Some years back my AFib had no symptoms and I would just go into it. Now I get a fast heart rate 150 or higher followed by a pounding heart that makes me think I'm going to pass out. Turns out it progressed to RVR . Does any one else have similar symptoms? And if so how do you deal with it?
Starting AFib symptoms: Some years... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Starting AFib symptoms

Unfortunately your story is familiar as AF is a progressive condition and many of us are sure we had AF some time before diagnosis resulting from a more extreme episode. I had to look up Rapid Ventricular Rate, not sure what that is? Do you take any medication? I deal with episodes of fast AF/flutter by sitting on sofa or lying in bed until it stops but I get chest pain and other nasty symptoms which call for a visit to hospital if I try to do anything else so not much choice. Really if you feel as though you are going to pass out you should go to A&E and even more so if you have other symptoms like breathlessness, chest pain, sweating etc.
Yes I take beta blockers, and blood thinner. Been a very stressful and hard time. Especially with it being active. I went to the hospital every time it got that bad. With RVR even at rest my heart rate be 150-180. It's a rare form of AFib.
It's not that rare - I never heard the term 'RVR' previously but the first time I got afib I was 160 plus resting. In July 2017 I spent the best part of 8 days between 130 and 195 resting. The highest rate I had overall recorded was 243bpm but that was whilst running.
Unlike you I was asymptomatic in afib so apart from my garmin hr monitor saying my heart was going fast I did not know. After 8 days I was still largely asymomatic, except I was absolutely shattered. I was eventually cardioverted with a flecainide infusion in my local hospital CCU.
What did I do about it? Initially flecainide and calcium channel blockers daily then eventually an ablation. January 29th this year. No AF since. Not been taking any drugs since may 15th.
I did have a temporary setback when I developed A flutter 9 days after my ablation , and bizarrely I was very asymptomatic with this - I was very breathless, difficulty even walking to kitchen for a brew. A second ablation on right atria sorted that.
I had the ablation as I was fed up with the inconveniece of getting af when i wanted to do something else and the side effects of the drugs.
I wish I had had the AF ablation earlier, I may have missed out on getting atrial flutter and definitely would have missed a crappy 8 or 10 months of my life.
From my short experience af progresses. I think nip it in the bud if possible to do so.
My doctor wrote on some paperwork recently “Atrial Fibrillation with Rapid Ventricular Response” so that’s what I have too. I’ve had multiple arrhythmias over the past couple of years, initially diagnosed with SVT, then MAT then Atrial Flutter and then AFib (with RVR). I’ve been off work since June so I’m not really able to reassure you about dealing with things. This year I’ve had multiple hospitalisations. I had an AFib and AFlutter ablation 3 months ago but had complications and I’m still having daily AFib episodes. They are slower because of the strong cocktail of drugs I’m on but still disturbing. I’m certainly a challenge for doctors but I do have a wonderful team looking after me. My EP is still positive that we’ll get on top of this despite the challenges my body is throwing at him. Hang in there and don’t give up.
Thanks that's good to hear. I'm in the process of finding a strong team myself. I've felt like giving up a few times but people around me are motivation for me not to. Unfortunately I have a very inexperienced doctor and who seems to be at a lost what to do and simply "ask do people die young in your family?". Very discouraging to here from a person you are looking to for help.
I guess that’s part of taking your family history but there is a way questions should be asked and a way they shouldn’t 😉. In between feeling like crap I have good times and I’m trying to lead my life as best I can. Being off work without my usual income doesn’t help with the stress levels but I keep looking at this as a temporary blip and life will get better again. Confidence in your doctor is very important. I’m in Australia and see my EP privately so if I wasn’t happy it would be easy for me to change but I believe he’s one of the best around and a really nice guy too. Take care and keep smiling 😃
I found a series of very useful articles here
Still not completely sure what the difference is between Fast AF and RVR though. Anyway, hope you find the 'good team' soon.
I suppose AF with RVR is the polar opposite of AF with SVR as in slow ventricular response if such terminology exists.
Apparently the atrial rate in AF is 400 - 600 bpm. The AV node blocks transmission to the left ventricle to varying degrees, leading to slow AF at say 45 at one extreme to fast AF at perhaps 250 at the other. And of course all numbers in between.
So my guess is that AF with RVR is synonymous with fast AF.

I think you’re right Oyster. Up until the other day my doctors had only spoken to me about having “fast AF” so when I saw the report saying “AF with rapid ventricular response” I went googling and came to the same conclusion as you.