I'd just like to say how I appreciate this group for your support. It's so nice to be able to have conversations with people who actually understand our conditions.Not just that, the ' off topic " conversations, too, not to mention the humour 😀
An example was last week ,when I mentioned as part of a post about my husbands DBT,and how Apixaban doesn't actually disperse blood clots but stops them getting bigger. I added that I was up against it a bit with my daughter in law needing to find out what her treatment plan will be and prognosis.
I'm glad to say ,after several suggestions as to how to find out,I made several determined phone calls to PALS, various departments etc and eventually traced the source!
Apparently the day after the abrupt and frightening phone call from Consultant A,there was a multi disciplinary team meeting. Their Complex Spinal Surgeon will see her. The secretary read her notes ( no details of course) and said its not marked as imminently urgent and she's being seen on about 6 to 8 weeks. If there are any deterioration, she can ring her directly. I have the number.
So thank you all,I thought you might have wondered.
Hubby is recovering slowly .
House move will be after Xmas, so that's good.
Wreathes, only 10 to go!
May I be the first to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.