I’ve just tested Positive for Covid this morning, my first time, ahhh….. hoping I don’t fall back into AF. I’ve read others here have gone into AF on getting Covid. I’m on low dose Metoprolol and low dose aspirin. Any precautions I should be doing to prevent AF coming back?. So far my symptoms are limited to sore throat, nose block and warm to feel
Any advice on getting Covid - Atrial Fibrillati...
Any advice on getting Covid

Strongly suggest you speak to your doctor about taking Paxlovid. It can not only lessen your symptoms, shorter your infection, but there is some thought that it can protect against long Covid. Paxlovid must be taken within five days of when you first became symptomatic. There are some medications that you cannot take with Paxlovid, but I think you are ok with aspirin and the beta blocker, Metoprolol. Your doctor and/or pharmacist will confirm. And yes, you are more susceptible to afib with covid, Paxlovid or no Paxlovid, so really take it easy and stay hydrated. On a personal note, I wish I took Paxlovid, but I was on Flecainide at the time which means I couldn't take it. I now have some symptons of long covid. To do it again, I would have stopped the flecainide an took Paxlovid.
I had COVID and was quite ill with it but had no AF or Palpitations. I suffered from Memory Fog which has only just subsided nine months after I was infected.
There is a medication Molnupiravir (generic lagevrio ) that has no drug interactions and is indicated for Covid for those who can't take Paxlovid due to antiarythmics or other drugs. It is a 5 day oral course. Don't know how long it's been available but thought this may be helpful to others in your situation. Hope you get over your long covid symptoms soon..etheral
Hi James.
It's understandable that you are worried about the possibility of developing afib as a complication of Covid. While there have been reports of afib occurring in some people with Covid, it's important to keep in mind that not everyone with Covid develops this complication.
I had it over the New Year and had no afib issues at all.
Hi, I had covid over Christmas and into the new year, for the first time. I was relieved af didn’t kick in at all. I found it very important to stay hydrated and took paracetamol for the headaches from hell. Took me about 2 weeks to start to feel normal, but am glad I finally caught it, as the fear of it was worse. Hope you start to feel better soon. 🤗
Hi OzJames , I am just getting over quite a bad episode of covid . My second time but so much worse than the first . Awful night sweats , fever , shaking etc , combined with headaches and total body aching .
However , 2 weeks on and no AF breakthrough , thank goodness ( on dronedarone and low dose betablocker ) . So think positively as you may be ok x
Double down on improving lifestyle choices 🤔.
We both had covid at Christmas, which made for a great festive season, but all went well with just a bad cough and cold as symptoms, lasting maybe a fortnight. The catarrhal and sinus troubles have never gone away, however, and we think the warmer weather will be needed for that.
In my case, it didn't affect my heart at all. My wife was supposed to be sent an antiviral, but, perhaps owing to its being Christmas, nothing arrived.
I think you'll be fine and over it soon. Do keep a lookout for symptoms such as chest infection and see your GP at the first sign of anything deeper down than the throat; also, any unusual tiredness needs a blood test to check for any effects on the blood cells; finally, any worsening of pre-existing auto-immune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Chron's, UC and similar. It seems to me that covid can cause these to worsen.
thanks Steve glad you managed it ok and hopefully those lingering symptoms disappear soon. The first thing I felt was the tiredness a couple of days ago and yesterday felt I was getting a cold, sore throat, headache. I will look out for chest infection, thanks for the tip
Hopefully it's a thing of the past for you now, James. We've both had a lingering cough and cold again that seems to be a hangover from the covid, but maybe not and it’s just the catarrh coming back. We both feel that since covid we've had far more frequent coughs and colds, all told.
hi Steve
Yes day 9 and we both feel ok, my wife still has a cough and I’m still a bit tired. Still getting positive tests. As I hear from others we could be testing positive for 10-14 days so I guess we mask up if we head out
I tested positive for three days longer than my wife - annoying!
