Here is the Holter Report, not reviewed yet by the EP. I have many questions when I see him again. I for certain felt many flutter-like episodes but it is all read as SVT. Does it matter? Or is the management the same? Oddly enough, after stopping all of the medication trials, my episodes have actually lessened. Is it possible that the anti-arrhythmics were making it worse?? Many, many thoughts rolling around in this brain of mine. Thanks for listening!!
SVT/Flutter/Random thoughts - Atrial Fibrillati...
SVT/Flutter/Random thoughts

Flutter and afib are technically SVT although in common medical usage, neither flutter not afib are considered SVT and both flutter and afib are treated differently from SVT. So I guess one question is to ask your ep were those "SVT" episodes noted on the Holter, flutter or not, but don't be surprised if the answer is "maybe"
And yes, ironically, an anti-arrhythmic like Flecainide can also sometimes be pro-arrhythmic. That's why for example, Flecinide is often prescribed with a nodal blocking agent such as a beta or calcium channel blocker to help prevent a dangerously fast flutter.
I will be curious to hear what he has to say. All the episodes that I felt certainly showed on the monitor. I am shocked at how much more of an ectopic burden I had and the amount of SVT episodes! My next anxiety will be over the ablation as the last time they could not induce the rhythm. I definitely pray for it to show itself this time!!
No AF or AFl were recorded, which means that the heart beat was triggered as normal by the sino-atrial node in the right atrium. As I understand it, the arrhythmias you had during the test period arose from misconducting areas in the atrium (i.e. the supra-ventricular area). When there are runs of these, it is called SVT, which you had frequent bouts of. When I get runs of ectopic beats, they feel very much like AF to me as strong and worrying palpitations. I gather that if these are overly symptomatic, bisoprolol or similar can help, or, if needed, an ablation.
Here is the reply from the EP.
"Because we may need to ablate extensively in the left atrium, I would also recommend starting a blood thinner like Eliquis 5 mg by mouth twice daily. You should be on the blood thinner for a month before the ablation. At your earlier ablations, you had some atrial fibrillation during the case, which can be non-specific. I am also suspicious that your atrial tachycardia is from the left side, not right side. To lower the risk of stroke, I would recommend blood thinners before and after the ablation. Your last echocardiogram was 4-5 years ago. Given the amount of SVT on the Holter, I've also ordered an echocardiogram to make sure your heart hasn't been effected by the SVT. I've also started the process to get you scheduled for the ablation. "
I feel really nervous. How much more complicated is the ablation in the left Atrium? With us building an addition on our house, how much risk is there for me having bleeding issues if I injure myself? Oh my.. I feel anxious.
please try not to worry. Yes left sided ablations are more lengthy and difficult but all operations snd procedures carry a little risk, but please remember ablations are carried out so much and so common place now and your EP wouldn’t attempt to perform your ablation if he thought it would do you harm.
Look at Bob he has had loads of procedures and he’s still chirpy!!!
Try not to worry you will be well looked after and please remember to take it easy afterwards. An opportunity to be lazy maybe!!!!
I wish it were that easy to be lazy! We homeschool our three kids and are in the middle of building a house addition together 😒 But we will have to figure it out! Thank you for the assurance, though. I have alot of anxiety around this stuff.