Hi - a quick potted history: Aged 65 F First diagnosed with Persistent AF in summer of 2020 (probably had it long before without knowing).
1st planned CV January 2021 - successful stayed in NSR until 1st April 2021 -felt very poorly ended up in Resusc in A&E and after Flecainide drip and Digoxin drip failed I was given another CV - successful. They said I needed to see Consultant at hospital .
Stayed in NSR until started feeling breathless & generally unwell April/May 2022. Was in full blown AF and advised to go to A&E who told me to "live with it". All this time waiting for Consultant appt. Put on Digoxin 125mg (already taking 60m Edoxoban and BP meds together with my Thyroxine).
Eventually after 68 weeks appointment on 5th Sept. 2022. Face to face and got a full 5 minutes! Told no more CVs (no explanation) and would say no more until he saw an new Echocardiogram and results of wearing a HR monitor for 7 days Had to wait until Dec for the Echocardiogram and January this year for the HR monitor. He said I would likely need an ablation.
Last week received letter for telephone follow up. I said I wanted a face to face which I now have next week.
So I am in persistent AF and have been now for almost a year. My symptoms currently are fatigue, breathlessness when climbing stairs, hills, doing the garden, bending. I can do short stints at most things but then need to rest.
I am trying to put together a list of the things I want to ask him and was hoping you lovely knowledgeable people would help me on this. All I know right now is I want to be back in NSR as sadly I think we get used to feeling "rubbish" and I don't want to be like this. I retired a year ago and want to travel and do more than I feel able to do right now. Any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.