Well some of you asked me to let you know how my ablation went. I was scared. Well I had it yesterday morning. It was worse than I thought it would be. The sedative and the morphine they gave me as an anaesthetic, made me dizzy and shaky and feeling nauseus, which lasted for quite a few hours afterwards. It was very painful at times and they gave me more morphine. I thought they would only be burning my heart a few times, but it went on for ages and they must have burned it at least 30 times.It was traumatic and it wasn’t something I would want to repeat in a hurry. I’ve had high blood pressure since the ablation and the Dr said it was the procedure and the fact that I had to stop my Sotalol for a couple of days, that was causing it. My stomach looks a little swollen today as well. Not sure if its anything to do with the ablation. I keep getting twinges in my chest and my heart misses one or two beats every so often. Some of you have said having a tooth out is worse, but I think I’d rather have all my teeth out, than an ablation.!! I just hope it’s worked and was worth going through with it, although as I lay on the table, I could have gladly jumped off and run away!!Just hope it’s done the trick and cured the Afib, after all this.
ablation done: Well some of you asked... - Atrial Fibrillati...
ablation done

Sorry to hear about your ablation problems. I can assure you that your experience was an unusual one. I've had three ablations, two under sedation and one under a general anaesthetic and I didn't feel a thing with them. Feel so sorry for you that you've gone through so much trauma.
Hope you soon pick up and all will be well.
Jean xx
thanks jeanjeannie. Dr Sandilands at Glenfield Leicester said it had gone well and I did well also. He said he had done over 2,000 ablations, so he must be very good at it. I am tired now. It’s not easy sleeping in hospitals. I just need to relax now and get over it. Just hope I don’t have to have another one.
Hello Sixtychick,
I had my second one 10 days ago, done with sedation like you.
I understand how you feel, I was so nervous before and apprehensive about the proceedure. I also felt pain during the ablations and like you there was a lot. I was awake the whole time and watched the bit of the mapping screen I could see where the consultant mapped the areas needing ablation, which kept my mind off things for at least some of the time.
This was a second ablation, first one done by GA, but I did feel much better much more quickly than the last one.
That time I was nervous and looking back, quite shocked, as it is a lot for your body to take and I think this may be the stage you are at now.
Try to relax, sleep if you want, or read or watch tv. Just take your time to get better and things will settle down. If they don't, your meds can be adjusted to make you feel better as that is the objective of an ablation. there will be ups and downs but I can assure you it will get better.
I had an awful time before my first ablation, meds gave up working, in AFIB for days at a time, weary, sad and depressed. After the 1st one I slowly got better to the point of having maybe none in a week or two to three short episodes, but still there.
After this one, so far I feel much better with only one episode the day after the ablation.
Feet up and relax!
Keep in touch and very best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Thanks. Glad you’re feeling better. I just kept my eyes shut, most of the time!! I think I am at the stage you said at the moment, I’ve just had a few odd beats, but nothing to worry about. Hope it stays that way. I’m not the only one, that felt it, by the looks of it. You’re a few days in front of me. Are your activities back to normal now after 10 days?
I am good thanks, have done a bit of gardening, walking, housework etc. but still tire out easily. I have a rest and read a book each afternoon for an hour or so.
As you will know it is hard to see things that need done and not go off to do them but I am learning.
After the 1st ablation with GA I was really sleepy for 3 weeks so feel much brighter this time and as I said, so far my heart is quiet and being good which is such a blessing for me as I have had Paroxysmal AFIB for 7 years.
Keep in touch😊
I know it won’t help you but I can only agree with Jean. My first procedure was a Cryoablation which was done under sedation and whilst there were times when I felt very cold and periods which were uncomfortable, as soon as I mentioned it the sedation was increased. The second was a Radio Frequency (RF) ablation using heat under a GA so felt nothing although I reacted to the anaesthetic during the early stages of recovery.
The important thing is that it’s all done now so rest and follow the advice in the factsheet below.

thanks flapjack. Just hope it’s done the trick.I have both these fact sheets, They are the most informative of any I’ve read.
Oh how awful.Do rest and take care . Unfortunately these things can be much harder for some people than others.
