I was diagnosed with AFib in October 2021 and am on an anticoagulant although I also take several medications for Hypertension including Bisoprol 15mg. Fortunately I have not had many AFib episodes although had one in the early hours of this morning.When I am having an AFib episode I find I need to pass a lot of urine which I understand is quite common. I then find that my Blood pressure is very low, perhaps due to dehydration so I try to drink a lot of fluids, and I feel very wobbly and light headed and also shaky and anxious. This usually passes later in the day but is quite unnerving as I feel I might pass out. Does anyone else experience this please and have you had any medical advice on how to overcome it.
After an AFib attack symptoms - Atrial Fibrillati...
After an AFib attack symptoms

All sounds quite normal to me. Drink plenty of water (add a little salt and sugar if you want) or take a dedicated sports drink but no caffeine. . Relax and take it easy.
By the way, bisoprolol is the go to drug to help control heart rate whilst in AF and 15mg is a high dose.
Thanks for your reply. Must admit I absolutely hate the lightheadedness and feeling as if I am going to pass out. I also have Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Fibromyalgia and am used to being in pain and can tolerate it but am really fearful about passing out so when I feel like this I do tend to panic. Knowing it’s normal is reassuring but no-one tells you about these sort of things when you are diagnosed. Also because my BP, although on medication, does tend to be on the high side of normal so low for me is a big drop.
Yes that's very familiar and....having recently been enjoying a period of normal rhythm....the first for 19 years, I realise how much I WAS adapting. Always holding onto something when I stand, getting up carefully out of bed, stopping on walks to catch breath and focus so as not to spin out etc. Always extra careful in heat. All part of life with AF.Incidentally, your dose of bisoprolol is very very high. I could not tolerate even 2.5 my. Made me more dizzy and very breathless.
I'm at the loo every 5 mins if my AF is nightly. Which it has been for last 4 night's.
Hi yes I feel like that many times and have even fallen and dislocated my shoulder, so I make sure when I’m out I always have water on me, and when I feel dizzy I find a wall or bus shelter to sit until I recover. My blood pressure can go very low sometimes even after drinking water. They are talking about changing some of my meds as all 6 that I take lower blood pressure. I take 10mg bisoprolol and my AFib is persistent but I don’t feel it.
Yes I do also get shaky , and low blood pressure at the time of AFIB! All that you mentioned I have also! I have AFIB every 24 hours , lucky me!
Hi there, yes, this is absolutely me!! When I was first diagnosed I was in resus with afib and a racing heart. I kept passing urine l, like full bladder every 10 - 15 mins. I also go lightheaded and feel a bit dizzy. My episodes go on for 30 hours plus but often the heart slows down after the first 10 to 12 hours, often sooner. Once it slows the symptoms are not so troublesome. I am on sotalol 40mg x 3 daily and apixaban. Under the guidance and support of my EP I always sit out the episodes until I revert to NSR. I also feel really anxious when having an episode. I have learned a lot over the last 3 years and with the incredible support from this group understand that 'this too shall pass' and it won't kill me. The only time I would go to A & E is if I feel breathless or have pains in my chest, after all afib is made worse by being hooked up to all sorts of bleeping machines. I am not saying afib is not a serious condition, but I asked a cardiologist in hospital what it was and his reply "A bloody nucience!"