I have been on Flecainide for about two years and it controlled my PAF breakthroughs pretty well, reducing episodes to about every couple of months, lasting anywhere from 1 to 5 hours. They lasted one to two days before Flecainide. Now, after a cardio stress test this week, my Cardiologist says the ECG showed a widening of the QRS duration during exercise of 35% which is over the 25% recommended limit. Now he is switching me from flecainide to Solotol and I am worried as I read that it helps prevent episodes but is not as good as returning an Afib episode to Sinus once it starts.
I'm a bit apprehensive and disappointed that the Flecainide, which seemed to be working relatively well, was/is causing this "silent" problem with my heart. I did very well on the treadmill getting my heart up to maximum rate without much breathlessness, etc.
Solotol also has quite a daunting list of possible side effects-some possibly serious and life-threatening. Have others here been on Solotol or transitioned from one to another of these drugs and what was your experience. I'm a bit apprehensive and disappointed that the Flecainide which seemed to be working was/is causing this "silent" problem with my heart. Thanks for any experiences in this area.