Hi all hope everyone is well. Wish I was. Two days ago I was diagnosed with angina in ACU and prescribed yet more medication. The angina I now have is distinct from AFib type of angina pain which I am familiar with ie: I only experience it when I'm in afib. So A fib free, in NSR i have angina pain quite often now, even when resting or relaxing. Exercise is now a thing of the past. I am devastated....treking the sandunes, beachs and woodlands with my dog in hail, storms, thunder or shine was my salvation.How on earth did this happen? Warning, reply to my own question could be quite thought provoking or it could annoy some people. But still, here is my self appointed opinion as to what I think happened here. I suspect Flecainide triggered worse AFib attack ever which resulted in angina that's is not a fib related angina.
Here's the story 4 week ago (ladies day at Aintree racecourse), was admitted to a+e with a fib that went on for 20 hrs. Cardio doctor on call wanted to prescribe Flecainide. Informed her that several cardiologists had told me that I cannot take Flecainide due to a 50/75% blocked artery. Even told here that my cardiologist aimed to test the actual extent of block before prescribing Flecainide. She was very adamant that she had read my medical reports and said I would do well on Flecainide which I agreed to take, hence I was given one dose while in a+e then sent home when a fib stopped. Took it for future two days then AFib hit with a vengeance I have never before experienced. So back to a+e. I was in A fib for 12 hours ok that's not bad, scary part is heart was so very fast, I was in more or less in PEAK cardio mode for 3 an 1/2 hours. For goodness sake I am 71, and by no means a athlete. Good God surly at that rate my heart was damaged even further. Kept in ACU for 4 days and put on Amiodarone which has kept a fib at bay but now got an additional heart problem namely angina which has changed my life more so than afib.
Hence I truly believe that the cardiologist should be held accountable for the action she took. In my case her decision clearly shows that the risks out weighed the benefits.
I am devastated and quite depressed knowing I should have stood my ground and not taken the Flecainide.
What do you guys think?