I was sound asleep on my right side when I felt as though my heart was beating strangely it woke me up. I rolled onto my back, felt like I normalized and went sound to sleep. I do wear an Apple Watch and when I woke up this morning felt great so I thought it was a dream. I checked my watch and sure enough I had a notice saying irregular heart beat that could be AFib. I was what? This is a new episode for me. Anyone else have this happen?
I had a weird episode of AF - Atrial Fibrillati...
I had a weird episode of AF

Whenever your device gives you the message "possible AF" or similar, it is very likely that it has been SVT. With this arrhythmia, your HR is increased, it is hard to judge if it is irregular since it is fast, it can last for a few seconds, but it can also be prolonged. If, at the same time, you feel breathless or faint, it is very likely SVT. Hope it helps somewhat...

Thank you, it’s a new one for me. It still is something irregular but that is what our hearts do they are wacky.
Well I don't sleep on my left side at all & only briefly on the right when first getting into bed ie on my back all the time when asleep. I can only explain by saying even the right doesn't feel right since my AF started, so I play safe.
I never had this happen before so its confusing to me and I can’t fall asleep laying on my back I always slept on the left side and learned that might be a problem for us and now the right side too is a problem. Something triggers my nervous system and sometimes I don’t sleep at all. Ugh! usually when Afib hits it last several hours not a few seconds or when changing position.
Sounds like a very sensitive Vagus Nerve. Lots of lifestyle changes to consider but maybe the first would be go to bed on an empty stomach ie eat/drink (apart from water sips) latest 5pm and see if that improves anything.
I’ve had very brief Afib episodes, 5-10 seconds, that go away changing position.
My AF always started in my sleep - I had persistent and now permanent so not applicable any more. I would wake up breathless and feel poorly the next day which meant I went to the GP and yes was in AF.
hi, I had similar events but couldn’t check because I wasn’t wearing an Apple Watch, can you please tell me the model of your Apple Watch cause I’m thinking of getting one like yours?
My watch is about 1.5 years old. All the new watches have the capability of monitoring the heart rate. I find it well worth the cost because even when exercising you can monitor the heart rate. For me in the nicer weather we like to ride our bikes but we have a few areas that I call heart attack hill. I watch my heart rate doesn’t get too high in those circumstances. I would rather walk my bike up those hills.