my BP was nearly through the floor! Idiots put me on something like 7mg. Lowered and lowered it, but still took HR in low 50’s and to 48. Consultant changed me to Dronedarone and it does the same 😤 THEY all say ‘it’s ok’ but ITS NOT for ME!! Dizzy on occasions, this can cause falls! Sick of the stock replies. Now on list for ablation.

Think Dronedarone is causing various problems and want off it.

Tommyboy21 profile image
Tommyboy21 in reply to LaceyLady

I got off dronedarone asap. Could barely walk up the slightest of hill on it.

LaceyLady profile image
LaceyLady in reply to Tommyboy21

I HATE IT, black box med. all my weak spots in pain and I’m thinking it is that. Heading for ablation, not happy with that as things don’t always go my way. I’m annoyed with consultant because he didn’t give me whole picture

Tomred profile image
Tomred in reply to LaceyLady

Hi lacylady did you wean off or just stop dronederone.

LaceyLady profile image
LaceyLady in reply to Tomred

Still on the dratted stuff! Apparently you can’t just stop it. Looks like I’m having an ablation so will hopefully get off it. I’ve SO many aches it’s ridiculous and seem to come on since I started it.

Tommyboy21 profile image
Tommyboy21 in reply to LaceyLady

I only did a 3 day flush out of dronedarone.

LaceyLady profile image
LaceyLady in reply to Tommyboy21

Consultant told me it takes 3 months to come out if the system

Tomred profile image
Tomred in reply to Tommyboy21

H tommy, are you on any other meds for af.

Tommyboy21 profile image
Tommyboy21 in reply to Tomred

Now on 150 mg flec and 60 mg diltziam twice daily. Still doesn't work. Had ablation 2 weeks ago. Fine for first week.

LaceyLady profile image
LaceyLady in reply to Tommyboy21

It can take a little while to settle I think. My consultant said may need 2 zaps

JerrysGirl3 profile image
JerrysGirl3 in reply to LaceyLady

I believe Bisoprolol was pulled several years ago because of a change or something with ingredients. I was on it for years. When it came back on market I couldn't take it anymore and have been off it since. Maybe look at inactive ingredients.

Peacockmumma profile image

my average is 47-51 according to my Fitbit. No one has checked what it is or worried to ask. dr Sanjay Gupta (the York cardiologist on YouTube) is full of useful info and says not to worry about the numbers as long as you feel well..if you don’t then talk to the dr. He doesn’t believe in people being put on statins Willy nilly or BP numbers unless of course they are off the scale..either too high or too low. He’s worth a look..loads of info..very reassuring and speaks in easy to understand language.

Ppiman profile image

My heart rate is similar but I would say that it is a momentary drop in blood pressure that causes such dizziness, not HR. The heart output is somewhat independent of rate and should cope well with standing. I am almost certain it's of no consequence but any new symptom is worth mentioning next time you speak to a doctor.


NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to Ppiman

Yes, it could be because my BP which is practically always below 120/80. And although I was (and still am borderline) obesse before my PAF diagnose, strangley I never had an issue with my BP. It was, as far as I know, always good.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to NewOne2023

Enjoy today - a very special day!!


NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to Ppiman

Thank you! Likewise :)I'm gonna alow myself to eat some Christmass goddies today after 2 months of healthy diet.

Cavalierrubie profile image

It’s the Bisoprolol.

PICCASO profile image

Sorry to hear that same thing happened with me last year Aand E doctors recommended an appointment with cardiology recommended Ablation, waiting list was over 5 months this was February 2023 so I paid which I didn't want to go private as I'm against it but was seen in a week and Ablation was done in July, should have been May but blood was too thick so had to have a whole months INR reading 2. To 3 , what you are experiencing sounds like Syncope, my cardiology stopped me taking Bisoprolol , all ok now pulse still skips a few beats but around 64 most of the time , if you can afford it go private for cardiology diagnosis, good luck

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to PICCASO

Just to be clear, my resting hr is not in 40's all the time. It usually stays in 47-58 level. But I got a bit worried when I saw that sometimes it falls to 40's. Like yesterday morning it was numerous times forty-something. Today it doesnt go below 52-53. And my only symptom is short dizziness when I get up. Like every second or third time.

Jajarunner profile image

Mine's that low without betas. If you have lost a lot of weight they might need to adjust your BBs as you may need less. Merry Christmas 🎄

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to Jajarunner

Well I was 265, now 240 pounds. And my dose is 1.25mg, the lowest one.

Maggimunro profile image

hi there

This exactly why I came of bisoprolol. I felt so much better when I stopped taking it.

Qualipop profile image

That's what bisopralol did to me after my HA. I could barely get out of my chair. I was on the lowest dose.

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to Qualipop

It's not that extreme in my case. Just a bit dizzy when suddenly getting up.

dixiedad profile image

My resting heart rate is usually between mid 50s and mid 40s. Not a problem for me.

Male, 82, U.S.

Richie33 profile image

Merry Christmas from cape cod - I am 78 and walk, jog, bike almost every day and feel great - my resting heart rate is consistently low 40’s - my sleeping at night stays in 30’s - athletic activity pushes rate over 120 - cardiologist tells me everyone is different - congrats on your weight loss


Janey1955 profile image

merry Christmas. My resting heart rate is in the low forties even late thirties when in the night. My son and daughter’s heart rate are both late 30’s. I have afib and cant take any medication because of it. I am on an anti coagulant. Both my cardiologist and ep discharged me but I am out of breath quickly and everyone seems to walk faster than me. I sometimes think a low heart rate and afib are maybe connected


execz1 profile image

You don’t mention how tall or how old you are!! I am not in any way a medical professional, but only a patient like you. Reading the various numbers describing your condition along the medications you are taking tell me you in excellent condition and your resting heart rate is fine but let the doctor look at it

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to execz1

Hi. I mentioned my age numerous times so it got kinda weird always starting my post with it. :)

I'm 40.

