I have a question:
One of the programs available at the HealthUnlocked "my hub" site from the AFA is entitled: "Atrial Fibrillation and You" It lists common causes of Afib:
High blood pressure
Coronary heart disease
Mitral valve disease (caused by rheumatic heart disease, valve problems at birth, or infection)
Congenital heart disease (abnormality of the heart present since birth)
Lung cancer
Pulmonary embolism
Overactive thyroid
Sleep apnoea
Many of us have written that digestive issues that produce trapped gas are clearly the most frequent trigger for our Afib events. The question is:
Why do doctors and the Afib Association refuse to acknowledge that fact and to recognize it as a cause of Afib?
If I had been directed to investigate and treat my digestive problem, (celiac disease), I would have been spared several years of Afib episodes, trips to the ER and needless worry. Instead, I was offered risky medications and ablation. My frequently expressed assertions that my gut was the culprit were categorically ignored.
Is there a logical, medically sound reason for that?