I have my fingers crossed that it worked for you after such an unpleasant experience, let us know how you get on , hugs , Bee
Thanks. I can usually manage pain. I gave birth without any pain relief. I suppose burning it , is going to hurt. I’ve only had A fib about 10 times, since it first started in 2014, after a nasty coughing virus,caught at my sons wedding, which put me, my brother in law and niece in law, in hospital. They say the less you have it, the better the outcome, so 🤞🤞🤞🤞The Dr said they found another arrhythmia when doing the ablation, so I’m hoping that was the SVT , I’d had for years. The Dr performing it, said he’d done over 2,000 ablations, so he was very experienced.
I’m so sorry you have experienced this, do wish they would offer a GA. I know the recovery initially would be longer but the trauma for some would be less. I’ve had both GA and sedation for radio frequency ablations and would much prefer to be out cold. Guess it’s down to costs and risk that sedation is the preferred method at Glenfield.
Thanks. If you see above reply, I can usually tolerate pain. Not every burn hurt, but quite a few did. You know when he’s going to do it, as he says hold your breath. I did that lots of times,he must have burned a lot of my heart surface. At least I get out of doing housework for a week or so. Hubby can do it.🤣🤣
That sounds a bit grim poor you. I had GA for my RF ablation. Was yours a Radio Frequency or Cryroablation ?I shall keep my fingers crossed that it has worked 🤞🤞🤞🤞. The main thing is you went through with it and it is behind you now . Well done!
please don’t think the next( if you need a next) will necessarily be the same. I list my experiences below to illustrate:
1. RF ablation of pulmonary veins lasting 4 hours. Well sedated and good pain relief and remembered nothing of the procedure.
2. Touch up ablation aborted early in proceedings due to rare complication. Told I was sedated and had painkillers but felt everything even though no burning done. It wasn’t pleasant but didn’t dwell on it as was more worried about my possible impending end 😱!
3.Years later and new EP cryo ablation under GA. Easy peasy and no stress but horrid headache for a week. Wouldn’t have again by choice.
4. Last EP study and RF ablation of complex AF and Tachycardia in wall of atria and near mitral valve.At last minute I was told I would no sedation or pain relief unless absolutely necessary and would need to keep still! This was so drugs didn’t interfere with arrhythmias and heart rate so he could map correctly. I guess. I had to rely totally on meditation and breathing techniques ( never previously put to test) .
Procedure took 4 hours and was totally bearable, uncomfortable but bearable. When he got to a particularly difficult bit he asked the nurse how much sedative etc I had had so far and she said none so he said I could have a ‘goodly ‘amount for the final bit. I felt myself drifting off and then it was over, I should say that I am an absolute coward as anyone who knows me will confirm.
So, if you ever need another just explain how painful the first was and ask them to make sure it isn’t like that again whatever it takes. Make sure you are aware of their intention before signing up for another. X
Wishing all the best for a speedy recovery. X
Thanks. They gave me more morphine, if I needed it. It wasn’t painful all the time, thank goodness and to be fair, he did warn me when it was going to hurt.I don’t know which of the drugs they gave me, made me feel dizzy and peculiar, could have been the sedative or the morphine, haven’t had either before. I kept my eyes shut most of the time. If you’re claustrophobic, I don’t know how you’d manage. They had equipment over me and you felt hemmed in and you couldn’t move. I really need to stop going over and over this don’t I. !!!!
I’m so grateful to you all who had given me reassurance before my ablation and all your replies to my posts. I suffered from anxiety on and off for many years and I like to be in control of situations, obviously I just about managed it. Don’t know how.!!!
I know that feeling of needing to be in control. Anxiety is a real beast isn't it? But now you are over the worst and can recover slowly. Give yourself time for your heart to mend - best wishes.
Thank you. I found hypnotherapy really worked for my anxiety. Without it, I would have found it hard to go through with it.
Sorry you found it traumatic and hope that for you it will have been worth while in the long run.
I did not have Morphine just IV Paracetamol, although I had sedation I was only aware at certain points and cannot recall experiencing any pain. I have had morphine though before and it made me feel terrible! The chest discomfort is to be expected for a few days and should clear soon.
Take it easy now and recover and take you time doing so. Wishing you long lasting NSR.
Thank you. I hope it lasts too.🤞🤞🤞 It would be so good not to have to worry about when my Afib will come back and enjoy our touring caravan outings, without having to look up the nearest A&E depts.( my AFib puts my heart rate up high, as well as my blood pressure and so the Drs told me I need to go to A&E if Afib starts.) Probably was the morphine they used then that made me feel awful. It’s a strong drug, I believe. Nice to have my husband doing all my housework. He’s not doing too badly and he tells me off if I start doing things. 🤣🤣bet he’ll be glad when I start doing it again, maybe I could put it on a bit and get him to keep on doing it a bit longer.!!!🤣🤣🤣
I was lucky that mine wasn’t too awful, though I did feel nausea afterwards. I got fluid retention - gained quite a few pounds, which dropped off over a few days. I had to sleep with my head more raised than usual due to this.
