i am 65 yrs old, and have had paroxysmal (intermittent) afib for 3 yrs.
my experiences may be of interest.
the things that trigger my afib are alcohol (even the smallest amount). coffee, tea, chocolate, a lot of cheese , eating a too large meal of anything,
hot baths,staying in bed after i have woken up in a morning, and nuts.
avoiding all the above keeps afib away most of the time, the only thing i cant avoid is extreme annoyance or stress, which sometimes brings it on.
i take levothyroxine 125mg, to correct a thyroid problem which can cause afib, tildiem la 300mg which is supposed to correct afib if it starts but seems to be ineffective (it does say on the packet do not take if you have an irregular heartbeat, but was assured by the hospital consultant it would help), and aspirinto thin my blood.
i get afib maybe once every 6 weeks or so, sometimes it seems for no reason, and it usually lasts a few hours.if it lasts for more than that , i have tried various remedies , and only one works.
type into google "Heart Fibrillation- Water Cure2". this is the website i found it on. ( the link i originally posted
does not work)
this works like magic, and works every time.
a quarter teaspoon of sea salt mixed with 10 ounces of warm water. drink that and then put a smaller amount on your hand and lick it off.
within a minute my afib stops.
this may sound like a "wind up" but believe me it works, for me anyway.
hope this is of use to someone