I went to see the cardiologist last month to get the results of the heart ultrasound and 24 hour heart monitor that were done in November. When the tests were done I was in NSR but went into persistent AF after that, at the end of November. I told the cardiologist that I was now in persistent AF and he sent me for an ECG to confirm it. I had been expecting him to suggest a cardioversion but was taken aback when he said that as I was in AF all of the time a cardioversion would not work and if it did my heart would almost certainly flip back into AF almost immediately. He said my heart was contracting well and to come back in a year's time and to continue with the medication prescribed by my GP i.e. 1.25 mg Bisoprolol and an anticoagulant.
Apart from getting breathless if I walk uphill or go upstairs I feel fine. I do get tired more easily but it is not too bad. I am happy to stay as I am if that will not do any damage to my heart but worry that at some time in the future I will be told that I should have had a CV but that it is too late now and I have missed my chance!
I thought he would have suggested another ultrasound as to me it seems obvious there has been a change in the way my heart is working. Have you any advice please? E