I have now waited 6 months for myy second ablation and since this is the time after which my authority say they are obliged to give you a date, I rang to see if i could find anything out.
Well, my consultants secretary is on maternity leave and hasnt been replaced, the lady who is dealing with her work is on annual leave and my consultant is on study leave!!
However, not to be deterred, I spent a week on and off the phone like a demented dervish and eventually my wonderful but overworked arrhythmia nurse managed to find out that i should be receiving a letter giving me a date in june or July so that will be an 8 or 9 month wait altogether.
Anyway, this time I will not be having a T.O.E. as they have stopped doing them routinely for people who have been well anticoagulated on warfarin and have 3 consecutive weeks I.N.R.s over 2.
On the one hand, I am glad because it is one less thing to go through but on the other a little bit nervous.
This is obviously hospital policy so cant do anything about it but would be interested to hear what people think. X