I believe they put quite a lot of saline through during the procedure, especially for the RF parts.
Found out via Google and a US hospital site where they mentioned it.
I’m not sure why you were in so much pain but it could be that morphine does not work for you. I have had to have it twice in my life after different surgeries and it had zero effect on me. The second time, I asked the nurse how long it takes to take effect after I pushed the button to give myself some and she said minutes. When I told her I felt no different she gave me a little more with still no effect and she told me she had only seen 2 patients since she became a nurse that it didn’t work on and that I was #3. They put me on another pain med and relief instantly. Just a thought, especially if it was your first time ever taking morphine.
Thanks. Some of the burns, I didn’t feel. I knew when he was doing it, because I had to hold my breath when he did it. To be fair, he did warn me when it was going to be uncomfortable. Perhaos you’re right about the morphine.
sorry to hear. Least it’s over and done with now. I agree it hurts every time they burn. I had 36 burns according to my notes and I felt every single one
Glad it wasn’t just me that felt the burns then.I’m not sure if it was the sedative that made me feel horrible. If it was the morphine, maybe they didn’t want to give me much more. I think they did give me more of it, when I moaned!!I’m sure I had about the same number of burns as you. The worst now I think is the awful huge bruise I have in my groin. It’s a picture.!!!
Well anyone nervous about having an Ablation and looking here for reassurance will now be terrified. If you are that person, please know that while Sixtychick has my sympathy, this is not the experience most of us have undergone and you shouldn't be put off by reading it. I'd happily have another any time.
Thank you for saying that because I'm that person waiting for my first ablation and dreading it...I need to hear lots of positive experiences please
Sorry, but I was asked by some people to let them know how I got on. Maybe I should have lied then ,!!!!!! Other people have said they got pain, it didn’t put me off having it done. If I had to go through it again, then I would. . Everyones experience is different and some people do have pain. What is the point of not putting both sides of the picture, people aren’t stupid.
I couldn't even guess what most people experience, only what I felt myself and the reports I've been given by the very few people I have spoken to who have had this procedure. If people are made to feel that they cannot report their actual experiences, whether good or bad, then that would be a disservice to us all, I would say.
Do keep letting us know how you go on!
I value true responses of how forum members felt during their ablations. I had two with sedation and really couldn't have faced another, although I didn't feel any great pain. I was so relieved that my third one was with a GA. Think I had a bit of PTS after my second one.
Thanks Jeanjeannie. I have felt a bit down today due to getting more funny beats than I’ve had since I’ve had it done. Just hope it’s done the trick.
I’m feeling a bit down today, as I’m getting more funny beats than I’ve had on the previous days since I had the ablation, my heart misses beats and feels like it’s going to stop. Sometimes it does it a couple of times and sometimes it gies on for a bit longer. Just wondered if you had them and how long did they last.?
I had a really high period of flutter after my third ablation in July 2016. This was before I could leave hospital the next day and I was kept in and put back on Flecainide. Left hospital the following day when my heart went back to normal sinus rhythm, but about 6 weeks later when AF once again returned I had another cardioversion. After that I've never had a really high heart rate again, but am now in constant low rate AF at 60-90bpm. I'm afraid my memory is dreadful these days. I have to read my diaries every so often just to remind myself what happened. I have diaries going back to the 1960's. Back then entries were mainly about who wanted to go out with me at school and what I had for diner. Never went out with any boys at school, far too shy for that.
It would be hard to live with AFib, if it was like I get it. Very fast heartbeat and very high blood pressure and really horrible heart rhythm. I have been told by Doctors, I must go to A&E when I get it. 🤞🤞🤞I don’t get it again. Won’t know unless it happens again.I suppose it will always be in the back of my mind.
Mine used to be like that for years and I'd end up admitted to a ward. Once I came out and then went back in the following day and it was right before Christmas. When you go into constant AF the heart eventually settles at a reasonable level to beat, so mine has settled at 60-90bpm with pills of course. I can tell you it's so much better this way than going into really fast AF, feeling you're going to pass out and becoming hot and sweaty.
Yep, and that's what I've done!