Yes - masks, space and airflow all seem to do the job at protecting others from our germs! My brother believes not and that I am a duped fool, but I’ll stick with the science as I understand it! 🙄
your right and I’ll add common sense to science! , we’re lucky to have a son who works in ED at a major hospital and have heard many stories of the ones that do not mask
It’s useful to have a relative in health care to out a better perspective on covid. Our daughter in a law is a nurse and still lives in fear of it. My brother is a fully signed up member of the Icke supporters’ club.
😆 maybe he needs to chat to one of the front line workers that experienced the height of covid working in a hospital
Oh, I’ve tried that line of argument … but all I get is that they are duped too or too frightened for their jobs to do other than toe the Establishment line. It’s just a type of flu, after all…. Mind you, even I struggle to understand things in the face of Boris Johnson’s covid parties while the rest of us were in fear of our lives.
Strange times!
I had covid very badly 6 weeks ago and like you was very nervous that I might go back into AF. Despite lots of coughing and low oxygen levels it all held up. I wasn't on the NHS vulnerable list, so wasn't entitled to antivirals but have subsequently been added. Get plenty of rest.
I had Covid back in October. It was just like flu for me. Dry little cough for a day, headache for a day, very tired. I was able to stay in bed and was looked after by my husband. I did keep checking my heart with my Kardia, and although a couple of Afib readings appeared, I didn’t feel them and it wasn’t that unusual for me anyway. They lasted no time at all. Strangely, once I had recovered ( was still testing positive after 12 days ), I had a couple of weeks of feeling particularly bright and energetic ! It was like the Covid had triggered a reset button ! I do remember trying to drink plenty of water, following advice from key members of this forum, but I am saying all this so that you don’t automatically assume you are in for a bad spell ! Good luck !
thanks Annie let’s hope I follow in your your path, so far just like flu with sore throat and dosing off a lot today. Unfortunately my wife broke her toe 2 days ago (we still went to see Billy Bragg, moon boot and all!) I’ve isolated upstairs and she downstairs to make it safer for both!
There is certainly the possibility of your wife catching Covid from you I’m afraid. My husband did test positive after two days, and he had only brought me food ( while we masked ourselves ) and he didn’t stay in the room at all. I stayed in the spare room all the time. If you are fully vaccinated, the chances are you will recover in due course - just be patient ☺️
thanks Annie, yes apparently this one is very contagious. Her antigen test was negative this afternoon and we’ve been in separate rooms since Tuesday because of the Fracture so for her sake I hope she misses it
Hi , I had covid for the first time 2 weeks ago and it was my heart that first alerted me to it . I felt tired but no other symptoms then the heart went into tachycardia 105-120 for 36 hours . It settled eventually then I felt rough , so I tested 🤨nothing more after that but I was gutted to get as I’ve just come off all heart meds after an ablation for Afib & AFlutter in November. So far so good & back out there 🤞Hope you stay as well as possible.
thanks PG I’m glad you’ve recovered and stay well. Yes we think we’ve reached a milestone and then bam something like covid hits us. Just another little turn in the road in our journey of life!
Our household came down with Covid days before Christmas. Since others posted they did as well: Is Covid for Christmas the modern version of Santa leaving coal in your stocking? 🤣 None of us had a fever, just other severe cold/flu symptoms; no fun, but no one landed in the hospital either. I watch for fevers because fever seems to make my afib & flutter kick in. If I am ill but don't get a fever then my heart doesn't seem to react, though it's possible my loop recorder would tell a different story.
haha funny…. I had family with covid over Christmas too. So far no fever just a bit sweaty every now and then and flu like symptoms, but might be humidity here in Sydney. My wife has just woken with similar symptoms so will do an antigen test to confirm. Let’s hope it stays like the flu!
I am all for dosing up on vitamins to support the immune system so I go for 1,000 mil of vit C every few hours. Vit D Quercitin and Zinc. For me Quercitin thins my blood so I am careful and especially if any are already on a blood thinner. Be sure to keep blood sugar up mine always falls because i don’t want to eat and I end up passing out. Had Covid twice and both times ended up on the floor for a few minutes.
