I am new to taking blood thinners and probably will be on them for life. My question is what is a safe pain relief sold over the counter for occasional use for minor aces and pains? I believe aspirin is not a good choice?
Best OTC pain relief while on Xarelto... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Best OTC pain relief while on Xarelto/ DOACs blood thinners?

I always use paracetamol, which is fine to use with the meds you are on, I also take Xarelto .
Paracetamol? That’s all I take.
Paracetamol for over the counter. Codeine (prescribed) when having bad migraines , broken shoulders .
Paracetamol or co-codamol. You can only get 8mg co-codamol OTC. Higher strength is via prescription.
definitely not aspirin or ibuprofen. I was given dihydrocodeine for one day when I had an mri scan and couldn’t lie on my back, but generally paracetamol is always safe with most pills
I'm on Xarelto as well. The only painkiller I take is Tylenol.
acetaminophen - also known as “Tylenol” is the go to for folks taking anticoagulants. No “NSAID” pain relievers. Term means non steroidal anti inflammatory drug”. Anyway that means you must avoid aspirin and all the aspirin like relatives - like ibuprofen, motrin, excedrin etc. That is because they do cause internal bleeding which is dangerous piled onto effects of your anticoagulant.
In the case of severe joint pain/inflammation a doctor may prescribe steroids.
I miss the old aspirin for joint pain or headache but know not to risk it
Your chemist is the person to ask. He shoudl know what you're taking and can tell you what's safe.