6 feet 2 or 188cm

240 pounds or 109kg currently, still dropping due to diet change and no alcohol since diagnosed with PAF 2 months ago.

I'm not a high intensity athlete, but I did amateur boxing, running and cardio in friends gym. But not in disciplined manner, it was infrequent.

kocoach profile image

I have the same low heart rate, resting 50-46 and it really freaked me out so I brought it to the attention of my cardiologist who told me "don't be so concerned about low heart rate", easy for her to say. This was about 2 months ago and hasn't changed and I have asked other's; ER Dr's my primary care Dr. and they say just about the same thing, in fact my old primary care Dr. told me his father in law's heart rate was 50. So with that being said it still bothers me but just learning to live with it. I have every test done and they tell me no problems. GO FIGURE, then why do I feel otherwise? I hope you find the needed answers to help you feel better. One thing when I feel bad is when I start having anxiety attacks which makes me feel light headed which leads me to call the para-medics and after they do the ekg and other tests they tell me I need to calm down and stop stressing so much. Hope this helps. I've had afib for 32 years and I can never get accustomed to it. Good Luck on your journey with afib.

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image


Your Propafanone or Bisoprolol can be lowered by your Dr. Cardiologists are there to introduce new medications beyond beta blockers, ace blockers.

Propafanone is a black box med (I think an anti-arrhythmic drug like flecainide).

My H/R dropped to 60s after a year on Diltiazem (I lost 6 kgs over thatyear). When I saw the Cardiologist 2 weeks ago I nailed him to what I would reduce (because Diltiazem under 125 is not available) he said reduce the bisoprolol to 1.25.

I'm not sure as Diltiazem tied to reducing H/R Day

Bisoprolol tied to reducing BP

You are taking the Prop...... 3 times a day.

It's a matter of rebalancing you.

Dizziness is tied up to too much med and it could be easier attuned to your losing weight.

Toxicity taking Prop.... I see is risky. So get to your Dr immediately or turn up to A&E.

Take care. My heart rate is 47 avge Night and that's OK. On Diltiazem introduction 180mg too high and I dropped 105bpm in 2 hours. 51 I found too low. Settled on 120mg AM and reducing Bisoprolol PM.

Importantly separate them. Diltiazem is my h/R control.

cheri JOY. 74. (NZ)

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to JOY2THEWORLD49

Thanks for extensive reply.

Well additional info about my propafenone dosages.

2 months ago when I got diagnosed, I was put on bisoprolol 1.25mg and given propafenone as pill in pocket in case of new episodes to take two tablets (2×150mg) in one take. But, since I had short episodes of Af during the day, my cardiologist told me to take 2 pills daily (one in the morning, one in the evening). Yet at that time it still wasn't enough. In addition I was struggling with a lot of anxiety and stress due to being diagnosed and probably made my episodes worse and more frequent. In the end I was taking one pill every 6 hours (600mg in total daily which is still below maximum you could take according to instruction in the box). And my episodes stopped for 15 days. Then I was advised to lower the dosage slowly back to two a day. And after being on 2 daily for five days I had 2 short episodes which I strangley managed to stop with vagus manevuer. But out of fear I upped my daily dosage to 3 a day. And now I'm again episode free for the last 20 days. I had a first EP meeting 6 days ago and amongst my probable ablation option in 2-3 months, she told me to stay on the current dosage of one bisprolol 1.25mg and 3 propafenones 150mg daily. But the issue with my dizziness when getting up started to be an issue few days ago.

So you think I should maybe discuss about lowering the propafenone again to two a day?

In all this time I had a turmoil of changes. My anxiety subsided 80% due to finally accepting I have PAF and decision to try and control what I can (diet, no alcohol...etc) and I lost almost 12 kgs in this period.

Visigoth profile image

My average resting heart rate is almost always in the 40s, just occasionally getting up to 50 or over. My EP was not in the least concerned. It’s almost certainly due to my medication but it doesn’t bother me so I personally wouldn’t consider changing it for that particular reason. Occasionally I feel slightly dizzy when standing up but if so, just do it more slowly.

2learn profile image

Hi, have you had a heart scan, mine revealed leaking heart valve was main cause of low heart rate whereas I had always thought it was a sign of being fairly fit. Biso as others say can lower your HR though the amount you take is small.

NewOne2023 profile image
NewOne2023 in reply to 2learn

I had an ultrasound a month ago. Everything is good.

Afibtastic profile image

Mine is mid 40s as well. My cardiologist said it was OK. I take 1.25mg Bisoprolol but when they first put me on it I was on a higher dose. I would feel absolutely horrible. When walking for exercise my heart rate would only go up to 70. Now it is around 100 when walking. Most of my life before meds my resting rate was around 54. I am active but always a bit heavier than I should be. So definitely not an athlete. Talk to doctor but don't be overly concerned.

Teresa156 profile image

I would bet that it is the Bisoprolol that is lowering your HR this much. I take 1.25 mg too and that little pill is very powerful. my HR is actually no different on 1.25 as it was on 2.5mg. However, I also have read that propefonone can also lower heart rate so you may be getting a combination of the two evils.

Have they suggested fleconaide at all as an anti Arrythmic? That might be a better option for you?

Before Bisoprolol, my resting HR was about 68 and it’s now 54.

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