Thanks for suggestions, hope you didn’t get hurt passing out onto the floor!
I take 1000mg of Vit D daily along with my magnesium anyway and started zinc yesterday. I’m on daily aspirin so will look into quercitin. My normal diet includes lots of fresh fruit but probably a good idea getting in the higher dose of Vit C.
Yes it would be a good idea to take higher dose of Vit C because we use it up through out the day. Rather than take it all at once it is better to take 3 or 4 times a day at smaller douses. The is what the holistic drs say anyway. Hope you feel better soon.
Fortunately, I did not get hurt when passing out. But I learned I must eat something whether i want to or not.
I hope you have a light case of it. I had it last March and honestly it was like having the flu. The worst part of mine was a headache that I could not get rid of. I also wanted to sleep 24 seven. I hope that you feel better very soon.
are you not on an anticoagulant?
It sounds as though you are very fit although I still wish you were on an anticoagulant. From what I understand they have changed their mind about Aspirin to avoid blood clots. Please be careful stay safe.🙏🏻😊
thanks Dawn I did discuss this with Cardio I was aware that clot prevention is far better with anticoagulants and yes I’m generally fit and healthy other than this AF coming back to visit me a couple of times last year and then some ectopics a couple of months ago. I’m very aware of changes to my heart and have been for 30 years since first AF episode. I wear an Apple Watch as a backup so when I exercise I know what my normal HR range is so if I see anything different I can do an ECG. When in AF or even ectopics my HR bounces up 5-10 beats a minute.
The cardiologist looked at my Chad score which was 0 up until recently when my age ticked in at 65 so now am 1 and he told me to switch from Apixiban in January to Aspirin but to continue on Metoprolol till next review end of July
65 seems to be the magic number for many people unfortunately. I am waiting to hopefully come off my metropolol. You may find your heart rate can bounce up, simply by standing up sometimes. This is why my cardiac nurse said to stop checking my numbers. Even healthy people have their numbers fluctuate especially if they exercise. You are smart enough to know that. My problem was I did not know that my new pacemaker can anticipate my heart rate And will show that and not my set heart rate. It scared the heck out of me. I didn’t think I was supposed to go over 80 lol we don’t know what we don’t know but I’m trying to learn. Just as I was getting to understand a fib a bit here I am learning about my pacemaker, which is not your standard one. Oh well, it keeps me out of trouble being busy with learning lol. Best of luck going forward. I hope it only pops up once a year or so for you. Stay safe.
I am getting there. Earlier last week I was doing wonderful then had a bit of a scare Friday and Saturday. Sunday I felt better and the same today. Not 100% but I have a feeling this is just my body adjusting I will know more next week when I see my EP again. I did get a chance to try out the hotline which is 24 seven. It is also comforting to know that the hospital Monitors me 24 seven as well. If needed, they can contact me and I can transmit from my phone. The app is quite amazing as it is the pacemaker I have. I still have much to learn about what is normal or possible without being dangerous. When I called, I had a doctor call me back in about 10 minutes. he questioned me on a few things and told me if it got worse to go to the ER and have an ECG and echo as well as blood pressure done. He said they could call him if I go there. The first thing he questioned was my bp. Interesting because I had trouble with it earlier that week although I was unaware. I had gone to my primary just for a refill of medication. Routinely they check BP and mine was extreme. Normally I run low if anything. So the doctor I spoke with sounded quite good for someone that was only on the phone with me although he also had my records in front of him. My EPis the Director of the arrhythmia area and highly respected. A good doctor is necessary to get great care I think. His medical team is incredible. They have all gotten to know me over the past few months, and I am treated like a princess even in the Cath Lab/OR I am smiling. I don’t think I’ve ever been treated so well as I have medical staff the past two plus yrs lol Be well 🙏🏻