Afib seemed "cured" with ablation. Then sick sinus syndrome 5 yrs later.
1st pacemaker implanted.For 12 months I pleaded with 4 doctors to check it as site swelled to size of tennis ball.
Surgeon removed it.Surrounded by necrotic tissue, implanted one other side. 3 weeks later (after appearing nicely healed) I woke to find incision open and weeping. 2nd pacemaker removed. Total of 9 days in hospital. Blood tests and cultures 4 times a day showed no infection from either site. No fevers nothing.
I asked for allergy test, surgeon insisted there is no allergy to pacemakers. I cannot eear most jewelry as i break out in blisters.
My options? wireless Pacemaker in heart or nothing.
I opted for nothing as i feared allergic reaction inside heart.
My heart rate fluctuates from 40s to 120 whether sleeping, sitting, walking.
In US it seems there are no reliable metal allergy tests.
Are there any in UK?
the Melita test must arrive in Germany within 48 hours of delivery service will guarantee that from US
any suggestions?